




tvOS removed from Xcode after any refresh of Xcode
I'm using Xcode 14.2 and installing the tvOS simulator 16.1. After installation I am able to see a preview of the app when developing with SwiftUI. However, if the computer goes to sleep, when it wakes up Xcode will indicate in the preview pane that "tvOS 16.1 Not Installed". In the Xcode settings dialog, under the Platforms list, "tvOS 16.1 Simulator" is shown as installed but another line shows "tvOS 16.1" as not downloaded with the "GET" button available to download it. If I "GET" the "tvOS 16.1", when the download completes Xcode complains that there is already a duplicate installed and the preview pane still shows that "tvOS 16.1 Not Installed". If I first delete the "tvOS 16.1 Simulator" from the platforms list (the one that looks OK) and then download "tvOS 16.1", the installation works and I can see the preview of my app again. Until the next time the computer sleeps. Then I have to repeat the download and installation again. On a side note, waking from sleep seems to take this computer a long time (M2 MacBook Pro 16"). My graphite ****** seat MacBook from 2001 was near instant to wake from sleep (just saying even 20 years ago this was figured out on OS X), but this laptop will show a black screen for 20-30 seconds after opening the lid. Makes me wonder if there are just a host of issues related to sleep now.
Mar ’23
Safe Area unaware of hidden tab bar
Any hints or experience with the safe area and a hidden tab bar on iPhone X would be appreciated!We've been making updates to our app for iPhone X and we've run into one issue we haven't been able to resolve.Our app uses a UITabBarController. On some screens that are hierarchically below the UITabBarController, we hide the tab bar. On these screens, we normally have a bottom action bar of our own making that has a couple of action buttons in it. We hide the tab bar because it's odd to have this action bar above a tab bar both visually and when touching buttons (because it can be easy to mistap and activate a tab when an action button was the target or vice-versa).The problem occurs when we create one of these views. The view is defined via a UIViewController in an xib. If we create constraints from a subview (say, the bottom of a top level table view or the action bar itself) in the xib to the bottom of the safe area of the view controller's main view, the layout at runtime acts as though the tab bar is still visible even though it is hidden. So we have a space at the bottom of the screen that is the height of the bottom home button plus the tab bar height.After looking for solutions that didn't require specific checks for an iPhone X and iOS 11 (because iOS 10 doesn't have the issue), I relented and started trying anything that could work. If I create two constraints, one with a zero constant to the bottom safe area and one that forces the main view downward by the height of the tab bar, and then only make one of them active depending on what device and OS version is being run, it appears to work. Until it doesn't.The first layout of the screen on iPhone X will work, but if we then (for example) show a modal screen and then return to the first screen, the layout will be incorrect again. The bottom of the main view will go off the bottom of the screen.Uhg.
Nov ’17
Xcode 9 beach ball
Xcode 9 is painful to use. I see the spinning beach ball every time I switch tabs, type more than 5 characters, copy and paste, type into a search box... almost any action causes the beach ball to appear for 5-10 seconds. It’s making Xcode 9 nearly impossible to use. This is on a mixed Swift / Objective C code base of a little over 100,000 lines of code.Tomorrow I’ll try to reinstall it, but it seems like this is a common issue.Has anyone fixed the issue locally or are we waiting for Apple to update?
Oct ’17
Testing openURL to cold started app
Is it possible to tell Xcode to run an app as though it was opened from a URL?I have an issue when opening the app from a URL (deep link) when the app is not in device memory and is "cold started". If the app is already in memory, the UI is initialized to a point that allows opening of the URL without issues. In order to correct my code, I was hoping to test opening the app from a deep link after it has been killed from the app switcher. In order to have debugger access during the start up process so that I can see the process in action, I would need to instruct Xcode to start the app as though it was opening from a deep link.Can this be done?
Oct ’15