




How to roll a ball by physic in RealityKit
I decided to use a club to kick a ball and let it roll on the turf in RealityKit, but now I can only let it slide but can not roll. I add collision on the turf(static), club (kinematic) and the ball(dynamic), and set some parameters: radius, mass. Using these parameters calculate linear damping, inertia, besides, use time between frames and the club position to calculate speed. Code like these: let radius: Float = 0.025 let mass: Float = 0.04593 // 质量,单位:kg var inertia = 2/5 * mass * pow(radius, 2) let currentPosition = entity.position(relativeTo: nil) let distance = distance(currentPosition, rgfc.lastPosition) let deltaTime = Float(context.deltaTime) let speed = distance / deltaTime let C_d: Float = 0.47 //阻力系数 let linearDamping = 0.5 * 1.2 * pow(speed, 2) * .pi * pow(radius, 2) * C_d //线性阻尼(1.2表示空气密度) entity.components[PhysicsBodyComponent.self]?.massProperties.inertia = SIMD3<Float>(inertia, inertia, inertia) entity.components[PhysicsBodyComponent.self]?.linearDamping = linearDamping // force let acceleration = speed / deltaTime let forceDirection = normalize(currentPosition - rgfc.lastPosition) let forceMultiplier: Float = 1.0 let appliedForce = forceDirection * mass * acceleration * forceMultiplier entityCollidedWith.addForce(appliedForce, at: rgfc.hitPosition, relativeTo: nil) Also I try to applyImpulse but not addForce, like: let linearImpulse = forceDirection * speed * forceMultiplier * mass No matter how I adjust the friction(static, dynamic) and restitution, using addForce or applyImpulse, the ball can only slide. How can I solve this problem?
Nov ’24