Who can help me to upload app step by step?

Good day, dear developers.

I am a Dart (Flutter) developer. For about a month now I have not been able to properly register in the AppStore as a developer, so I need your help. Our stages that we have done:

  1. Created AppleID

  2. We went to Apple Developers.

  3. Several times we tried to pay $ 99, but it didn’t work, they were refused. My friend advised that we should send the data of those cards that the name and surname of the card is the same as the owner of the AppleID. Then they again sent an application for payment with a card by name and surname AppleID was again refused.

  4. Then they wrote to the apple mail asia.dev@applecom and there they said to send the passport in a few days they said to send the Hunted Passport and not the internal passport and these requirements do not end. Therefore, I want someone here to help step by step with uploading the application from registering in the appstore. Thanks a lot.