Selection of Xcord

I would like to know that Xcord can be used on Mac and iPhone with Xcord.

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Assuming you mean Xcode, you can run Xcode on a Mac but not on an iPhone. There is no Xcode app for iPhone. You can develop apps inside Xcode and deploy them to an iPhone.

I made Xcode Xcord due to my mistake.

I'm sorry.

Thank you very much for your answer.

From Submitting apps to the App Store:

Xcode provides an integrated workflow for Apple Developer Program members to prepare and submit apps to the App Store. To submit your apps, use the latest version of Xcode available on the Mac App Store or, when available, the latest Release Candidate from the Downloads page.

View minimum SDK requirements for App Store submissions

For more information about versions of Xcode you can install, see Minimum requirements and supported SDKs.

Selection of Xcord