




NSTextList support in macOS 14
This WWDC video ( shows using NSTextList in TextKit 2 on both iOS and macOS to create bulleted lists in UITextView and NSTextView, respectively. The sample code still works on iOS, but doesn't work on macOS Here's a screenshot from the wwdc talk: Here's the same sample code running on macOS 14.3: Anyone know how to make NSTextList work on macOS 14? Is this a regression, did something change with the api, or has the functionality been removed?
Feb ’24
Presenter overlay causes AVAssetWriter failure
I work on a screen recorder app and having issues with the new presenter overlay mode on macOS 14. Switching to the "Small" overlay is fine, but switching to the "Large" overlay mode causes our AVAssetWriter to fail every time with the following error: Error Domain=AVFoundationErrorDomain Code=-11800 "The operation could not be completed" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=An unknown error occurred (-16364), NSLocalizedDescription=The operation could not be completed, NSUnderlyingError=0x6000028729a0 {Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-16364 "(null)"}} which doesn't provide any helpful information. I'm not sure if we're doing something wrong, but I've tried to reduce our code as much as possible and still get the crash. I'm not sure if anyone has any clues or is experiencing the same thing? Alternatively, is there a way to disable presenter overlay until it's fixed? Our app displays a camera and uses ScreenCaptureKit to record the screen along with the camera, which automatically enables presenter overlay options. I can't find any way to opt-out or turn off the presenter overlay options which is a bummer. That seems like it should be controllable from either the AVCaptureSession or SCStreamConfiguration
Oct ’23