We add some new consumable in-app purchase items in our game. These items has submitted and became available in iTune Connnect like other elder items.
But when I test purchasing in the game, just got a pop up window shows 'Purchase of this item is not currently available This item is being modified. Please try again later'.
It might went through when I try again sometimes yesterday, but it never success today.
This it's not releative to iCloud backup or relogin App Store account, I have tried but not working.
I though it's Apple's serverside bug.
Please help me to fix this.
Got 'Purchase of this item is not currently available This item is being modified. Please try again later' when testing purchasing.
same question
Currently I have same issue, please fix this.
Same here today
Our team had been experiencing this issue A LOT recently. And after trying a lot of suggestion from forums dating years ago with no luck. I think I have found something that works, it's relating to the country you set on your sandbox account.
You just need to set the sandbox account's region to UNITED STATUS.
This could probably be because Apple is updating the prices of products for each country based on the current currency rates. And it could be that it takes time to update their Sandbox Environment thus mysterious "This item is currently being modified. Please try again later" error. If you set it to U.S. which is their default pricing currency then it would probably skip the currency rate check and let proceed.
Hope this helps!
Same issue here
We have that problem too. The solution of changing "Base country or Region" to a currency that matches our company's origin doesn't work.
Same problem here as well. Changing the "Base country or region" to the same currency as the phones appstore resolves the issue. But that is still troublesome since our company has testers from multiple countries.
For developers who are having this issue with their Testflight builds i've found a workaround.
- Go to the In-app page.
- Select you In-app
- Press the "Price Schedule" + button
- Select the "Custom Price Change"
- Set "Effective Date" to "Make Price Change Now"
- Choose "Manually manage prices in specific countries or regions"
- Select the countries where you have Testflight users.
- Choose a price.
Has this been an issue in the past? I just added IAP in my app and faced the same problem. I emailed Apple Developer Support about it and waiting to hear back.
Same problem here. I find that it is only possible to buy the in-app purchase if it has a base country that matches the country of the tester. For example a tester in the Netherlands can only buy if the IAP has a base country of Netherlands (EUR). They cannot buy if the IAP has any other base country, even if that country also uses EUR.
Hopefully this is just a TestFlight issue and it will work when the app is released, but it is worrying not to know that for sure.