주석 및 역방향 지오코딩
이 샘플은 세 가지 MapKit JS 기능을 보여 줍니다.
- 이름이 지정된 주석 배치하기(맞춤형 글리프 사용)
- 이 경우에는 mapkit.Map별 이벤트를 사용합니다. single-tap
- 좌표에서 장소 찾기(역방향 지오코딩)
이 샘플은 세 가지 MapKit JS 기능을 보여 줍니다.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
#map-container {
height: 600px;
<script src="https://cdn.apple-mapkit.com/mk/5.x.x/mapkit.core.js"
crossorigin async
<script type="module">
// Wait for MapKit JS to be ready to use.
const setupMapKitJs = async() => {
// If MapKit JS is not yet loaded...
if (!window.mapkit || window.mapkit.loadedLibraries.length === 0) {
// ...await <script>'s data-callback (window.initMapKit).
await new Promise(resolve => { window.initMapKit = resolve });
// Clean up.
delete window.initMapKit;
const main = async() => {
await setupMapKitJs();
// Create the Map and Geocoder.
const map = new mapkit.Map("map-container");
const geocoder = new mapkit.Geocoder({ language: "en-US" });
// Create the "Event" annotation, setting properties in the constructor.
const event = new mapkit.Coordinate(37.7831, -122.4041);
const eventAnnotation = new mapkit.MarkerAnnotation(event, {
color: "#4eabe9",
title: "Event",
glyphText: "\u{1F37F}" // Popcorn Emoji
// Create the "Work" annotation, setting properties after construction.
const work = new mapkit.Coordinate(37.3349, -122.0090);
const workAnnotation = new mapkit.MarkerAnnotation(work);
workAnnotation.color = "#969696";
workAnnotation.title = "Work";
workAnnotation.subtitle = "Apple Park";
workAnnotation.selected = "true";
workAnnotation.glyphText = "\u{F8FF}"; // Apple Symbol
// Add and show both annotations on the map.
map.showItems([eventAnnotation, workAnnotation]);
// This contains the user-set single-tap annotation.
let clickAnnotation = null;
// Add or move an annotation when a user single-taps an empty space.
map.addEventListener("single-tap", event => {
if (clickAnnotation) {
// Get the clicked coordinate and add an annotation there.
const point = event.pointOnPage;
const coordinate = map.convertPointOnPageToCoordinate(point);
clickAnnotation = new mapkit.MarkerAnnotation(coordinate, {
title: "Loading...",
color: "#c969e0"
// Look up the address with the Geocoder's Reverse Lookup Function.
geocoder.reverseLookup(coordinate, (error, data) => {
const first = (!error && data.results) ? data.results[0] : null;
clickAnnotation.title = (first && first.name) || "";
<div id="map-container"></div>