I use ARKit to build an app, scan rooms to collect the spatial data of objects and re-construct the 3D scene.
the problem is I found the depth map values captured in ARFrame significantly deviate from the real distances, even nonlinearly, for the distances below 1.5m, values are basically correct, but beyond 1.5m, they are smaller than real values. for example read 1.9m from the generated depthmap.tiff, but real distance is 3 meters.
below is my code of generating tiff file to record depth map data:
Generated TIFF file (captured from ARKit):
as shown above, the maximum distance is around 1.9m, but real distance to that wall is more than 3 meters, and also you can see, the depth map picture captured in ARKit is quite blurry, particularly at far distance (> 2.0m), almost smeared out.
Generated TIFF file (captured from AVFoundation):
In comparison, the depth map captured from traditional AVFoundation and with the same hardware device is much clear, the values seem not in meter unit though.