Enable Developer Mode on Apple Watch SE w/ Family Setup?

I have an Apple Watch SE (watchOS 10.1) paired to my phone via Family Setup. I'd like to connect it to Xcode to install apps on, but it's not appearing in Xcode's Device Organizer. Nor can I find the option to enable Developer Mode in Settings->Privacy & Security.

Note*: I do have my personal watch connected to Xcode. This would be the second watch I'm trying to build to.

Is this a limitation of Family Setup? Or is there some way I should be kicking the watch to have it recognized?

Did you ever get this resolved? I am having the same problem now. Non-Family watch works fine and is fully connected to Xcode; family watch doesn't show up in Xcode and I can't see the toggle to enable Developer Mode on the watch itself. I've rebooted, updated WatchOS, and re-paired the iPhone with Xcode, all with no change.

Guess I will try Test Flight deployment...

I'm also facing this same issue. Set up a watch in family mode (since I don't want all my data on the watch for development), but can't turn on developer mode

Enable Developer Mode on Apple Watch SE w/ Family Setup?