500 Unexpected Error happened when I create or edit a new IAP

Just now (2022-5-19) , when I try to delete a duplicate local version record of a new IAP , or I create a new IAP product , I both got an unexpected error (HTTP 500) response . So that , I can't continue to publish a new IAP product.

this is response of delete local show text version: DELETE https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/iris/v1/inAppPurchaseLocalizations/a1fc6ad7-7fa1-4fe0-8f6e-2b288108b5a3

{ "errors": [{ "status": "500", "code": "UNEXPECTED_ERROR", "title": "An unexpected error occurred.", "detail": "An unexpected error occurred on the server side. If this issue continues, contact us at https://developer.apple.com/contact/." }] }

BTW: when click save button on creating IAP page, there is one sentence above screenshot update block ---- "doing with images" , maybe this is why save failed?

  • create IAP failed reason found: screenshort size invalid. but delete local text version also have no idea.

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