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For a few years, we have been running a consultation group with our Students for feedback on our Universtity's Student App. Over the past 18 months one of the most requested functions is their Student ID being surfaced in the Apple Wallet. I know this is available at some US institutions, but I can find nothing about this functionality being available in the UK. Has anyone got any info on this? Many Thanks Karl
by Karl-CU.
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Hi :-) I´m looking for some help and advice for my little project. Basically I have a Tabview with 3 Tabs. One of them is a View for Favorites. I managed the selection and the saving of the favorites. However, the View for the Favorites is not updating while the app is running. Just when the app is closed and restarted the View of Favorites gets updated. The Array of Favorites is marked with @Published, the variable in the Favorites-View is marked as @ObservedObject. I searched a lot and can't find my mistake. „Expression“ is a Struct with about 10 properties. Class for the Favorites: class Favorites: ObservableObject { @Published var favoriteExpressions: [Expression] = [] { didSet { print("Favorites changed") } } private let saveKey = "FavoriteExpressions" let defaults = UserDefaults.standard init() { if let data = saveKey) { let decoder = JSONDecoder() if let decoderSet = try? decoder.decode([Expression].self, from: data) { favoriteExpressions = decoderSet } } } func contains() -> Bool { } func add() { } func remove() { } func save() { defaults.set(try? PropertyListEncoder().encode(favoriteExpressions), forKey: saveKey) let encoder = JSONEncoder() if let encodedSet = try? encoder.encode(favoriteExpressions) { defaults.set(encodedSet, forKey: saveKey) } } View for the Favorites struct View_Favoriten: View { @ObservedObject var favoriten = Favorites() var body: some View { ZStack { LinearGradient() ScrollView { LazyVGrid(columns: columns, alignment: .center, spacing: 10) { ForEach(favoriten.favoriteExpressions.sorted(), id: \.self ) { expression in VStack{ code for displaying data } .environmentObject(favoriten) } } .padding(20) } } .navigationBarHidden(false) } .accentColor(.accentColor) } The TabView: struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { TabView { View_Thema(expressions: Data) .tabItem { Image() } View_Favoriten() .tabItem { Image() } .environmentObject(Favorites()) Info_View() .tabItem { Image() } } .environmentObject(Favorites()) } } You may observe that I’m saving the entire Expressions, instead of a key value. Previously i used to do that, but I suspected the calculated property (for getting the Structs related to the key value) maybe prohibiting the update of the View, therefore I’ve saved the entire Struct of Expression in an Array. Thank you in advance! Cheers, Saxa
by Saxa.
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I want to use SwiftUI on me journal or I want to know what kind of extra fee will be charged.
by Weichung.
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Hi,Has anyone successfully done a merchant validation via java servlet using the merchant identity cert and private key?If so, please share your code.I have been googling this topic for hours and it doesn't seem like anyone has done this or can explain how to odo it.thanks
by flyguyzz.
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