Security framework symbols undefined



I solved the problem, we had a framework copy in project folder and the project was using it instead the framework from SDK and no one saw it.



I added arm64 support to my app (iOS), but when I am try to compile it, compiler give me some errors:

Undefined symbols for architecture arm64:
  "_SecRandomCopyBytes", referenced from:
  "_SecItemUpdate", referenced from:
  "_kSecValueData", referenced from:
  "_kSecAttrAccessibleAlwaysThisDeviceOnly", referenced from:
  "_kSecAttrAccessible", referenced from:
  "_SecItemDelete", referenced from:
  "_SecItemAdd", referenced from:
  "_kSecClass", referenced from:
  "_SecItemCopyMatching", referenced from:
  "_kSecMatchLimitOne", referenced from:
  "_kSecRandomDefault", referenced from:
  "_kSecAttrAccount", referenced from:
  "_kSecAttrService", referenced from:
  "_kSecClassGenericPassword", referenced from:
  "_kSecAttrGeneric", referenced from
  "_kSecMatchLimit", referenced from:
  "_kSecReturnData", referenced from:

All errores are the same: One symbol is undefined in Security Framework for arm64. The framework is added to the target in Build Settings.

I tried some things:

- Remove and add the framework from "Linked Frameworks and Libraries"

- Add "-framework Security" and "$(inherited)" in Linking flags.

I am using Xcode 8.1 and SDK 10.1 for iOS. In "Build Active Architecture Only" is set NO.

How can I solve it?

Thank you in advance.