App name in Shortcuts app

My app changed name form Galileo Offline Maps to Guru Maps almost year ago. Old name was removed from plists and only target name is Galileo. Frankly Shortcuts app somehow uses old name and I can't find where I could change it. See screnshots for example.

Using a test device, delete your app, install it again, and create a new shortcut. Do you get the proper name after doing so? This test is trying to rule out anything lingering in your app.
@edford I tested the app in simulator right after reset, with app build from scratch. Reproduces anyway. Checked .app bundle with binary search, no mention for full name "Galileo Offline Maps".
I took another look at this and noticed that your new name is used in reference to your app inside shortcuts, but the old name when configuring the specific intent in the Shortcuts app in the other screenshot from Twitter. If that's an accurate representation of what you're able to reproduce, then please open a Feedback Assistant ticket for the Shortcuts app and share the number here.
App name in Shortcuts app