I am exploring Closures and trying to understand how they works. Closure have a special key feature that they can capture the context of the variables/constants from surroundings, once captured we can still use them inside the closure even if the scope in which they are defined does not exist.
I want to understand the lifecycle of captured variable/constant i.e., where are these captured variables stored and when these get created and destroyed.
How is memory managed for captured variables or constants in a closure, depending on whether they are value types or reference types?
I have a Class defined in C++, I want to pass the instance of class from C++ to Swift as a reference type. By default swift maps C++ classes as value types but we can change this behavior by using SWIFT_IMMORTAL_REFERENCE annotation mentioned here. The example mentioned here is of Singelton class but I have a usecase where i require more than one instance.
Cpp Class Skeleton.
class Cpp {
void Print () noexcept;
void SetValue (int pValue) noexcept;
// Method which is Invoked by Swift.
static Cpp& ReturnObj () noexcept;
int vValue;
Definition of Return Obj
Cpp::ReturnObj () noexcept {
static Cpp obj;
return obj;
Swift Co
var obj : Cpp = Cpp.ReturnObj()
withUnsafeBytes(of: &obj) {(pointer : UnsafeRawBufferPointer) in
print (pointer)
print (pointer.baseAddress!)
Address Printed by C++
Address Printed by Swift
So from the above observation copy is passed.
How to do pass by reference then?
I have a Usecase where I want to pass user-defined swift structure instance from Swift to C++ as argument to the C++ Function.
In the documentation it's mentioned that swift exposes these structures to c++.
Swift Structure.
public struct MyStruct {
public init (_ pValue : Int) {
uValue = pValue
public var uValue : Int
I am able to Create Instance in C++ .
CppClass::CreateSwiftStruct ()
Interop::MyStruct my_struct = Interop::MyStruct::init (20);
But when I define a C++ Function which takes Interop::MyStruct as argument then that function doesn't get exposed to swift, so i am not able to call it.
Skeleton For CppClass
class CppClass {
static void PassStruct (Interop::MyStruct pStruct);
static void Test ();
Here PassStruct Method doesn't get exposed to C++ but Test does.
How can I pass Struct Instance in swift to C++ Function as In Param?
I have a struct defined in Swift, i want to pass it's instance pointer from swift to C++. When I am trying to directly return Typed Pointer from Swift Function to C++, the function doesn't get expose to C++.
Code which i have tried.
// Defined Structure
public struct MyStruct {
public init (_ pValue : Int) {
uValue = pValue
public var uValue : Int
var my_struct = MyStruct(20)
// Function which returns Struct Pointer to C++
// When I return typed pointer this function doesn't get exposed to C++
public func PassStructPointer () -> UnsafeMutablePointer<MyStruct> {
withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &my_struct) { pointer in
return pointer
But when I pass UnsafeRawMutablePointer instead of type pointer then the function does get expose to C++
var my_struct = MyStruct(20)
// This get expose to C++.
public func PassStructPointer () -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return withUnsafeMutableBytes(of: &my_struct) { pointer in
return pointer.baseAddress!
Can we not pass typed pointer of the types defined by us?
I have a use case where I want to return reference from Swift Function just like we can do in C++.
This is How we do it in C++:
int & ReturnIntRef () noexcept
static int a = 4;
return a;
Do we have equivalent of this in Swift ?
I am trying to use the swift type UnsafeMutablePointer directly in C++. According to the documentation mentioned, swift expose this type to C++. But I am not able to use it .
GetPointerFromSwift () {
// Calls a swift function to get a pointer.
swift::UnsafeMutablePointer<swit::Int> x = Interop::GetPointer ()
When we pass a input to swift function it is passed as a constant, so does copy gets created or not here?
public func Test (_ pValue : Int) {
print (pValue)
let x : Int = 2
Test (x)
I have a use-case where I want to pass the user defined swift structure instantiated in swift and then pass it to a C++ Function as a Input Param. Is there a way to do that?
When i instantiate a structure defined in swift in C++ and then i pass it to swift function as a IN param, it is passed as a constant value to the function. Here the same structure instance is passed or a copy is created?
I have a usecase, where I have Data instance as Data is Value type copy will be created on assignment. I want to prevent copying for which I was using this Initializer of Data. Will it prevent copying?.
Hi, I was trying to understand how swift manages it memory just wanted to verify my understanding on it.
For Value Types i.e. Struct ARC (Automatic Reference Counting) is not there, Memory is Managed/Confined on the basis of scope of that Variable. And For Struct whenver we do assignment a Copy is been created.
For Classes, Swift Manages Memroy with the help of ARC i.e. whenever I create a instance of class its reference count get increased and when we assign same instance to new variable then it also result in increment of Reference Count. The Memory will get deallocated when all the variables pointing to that object are no longer in use.
I am using withUnsafeMutablePointer to get raw pointer from Data. Once I get a Pointer I follow these steps:
I create a Wrapper using that Pointer.
After that I increase it ARC and pass it as a opaque to C++
When I was on First Step if my thread get suspended and after some time if it resumes then is there a possibility that the Memory will get freed due to ARC.
Adding basic Code Flow depicting what i am doing.
public class DataHolder {
public init () {}
public var data_wrapper : Data?
func InternalReceiveHandler (_ pContent : Data?) -> Void {
var holder : DataHolder = DataHolder.init ()
withUnsafeMutablePointer (to : &pContent) { data_pointer in
holder.data_wrapper = Data.init (noBytesCopy : data_pointer, count : no_of_bytes, deallocator : .none)
return Unmanaged.passRetained (holder).toOpaque ()
Is there a possibility that when I am creating the wrapper my thread get suspended and when it get resumed the Memory the pointer was pointing can be freed by ARC.
I want to get the network-name (domain-name) on my Mac-Machine. Where iin the Settings does this domain name gets configured. I refer to this page which talks about computer name and host name, I could find where my hostname is present (Settings-&gt;General-&gt;Sharing-&gt;local host name) but not anything related to the network-name (local -domain) .
Even try to fetch this info using the linux api to getdomainname, api call succeeded but it returns Nothing.
#include &lt;iostream&gt;
#include &lt;unistd.h&gt;
#include &lt;limits.h&gt;
#include &lt;cstring&gt;
int main() {
char domainname[255];
// Get the domain name
if (getdomainname(domainname, 255) != 0) {
std::cout &lt;&lt; "Error getting domain name" &lt;&lt; std::endl;
return 1;
std::cout &lt;&lt; "Domain name: " &lt;&lt; domainname &lt;&lt; std::endl;
return 0;
Domain name:
I even came across Search-Domains, Does it have anything to do with the network-name (domain name of the machine)?
I have a use-case were I want to use the the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) in IOS-Device, which can be used to connect to a Device instead of using the IP-Address. FQDN will be consisting of the machine-name or host-name (Most common term) and the domain-name of the network i.e network-name (local domain assigned to that device). Which IOS Api can be used Here?