CreateML Classifier: Predictions Probability

I am creating a binary tabular classifier within CreateML on a Playground (using code, not the CreateML UI).

After creating the model, I would like to be able to test it. Currently, I am able to get discrete labels (0 or 1) when I run the .predictions method on the test set. However, I would like to get the predictions as a probability, not a discrete label calculated from a threshold of 0.5.

I know I can export my model from the Playground and just put in into a Swift file, where I can just load the model, call .predictions (CoreML's .predictions method, that is), and then it lets me access the actual probabilities for each class as well as the rounded values. But while trying to tune my models, it is a pain to do this for each model, not to mention I would have to write extra code to parse my test csv file and convert the labels column to an array and run it through the model etc. etc. In the Playground, it is much easier to just run it through the MLDataTable instead.

Please let me know if there is a way to access probabilities of each class within CreateML!