




Inquiry about WebRTC camera access when using Chrome browser and WKWebView API on iPadOS
We are Java application developers and we have a question regarding camera access via WebRTC on iPadOS. Specifically, on iPadOS 17.1, we are encountering an issue when trying to access the camera via the WKWebView API in the Chrome browser, where an error occurs and the camera capture fails. Our investigation suggests that device access through the navigator.mediaDevices property via the WKWebView API may not work in Chrome. However, it works as expected in the Safari browser, leading us to wonder if this is a Chrome-specific limitation, or if it's due to an iPadOS setting or specification. At this point, we are unsure if this issue is related to the WKWebView and WebRTC specifications on iPadOS 17.1, or if there are specific limitations in Chrome. We would appreciate any insights or solutions regarding camera access in iPadOS 17.1 with WKWebView and WebRTC, especially in relation to Chrome.
Dec ’24
Inquiry about WebRTC camera access when using Chrome browser and WKWebView API on iPadOS
We are Java application developers and we have a question regarding camera access via WebRTC on iPadOS. Specifically, on iPadOS 17.1, we are encountering an issue when trying to access the camera via the WKWebView API in the Chrome browser, where an error occurs and the camera capture fails. Our investigation suggests that device access through the navigator.mediaDevices property via the WKWebView API may not work in Chrome. However, it works as expected in the Safari browser, leading us to wonder if this is a Chrome-specific limitation, or if it's due to an iPadOS setting or specification. At this point, we are unsure if this issue is related to the WKWebView and WebRTC specifications on iPadOS 17.1, or if there are specific limitations in Chrome. We would appreciate any insights or solutions regarding camera access in iPadOS 17.1 with WKWebView and WebRTC, especially in relation to Chrome.
Dec ’24
iPadOSにおけるChromeブラウザとWKWebView API利用時のWebRTCカメラアクセスに関する問い合わせ
私たちはJavaアプリケーション開発者で、iPadOS上でのWebRTCによるカメラアクセスに関して、iPadOS 17.1での挙動について質問がございます。 具体的には、iPadOS 17.1でChromeブラウザを利用し、WKWebView API経由でカメラにアクセスしようとした際、エラーが発生し、カメラ撮影が実行できない現象が発生しております。弊社の調査では、WKWebView APIのnavigator.mediaDevicesプロパティを通じたデバイスアクセスが、Chromeで動作しない可能性が示唆されました。しかし、Safariブラウザでは正常に動作するため、Chromeに固有の制限があるのか、またはiPadOSの設定や仕様に起因するのか判断しかねております。 現在、iPadOS 17.1でのカメラアクセスに関するWKWebViewとWebRTCの仕様やChromeでの制約について、ご見解や解決策についてご教示いただけますと幸いです。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。
Nov ’24