




How to coordinate new subscription option with version release
Hello all, I have an app with a yearly subscription on the App Store. I want to add a monthly subscription that includes new services. I'm confused about the order I should do things. Do I create a new Subscription first in App Connect, test it in my app, then release the new version? Or do I need to create the new version but delay the release until I create the new subscription so they both go for review simultaneously? (But then, how do I test?) In what may have been an oversight on my part, my app displays all available subscriptions to the user. So I'm worried if I add the monthly subscription option, it would show up to existing users, but the actual new content wouldn't be there.
Jun ’23
Adding a Subscription: App getting rejected because the subscription doesn't work because they haven't approved the subscription
I know I must be doing something wrong. I have an app that is in the app store. I'm trying to add a subscription to it. The subscription works fine in development & TestFlight. I followed the directions to adding a new subscription--I added the subscription to "Subscriptions" in App Connect and added it to the app version page in App Store Connect. I submitted for review and the app and subscription both went to Waiting for Review. Apple reviewed the app and rejected it because the subscription button wasn't showing up. But the subscription button didn't show up because it wasn't approved yet. Its a chicken and an egg situation. Any idea on how I can fix this?
Jan ’23
Reset the detail view on NavigationSplitView 3-column when a new Sidebar item is selected, but no content item
Is there a way to clear/reset the detail view when the user selects a new item in the sidebar but hasn't yet selected an item from the content panel? Playing around with the WWDC22 demo project "Navigation Cookbook", I noticed that if you select a Category, then a Recipe, the recipe details display as expected. If you then select a new category, though, the original recipe remains in the detail panel until you select a new recipe. I'd like the detail panel to reset to its original state of "Pick a Recipe".
Jun ’22