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Posts under wwdc21-10294 tag

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7 Replies
The MusicKit video states that you just enable "MusicKit" in your application identifier and "you're done!" Ok, so I did that, and I'm seeing the following error when trying to run a song query: [DataRequesting] Failed retrieving MusicKit tokens: Error Domain=ICErrorDomain Code=-8200 "Media API Token Service's response was invalid (status code: Unauthorized (401))." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=Media API Token Service's response was invalid (status code: Unauthorized (401))., NSUnderlyingError=0x6000023a0c60 {Error Domain=AMSErrorDomain Code=301 "Invalid Status Code" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Invalid Status Code, AMSURL=, AMSStatusCode=401, AMSServerPayload={ status = verificationFailure; }, NSLocalizedFailureReason=The response has an invalid status code}}}. Throwing .developerTokenRequestFailed. Is this just broken on Apple's side? Is there some other magic string that needs to be added to the plist other than NSAppleMusicUsageDescription?
by xinsight.
Last updated
Post not yet marked as solved
2 Replies
Hello, I'm using systemMusicPlayer to play Apple Music Live Radio Station got from Apple Music API. But it doesn't work. How can I do that? Error: Test[46751:13235249] [SDKPlayback] Failed to prepareToPlay error: Error Domain=MPMusicPlayerControllerErrorDomain Code=6 "Failed to prepare to play" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=Failed to prepare to play} My implementation:    let musicPlayerController = MPMusicPlayerController.systemMusicPlayer musicPlayerController.beginGeneratingPlaybackNotifications()      musicPlayerController.setQueue(with: "ra.978194965") API response: { “id”: “ra.978194965”, “type”: “stations”, “href”: “/v1/catalog/us/stations/ra.978194965”, “attributes”: { “artwork”: { “width”: 4320, “url”: “{w}x{h}sr.jpeg”, “height”: 1080, “textColor3”: “332628”, “textColor2”: “120509”, “textColor4”: “33272a”, “textColor1”: “000000”, “bgColor”: “f4f4f4”, “hasP3”: false }, “url”: “”, “mediaKind”: “audio”, “supportedDrms”: [ “fairplay”, “playready”, “widevine” ], “requiresSubscription”: false, “name”: “Apple Music 1”, “kind”: “streaming”, “radioUrl”: “itsradio://”, “playParams”: { “id”: “ra.978194965”, “kind”: “radioStation”, “format”: “stream”, “stationHash”: “CgkIBRoFlaS40gMQBA”, “mediaType”: 0 }, “editorialNotes”: { “name”: “Apple Music 1”, “short”: “The new music that matters.”, “tagline”: “The new music that matters.” }, “isLive”: true } },``` Thank you! Best regards, MichaelNg
by MichaelCS.
Last updated