iOS app considered uses app catalyst and transfer is declined

we are currently in app transfer process, the process was declined twice, at first attempt apple support team claimed that we are using app catalyst in our app knowing that all of our submitted builds were generated using Xcode 10.3 and in project setting/Deployment Info target is set to iPhone only, we've sent them screenshots proving that, after that they also said that there is an unfinished paid apps agreement on both sides, which we finished, and after that they told us to reinitiate the transfer process, 4 days after the second transfer attempt the status of the second transfer also changed to declined, and they sent the following email, this app transfer has been cancelled. While the app is designed for iPhone, we confirmed the app uses Mac Catalyst and therefore isn't eligible for an app our app builds were generated using Xcode 10.3 and deployment info target set to iPhone only why are we facing this ?
any one faced this issue before ?
how can we solve this issue ? knowing that we must complete the app transfer as we have an urgent build to release.


We're currently facing the same problems.

Have you already solved this issue?


We are encountering the exact same issue. Our transfer got stuck in "transfer mode" for nearly 2 weeks, and the response was we are using "Mac Catalyst" as well. We are iPhone only app, and the "Mac Catalyst" was off in the app-id configuration ...

Want to know if you guys solved this issue as well.

I had a couple of tickets with Apple, and some calls. Ynfortunately they all told me the same: the only way to fix this is to remove the app from the store and upload it again with the new account. This means losing everything, including downloads and reviews... Absurd.

We been with apple for a month now. And they keep on saying we have mac catalyst active, which we keep on saying, we never touched that stuff. And we asked how they identify we are using mac catalyst, they give zero details.

What I noticed while the app was in transfer mode, the profile that got transfered (halfway) did have Mac Catalyst on (pretty much everything was on), (totally different from the original app). So I been telling them, something must not translated the transfered app correctly... but on the good side, they still answer my emails once in a couple of days.

Yes, I do agree, it is absurd ... seriously hope apple treat app developers like how they treat their products. I had a broken Macbook Pro, and they fixed it in 3 days ... while my app transfer said, it will completely in three hours ... and now ... 30 days ... still bouncing emails with apple developer support

Our app still hasn't transferred, any change on this?

iOS app considered uses app catalyst and transfer is declined