Symbol(s) not found for arm64

My app builds and runs fine on the Sim and on the phone/Watch, but fails with "Symbol(s) not found for arm64"

when building an archive for Generic iOS Device + watchOS Device or my Phone/watch ( iPhone 6/ Watch 2)

I have an earlier version of my project that Archives fine, and I can't detect any changes that may have triggered this condition.

There are lots of different suggestions on Stackoverflow, but none of them show any real understanding of the issue.

Whilst I'm desperate for a solution, I am really looking for a root cause of the issue.

Xcode 9.2 mixed Obj-C and Swift app (ios is in Obj-C, watch is Swift) on iMac 27"

I have tried:

  • pod deintegrate, install and update
  • clearing DerivedData
  • restarting the iMac
  • checking the build settings:
    • Other Linker Flags : $(inherited) -ObjC -l"c++" -l"iconv" -l"xml2" -l"z" -lsqlite3.0 -lresolv
    • Build Active Architectures Only : No