




Trouble using IOLog from a dext
Trying to use IOLog to print out a message from a dext. When I try to use IOLog, I get , though I did not or thought I did not tag it as private. I have tried to update the info.plist file for the dext according to, but that has not helped, or perhaps I am not defining it correctly since it's a dext. Anyone else had this issue, and how did you fix it?
Issue with IOServiceOpen
I have an app that is used to control features of a device with a driverkit driver. I am having trouble creating a connection a certain device. The Sample code from "Communicating between a DriverKit extension and a client app. The sample code shows: ret = IOServiceGetMatchingServices(kIOMainPortDefault, IOServiceNameMatching(kDextIdentifier), &iterator); I cannot use kDextIdentifier but need to find a service with a certain BSD Name. So in this case I try: ret = IOServiceGetMatchingServices(kIOMainPortDefault, IOBSDNameMatching(kIOMasterPortDefault, NULL, interface), &iterator); In each case the call completes correctly, and we get an iterator. I can also use IOServiceGetMatchingService with IOBSDNameMatching, and that completes correctly as well. However when I attempt IOServiceOpen with the first case, the connection is created correctly. However, I have four of these in the machine, and I need to select the service and subsequently connection for a certain BSD name. When I attempt the IOServiceOpen with the second/third calls, the IOServiceOpen call fails with error 0x2c7 which is unsupported. Is there an entitlement I need to make this work?
Sep ’24