'Internal Error' on CloudKit Deployment View

I'm unable to view Changes or Diff View in the Deploy Schema Changes Dialog due to an Internal Error.

I see this a CloudKit Console bug, and would suggest that you file a feedback report and share your report ID here, if you don't mind.

You can switch to Diff View, and if it works, deploy your schema from there. I don't see anything else you can try to avoid the issue...

Ziqiao Chen
 Worldwide Developer Relations.

I am having this exact same issue, I have filed a feedback report. The report id is FB16509825

This is a extremely high priority problem that needs to be addressed asap.

Feedback filed: FB16501203 The report id is FB16509825

Thanks @davemess and @gooneysaint for filing your bug report. Would you mind to add the following information to your report? Without that, it will be hard for the CloudKit folks to even start their investigation.

  • Your CloudKit container
  • Your Apple ID with which you logged in CloudKit Console
  • Your team ID

Ziqiao Chen
 Worldwide Developer Relations.

I have added details you requested to FB16509825

Please let me know if you need anything else.

Hello @DTS Engineer ? Are you there?? This is critical! It's stopping my app testing and being able to publish

Yeah, we understand that the issue is blocking folks from deploying their CloudKit schema, and the CloudKit Console team is actively working on it. Please hold on for one day or two, and then test again to see if the issue goes away.

Ziqiao Chen
 Worldwide Developer Relations.

@DTS Engineer - Still not working. Its been over two days now. This is significantly damaging progress for us.

@DTS Engineer - its now been over a week, this is significantly damaging our ability to develop our software. Please help! I know we're just a small shop, but your focus on this matter would mean the world to a group of dedicated Apple indie devs!

I was told that we had just rolled out a new version, which is supposed to fix the issue. It may take a while to completely synchronize, but you can give it another try, and update your feedback report with whether the issue is still there. Thanks for your patience.

Ziqiao Chen
 Worldwide Developer Relations.

'Internal Error' on CloudKit Deployment View