in ios it is not same as it in computer
there is text:"ยินดี
in computer is
but in ios it is
the fontsize is 16
I tried every font which is in ios and tried copy simsun in windows to ios and create CTFont
I draw it using UIGraphics drawString
how to save the state of my APP when I open another APP so that It can restore when I re-open it?
my app will use over 10mb memory so if I open another APP(my app will go background) it will closed at all.
when I re-open it it will restart.
but I do not want it I want if I open Page A and then it go background and when I re-open it it still is Page A and do not restart.
I can use CGContextShowText to display character.
and what I should use in CoreText?
I find there is NSAttributedString but there is lack of setShouldAntialias and setAllowsAntialiasing(Bool) in NSAttributedString
I DO NOT want to use Antialiase which means I want to set Antialiase to FALSE when I display characters
I want to create framework for this repo:
but failed.
1.I downloaded this repo and run below:
xcodebuild archive
-project GPUImage.xcodeproj
-scheme GPUImage
-destination "generic/platform=iOS"
-archivePath "archives/GPUImage"
xcodebuild archive
-project GPUImage.xcodeproj
-scheme GPUImage
-destination "generic/platform=iOS Simulator"
-archivePath "archivessimulator/GPUImage"
xcodebuild -create-xcframework
-archive archives/GPUImage.xcarchive -framework GPUImage.framework
-archive archivessimulator/GPUImage.xcarchive -framework GPUImage.framework
-output xcframeworks/GPUImage.xcframework
there is error :cryptexDiskImage' is an unknown content type
and' is an unknown platform identifier