




Unacceptable, Dangerous Bugs with VPN configuration profiles.
I'm trying to set up a configuration profile on a supervised device for a kid's phone. I want to force a VPN 100% of the time except for local network activity and some specific domains. Or at the very least, have a few apps go outside the tunnel. Apple makes this IMPOSSIBLE even though according to the documentation it should be possible. The IKEv2 vpntype has a key "OnDemandUserOverrideDisabled" which is supposed to prevent a user from toggling off the vpn, which obviously defeats the purpose of having it. However, as other users have posted, this DOES NOT WORK. So anyone can just turn off the vpn and be connected to the internet unprotected. On the "AlwaysOn" vpntype, the element "ApplicationExceptions" which would allow you to list a few applications that can go outside the tunnel DOES NOT WORK. This is critical because so many domains automatically block vpn servers and it's a huge pain. Also local network activity also gets blocked, which makes it impossible to connect to local devices. And there's no split tunneling possible with this vpntype. So basically, it's impossible. I WOULDN'T BE SURPRISED IF APPLE DID THIS INTENTIONALLY TO KEEP KIDS ADDICTED AND IN DANGER SO THEY USE THE PHONE MORE.
Oct ’24
VPN configuration profile ApplicationExceptions key?
Hi! Notice for the VPN of type "Always On", this site indicates a ApplicationExceptions key. But on the configuration manual it's not found. I'm trying to indicate a couple apps that should be able to bypass the always on vpn, but it doesn't seem to work. Any ideas? THanks appears here: not here:
Apr ’24