Since iOS 18.3, icons are no longer generated correctly with QLThumbnailGenerator.
No error is returned either.
But this error message now appears in the console:
Error returned from iconservicesagent image request: <ISTypeIcon: 0x3010f91a0>,Type: com.adobe.pdf - <ISImageDescriptor: 0x302f188c0> - (36.00, 36.00)@3x v:1 l:5 a:0:0:0:0 t:() b:0 s:2 ps:0 digest: B19540FD-0449-3E89-AC50-38F92F9760FE error: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-609 "Client is disallowed from making such an icon request" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Client is disallowed from making such an icon request}
Does anyone know this error? Is there a workaround?
Are there new permissions to consider?
Here is the code how icons are generated:
let request = QLThumbnailGenerator.Request(fileAt: url, size: size, scale: scale, representationTypes: self.thumbnailType)
request.iconMode = true
let generator = QLThumbnailGenerator.shared
generator.generateRepresentations(for: request) { [weak self] thumbnail, _, error in
Some of my customer get the following CloudKit error (I cannot reproduce is myself).
Failed to modify some records (CKErrorDomain:2)
userInfo: CKErrorDescription:Failed to modify some records CKPartialErrors:{
"<CKRecordID: ooo; recordName=ooo, zoneID=ooo:__defaultOwner__>"
= "<CKError 0x600003809ce0: \"Limit Exceeded\" (27/2023); server message = \"AssetUploadTokenRetrieveRequest request size exceeds limit\";
op = ooo; uuid = ooo; container ID = \"ooo\">"
This is a CKError.limitExeeded error.
I create 200 or less records in a batch operation. So I am below the 400 limit.
Searching the Internet for "AssetUploadTokenRetrieveRequest request size exceeds limit": 0 results
Can anyone give me a hint?