Whoa whoa whoa, you mean to tell me that MusicKit JS has a .completed playback state and MusicKit itself doesn't?! I'm off to file a FB...
Actually, I did! It turns out that the title is automatically displayed when iOS decides the list row is tall enough. The magic number seems to be a height of 68 in my experience.
@usernameRequired I ended up having to ship a version of this workaround 😅. Thanks again for the response!
Hmm, I'm still seeing the crashing bug I reported as FB1270187
Thanks! I'm hoping this gets resolved in a future beta but I may use an approach like this if I end up needing to ship this layout without a fix 😬
Did you see that ApplicationMusicPlayer support was added in Sonoma?
You got it. Just made FB10590844. Thanks!
I'm not totally sure I follow the bit about being discouraged from using MusicDataRequest in the way I describe above. Isn't the /me/library/albums/[id]?relate=catalog endpoint the supported way to switch between catalog and library IDs, as described in last year's "Cross Reference content with the Apple Music API" talk?
Thanks for looking into it!
Thanks, @JoeKun, for providing this additional context on the macOS situation. As always, I appreciate your dedication to developer relations on the forums. The list of what’s new in MusicKit this year is indeed impressive. I’m still digesting everything, and the “Explore more content with MusicKit” was an excellent showcase of the new functionality. I’m looking forward to more updates on this issue as time goes by, and have marked this post solved.
I don't use this functionality in my app but as someone who cares a lot about the broader state of Music APIs on Apple platforms, it is super cool to see this outcome.
I just tested and confirmed, and have closed FB9917750. Thanks for getting this fixed!
@JoeKun -- didn't think this was worth a whole new thread, but it seems like the editorialNotes property on an Artist also returns nil no matter what. I filed a feedback for that this morning: FB9956039
Joining the party here to say I'd also like to be able to delete songs/albums from a user's library. For dupe purposes, here's the FB I filed in June 2021: FB9195700
Done, thanks! FB9917750
Confirming that I haven't heard any reports of this since iOS 15. Thanks!