




SwiftUI navigationDestination will make child view's stateObject init multi times with sheet modifier.
Below is my sample code. On the Home page, when I click "show sheet," the sheet page expands, and the StateObject inside the sheet is initialized once. However, when I click "show Fullscreen" and then click "show sheet" inside the fullscreen page, the sheet gets initialized twice. However, if I remove navigationDestination, this issue does not occur. This problem causes the network request in the sheet page to be triggered multiple times. Can someone tell me the reason? enum TestRouter: String, Hashable { case test var targetView: some View { Text("test") } var title: String { return "test title" } } @MainActor struct NavigationInnerView<Content>: View where Content: View { var contentView: () -> Content @MainActor public init(@ViewBuilder contentView: @escaping () -> Content) { self.contentView = contentView } var body: some View { NavigationStack() { contentView() .navigationDestination(for: TestRouter.self) { route in route.targetView } } .navigationViewStyle(StackNavigationViewStyle()) } } struct ContentView: View { @State var showFullScreen: Bool = false @State var showSheet: Bool = false var contentView: some View { VStack { VStack { Text("Home") Button { showFullScreen = true } label: { Text("show fullscreen") } Button { showSheet = true } label: { Text("show sheet ") } } } } var body: some View { NavigationInnerView { contentView .fullScreenCover(isPresented: $showFullScreen) { NavigationInnerView { FullScreenContentView() } } .sheet(isPresented: $showSheet) { NavigationInnerView { SheetContentView() } } } } } class FullScreenViewModel: ObservableObject { @Published var content: Bool = false init() { print("Full Screen ViewModel init") } } struct FullScreenContentView: View { @Environment(\.dismiss) var dismiss @State var showSheet: Bool = false @StateObject var viewModel: FullScreenViewModel = .init() init() { print("Full screen view init") } var body: some View { VStack { Text("FullScreen") Button { dismiss() }label: { Text("dismiss") } Button { showSheet = true } label: { Text("show sheet") } } .sheet(isPresented: $showSheet) { NavigationInnerView { SheetContentView() } } } } class SheetViewModel: ObservableObject { @Published var content: Bool = false init() { print("SheetViewModel init") } } struct SheetContentView: View { @Environment(\.dismiss) var dismiss @StateObject var viewModel = SheetViewModel() init() { print("sheet view init") } var body: some View { Text("Sheet") Button { dismiss() } label: { Text("dismiss") } } } #Preview { ContentView() }
Can I edit NSTextLineFragment position or update manually in TextKit2
In my app, User can select word in the UITextView, then I want to insert a content under the selected words(the comment words shouldn't be selected).like: I found TextKit2 only support edit NSTextParagraph position, or I missed some features in NSTextLayoutManager? I try to override the NSTextLayoutFragment and update the draw(at point: CGPoint, in context: CGContext) but I found, user still can select the origin content at the origin position, even if the layer of linefragment layer on the corrent position not the origin position.
Jan ’25
How to extend my exist Toggle with intents
I create a toggle component based on Toggle public struct Checkbox: View { ... public init(...) { ... } public var body: some View { return HStack(spacing: 8) { ZStack { Toggle("", isOn: $isPrivateOn) ... } ... } } } how can I create a init method to support init with AppIntent like: // Available when SwiftUI is imported with AppIntents @available(iOS 17.0, macOS 14.0, tvOS 17.0, watchOS 10.0, *) extension Toggle { /// Creates a toggle performing an `AppIntent`. /// /// - Parameters: /// - isOn: Whether the toggle is on or off. /// - intent: The `AppIntent` to be performed. /// - label: A view that describes the purpose of the toggle. public init<I>(isOn: Bool, intent: I, @ViewBuilder label: () -> Label) where I : AppIntent }
Jul ’24