Xcode won't symbolicate .ips crash log

I was my understanding that you're supposed to be able to open a .ips crash log in Xcode and see pretty much what you would see if the app had been running in the debugger when it crashed. But the addresses in my app don't get symbolicated. I opened the .ips in the same project and same version of Xcode that was used to create the app. The .dSym file is around, and I can use it to symbolicate using the atos tool. What am I missing?

Answered by DTS Engineer in 792496022

Thanks for sharing your issue. When debugging an app crash that occurs with symbols available, you can usually pinpoint the exact location of the problem by examining the crash stack frames. If the stack trace isn't showing the symbols, you might want to ensure that the 'Debug Symbols' setting is configured properly in your debug settings.

Could you please post the '.ips' file here? This file will help us identify which part of your app, or any involved frameworks/libraries, crashed. If you also have the accompanying '.ups' file, we can symbolize it to get even more detailed information.

Symbolize the Crash: Symbolizing the crash report will make it easier for us to understand the issue. Please follow the steps provided in the Apple Developer documentation: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/adding-identifiable-symbol-names-to-a-crash-report#Symbolicate-the-crash-report-in-Xcode

Looking forward to seeing the files and helping you resolve this issue!

Thanks for sharing your issue. When debugging an app crash that occurs with symbols available, you can usually pinpoint the exact location of the problem by examining the crash stack frames. If the stack trace isn't showing the symbols, you might want to ensure that the 'Debug Symbols' setting is configured properly in your debug settings.

Could you please post the '.ips' file here? This file will help us identify which part of your app, or any involved frameworks/libraries, crashed. If you also have the accompanying '.ups' file, we can symbolize it to get even more detailed information.

Symbolize the Crash: Symbolizing the crash report will make it easier for us to understand the issue. Please follow the steps provided in the Apple Developer documentation: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/adding-identifiable-symbol-names-to-a-crash-report#Symbolicate-the-crash-report-in-Xcode

Looking forward to seeing the files and helping you resolve this issue!

Thanks for your reply, but I'm not actually asking for help in interpreting this particular crash log. As I indicated in my first post, I have already used the atos command line tool to figure out the symbols in my app involved in the crash. I was just wondering whether there is an easier way to handle future crash logs.

The links you provided for symbolicating crash reports using Xcode does not appear relevant to Mac crashes. It says "click the Device Logs button in the Devices and Simulators window, then drag and drop the crash report file into the list of device logs", but I have nothing under Devices, and in particular no Device Logs button.

I often have the same issue with crash reports from other users downloaded by Xcode.

Right now I had this issue with a crash report transferred from a different partition on my Mac where I tested my app on an older macOS version (macOS 12). Usually I use the atos Terminal command, but surprisingly this time that command never returns or prints anything, even after waiting for 10 minutes. When dragging the crash log to Xcode, the console prints out

error: unable to locate main executable (arm64) "~/Downloads/myApp.app/Contents/MacOS/myApp"
error: unable to locate main executable (arm64e) "/System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit"
error: unable to locate main executable (arm64e) "/usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib"
error: unable to locate main executable (arm64e) "/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation"
error: unable to locate main executable (arm64e) "/System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox"
error: unable to locate main executable (arm64e) "/usr/lib/dyld"
error: unable to locate main executable (arm64e) "/usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib"
error: unable to locate main executable (arm64e) "/usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib"
error: Unable to locate any executables from the crash log.
       Try loading the executable into lldb before running crashlog
       and/or make sure the .dSYM bundles can be found by Spotlight.
error: invalid target
error: invalid target
error: invalid target
error: invalid target
error: invalid target
error: invalid target

which seems strange, as it isn't even able to locate the system libraries. Then I opened the crash report in TextEdit and replaced all references to the app path (previously in /Downloads) with the location of the Xcode archive (\/Users\/username\/Library\/Developer\/Xcode\/Archives\/2025-02-12\/myApp macOS 12.02.2025, 08.45.xcarchive\/Products\/Applications\/*\/myApp.app\/Contents\/MacOS\/myApp) and then Xcode symbolication seemed to work ("seemed" because the crash still doesn't make sense to me: apparently it crashed on the line window.toolbar = toolbar which works fine on macOS 15).

Xcode won't symbolicate .ips crash log