Hello all,
I am trying to build a Flutter app that supports a link the opens the app.
I would like the link to be sent by email, and when clicked I would like to app to open. On android all works fine, but on IOS it doesnt.
I currently have:
A link that does open the app but doesnt navigate to the correct screnn - it just shows the last screen that app was on.
I have tried following the tutorial on https://docs.flutter.dev/cookbook/navigation/set-up-universal-links to the letter but still doesnt work
I am using:
Flutter 3.22.3
Go Router 14.2.7
Thanks in advance
Hello all,
I am building a simple Flutter app, and I want to support entering the app through an email.
I have used flutter deep links on android and all works well, but for some reason on IOS it doesnt.
What I have achieved:
When clicking the link I do get navigated into the app, but I get navigated to whatever the last screen was, regardless of the path in the URL. Furthermore, the logical code inside the app doesnt seem to run either - no logs are printed etc.
I have even tried following the flutter tutorial at https://docs.flutter.dev/cookbook/navigation/set-up-universal-links
to the letter, and it doesnt work
I am using:
Flutter 3.22.3
Go Router 14.2.7
Thanks in advance