SiriKit recognize some keyword as send payment intent, but similar words are not recognize as send payment intent.


I am developing and app for send payment but there is conflicting results from the phrase that user will use in Thai.

I am trying to execute payment intent that takes in receiver parameters that can be biller name or nickname.

But when I try with "topup" keyword in Thai follow by receiver parameters, some goes to payment intent, some just search safari.

What is the logic behind so I can be sure of the expected results.


topup true:เติมเงินทรู (It detect as payment intent, and send blank paramaters)

topup ais: เติมเงิน AIS ( It doesn't work and just search safari)

How can we handle this case, to make this phrases work or to disable them.


Please file a bug report with the specific phrases that are not routing to the domain, or providing you the expected parameters. Including a sysdiagnosewith the Siri profile installed would also be helpful.