Carbon Event Manager Tasks

This chapter expands on the basic concepts introduced in Carbon Event Manager Concepts and shows you how to create and install event handlers using the Carbon Event Manager interface.

Event Classes and Kinds

As introduced in Event Types, each Carbon event is defined by an event class (for example, mouse or window events) as well as an event kind (for example, a mouse-down event).

All of the available event classes and kinds are designated by constants defined in the Universal Interfaces header file CarbonEvents.h. Nominally, these values are 32-bit integers; but in practice, the constants denoting event classes are specified as four-character tags—for instance,

kEventClassMouse = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('mous');

—while those representing event kinds are defined as simple integers:

kEventMouseDown = 1;

The event class and kind form a unique signature called an event type, which is specified in the Carbon Event Manager by the EventTypeSpec structure. When you register an event handler, you need to pass one or more EventTypeSpec structures to specify which events you want to handle.

The inclusion of standard handlers for many common events means that you can intercept actions only at the level you require. Some examples:

Executing the Event Loop

The Carbon Event Manager provides several ways to execute event loops. The most common method is to simply call the function RunApplicationEventLoop, which does the following:

Using RunApplicationEventLoop, the basic structure of a Carbon application is as shown in Listing 2-1.

Listing 2-1  Structure of a typical Carbon application

void main (void)
   // Main function
      Initialize (); // Do one-time-only initialization
         RunApplicationEventLoop (); // Process events until time to quit
      Finalize (); // Do one-time-only finalization
   }  /* end main */

You would register your event handlers in the Initialize function. Once in the loop, the only actions the application can take are in response to events.

To break out of the event loop, you must call the QuitApplicationEventLoop function from whichever event handler handles the quit event.

The RunApplicationEventLoop function works only on the main event loop; if your application creates preemptive threads, each of them will have its own event loop and queue, and you must retrieve and dispatch these events manually. For more information, see Processing events manually.

Each event loop is represented by an event loop reference, an opaque data object of type EventLoopRef. A thread can obtain a reference to its own event loop or to the program’s main event loop by calling the functions GetCurrentEventLoop or GetMainEventLoop, respectively.

The function RunCurrentEventLoop runs the event loop belonging to the currently executing thread for a specified time (which can be infinite). This function can be useful if you want your thread to block for a specified time. During execution, it will place events into the queue and fire timers, but will take no other actions (for example, it won’t dispatch events to handlers). The function QuitEventLoop terminates a designated event loop.

Creating and Registering an Event Handler

The function for installing an event handler is called InstallEventHandler:

OSStatus InstallEventHandler (EventTargetRef        target,
                              EventHandlerUPP       handlerProc,
                              UInt32                numTypes,
                              const EventTypeSpec*  typeList,
                              void*                 userData,
                              EventHandlerRef*      handlerRef);

The second parameter, handlerProc, is a universal procedure pointer (UPP) to your handler routine. The conversion function NewEventHandlerUPP returns a UPP of the required type; for instance,

EventHandlerUPP  handlerUPP;
handlerUPP = NewEventHandlerUPP(ThisHandler);

(where ThisHandler is the name of your handler routine).

The target parameter to InstallEventHandler identifies the event target on which the handler is to be installed. You can obtain a reference to the desired target by calling one of the following functions: GetApplicationEventTarget, GetWindowEventTarget, GetMenuEventTarget, or GetControlEventTarget.

For convenience, The Carbon Event Manager also defines a set of specialized macros, InstallWindowEventHandler, InstallMenuEventHandler, and InstallControlEventHandler, which accept the targeted object as a parameter, obtain the corresponding target reference for you, and pass it to InstallEventHandler. The remaining parameters to these macros are the same as for the InstallEventHandler routine itself. For example, the macro call

WindowRef theWindow;
InstallWindowEventHandler (theWindow, handlerUPP,
                           numTypes, typeList,
                           userData, &handlerRef);

is equivalent to

WindowRef theWindow;
EventTargetRef theTarget;
theTarget = GetWindowEventTarget(theWindow);
InstallEventHandler (theTarget, handlerUPP,
                     numTypes, typeList,
                     userData, &handlerRef);

A similar macro, InstallApplicationEventHandler, needs no parameter to identify the application itself as the target; the call

InstallApplicationEventHandler (handlerUPP,
                                numTypes, typeList,
                                userData, &handlerRef);

is equivalent to

theTarget = GetApplicationEventTarget();
InstallEventHandler (theTarget, handlerUPP,
                     numTypes, typeList,
                     userData, &handlerRef);

In all of these cases, the typeList parameter specifies the event types for which the handler is to be installed. This parameter is nominally declared as a pointer to an event type specifier giving the class and kind of a single event type; but since the C language considers pointers and arrays to be equivalent, it may actually designate an array of such specifiers for more than one type. The numTypes parameter tells how many event types are being specified. For example, the following code installs a single handler for both key-down and key-repeat events:

EventTypeSpec    eventTypes[2];
EventHandlerUPP  handlerUPP;
eventTypes[0].eventClass = kEventClassKeyboard;
eventTypes[0].eventKind  = kEventRawKeyDown;
eventTypes[1].eventClass = kEventClassKeyboard;
eventTypes[1].eventKind  = kEventRawKeyRepeat;
handlerUPP = NewEventHandlerUPP(KeyboardHandler);
InstallApplicationEventHandler (handlerUPP,
                                2, eventTypes,
                                NULL, NULL);

The userData parameter to InstallEventHandler is a pointer to an arbitrary data value. Any value you supply for this parameter will later be passed back to your handler routine each time it’s called. You can use this capability for any purpose that makes sense to your program; for example, you can use it to pass a window reference to the handler for window events.

Finally, handlerRef is an output parameter that returns an event handler reference, an opaque object representing the new event handler. The handler reference is needed as a parameter to Carbon routines such as AddEventTypesToHandler and RemoveEventTypesFromHandler, for dynamically changing the event types to which a handler applies, and RemoveEventHandler, for deinstalling it. If you’re not going to be using any of these operations, you can simply pass NULL for the handlerRef parameter, indicating that no handler reference should be returned. In particular, the handler will be disposed of automatically when you dispose of the target object it’s associated with, so there’s no need to call RemoveEventHandler explicitly unless for some reason you want to deinstall the handler while the underlying target object still exists.

Listing 2-2 shows an initialization function that installs an event handler for window close events.

Listing 2-2  Installing a Carbon event handler

#define kWindowTop 100
#define kWindowLeft 50
#define kWindowRight 250
#define kWindowBottom 250
void Initialize (void)
   // Do one-time-only initialization
      WindowRef         theWindow;                 // Reference to window
      WindowAttributes  windowAttrs;               // Window attribute flags
      Rect              contentRect;               // Boundary of content region
      EventTypeSpec     eventType;                 // Specifier for event type
      EventHandlerUPP   handlerUPP;                // Pointer to event handler routine
      windowAttrs = kWindowStandardDocumentAttributes      // Standard document window
                       | kWindowStandardHandlerAttribute;  // Use standard event handler
      SetRect (&contentRect, kWindowLeft,  kWindowTop,     // Set content rectangle
                             kWindowRight, kWindowBottom);
      CreateNewWindow (kDocumentWindowClass, windowAttrs,  // Create the window
                       &contentRect, &theWindow);
      SetWindowTitleWithCFString (theWindow, CFSTR(“Happy Cows”)); // Set title
      eventType.eventClass = kEventClassWindow;          // Set event class
      eventType.eventKind  = kEventWindowClose;          // Set event kind
      handlerUPP = NewEventHandlerUPP(DoWindowClose);    // Point to handler
      InstallWindowEventHandler (theWindow, handlerUPP,  // Install handler
                                 1, &eventType,
                                 NULL, NULL);
      ShowWindow (theWindow);                      // Display window on the screen
      InitCursor ();                               // Set standard arrow cursor
   }  /* end Initialize */

By specifying the kWindowStandardHandlerAttribute when we call CreateNewWindow, we automatically install the standard window handlers. Alternatively, you could call the InstallStandardEventHandler function, specifying the window as the event target.

Listing 2-3 shows an event handler that can respond to the window close event registered in Listing 2-2.

Listing 2-3  A window close event handler

pascal OSStatus DoWindowClose (EventHandlerCallRef  nextHandler,
                               EventRef             theEvent,
                               void*                userData)
   // Handle window close event
      DoCloseStuff();                 // Do any interesting stuff
      return noErr;                                // Report success
   }  /* end DoWindowClose */

You should be aware that the Carbon Event Manager provides a standard handler for the window close event, so this example handler is useful only if you wanted to override the standard close behavior. However, installing your own handler can also be useful if you want to augment the standard behavior. For example, you may want to display a dialog asking if the user wants to save changes before letting the standard handler close the window. To do so, you use the function CallNextEventHandler.

The CallNextEventHandler function uses theEventHandlerCallRef parameter (passed to your event handler), which is a pointer to the next event handler in the calling hierarchy. The Carbon Event Manager will relay the event to the next handler after this one in the hierarchy of handlers for the given type of event, continuing up until it finds a handler willing to accept and process the event. A hander that chooses not to handle the event returns eventNotHandledErr, while one that does should return noErr after it has finished processing. Assuming that you have not installed any other window close handlers, Listing 2-4 shows how you can use CallNextEventHandler to add pre- and post-processing to the standard window close handler.

Listing 2-4  Augmenting the standard window close handler

pascal OSStatus DoWindowClose (EventHandlerCallRef  nextHandler,
                             EventRef             theEvent,
                             void*                userData)
   // Example event handler to illustrate explicit event propagation
      OSStatus  result;                            // Function result
      /* Your preprocessing here */                // Do preprocessing
// Now propagate the event to the next handler (in this case the standard)
      result = CallNextEventHandler (nextHandler, theEvent);
      if (result == noErr)                         // Did it succeed?
            /* Your postprocessing here */         // Do postprocessing
            /* Note that at this point the  */
            /* standard handler has removed */
            /* the window, so any attempts  */
            /* to access it will cause an   */
            /* error.                       */
            return noErr;                          // Report success
         }  /* end if (result == noErr) */
         return result;                            // Report failure
   }  /* end ThisHandler */

Event Parameters

Many events require more information than just the basic event to be truly useful. For example, knowing that the mouse was clicked is usually not very interesting unless you know where the click occurred. This additional information is embedded in the event reference structure, and you need to call the function GetEventParameter to obtain it. These additional parameters are identified by parameter name and type. A mouse-down event, for example, has four event parameters:

To obtain the mouse location from the event reference mouseDownEvent, you would make the following call:

EventRef mouseDownEvent;
Point wheresMyMouse;
GetEventParameter (mouseDownEvent, kEventParamMouseLocation, typeQDPoint,
                    NULL, sizeof(Point), NULL, &wheresMyMouse);

The values kEventParamMouseLocation and typeQDPoint specify that you want to obtain the mouse location parameter which is of type Point. (There are also a pair of arguments for returning the actual parameter type and size of the value returned; you can specify NULL for these arguments if you don’t need this information or don’t expect the actual type and size to differ from those requested.) Obviously, certain parameter values only make sense for certain types of events (for example, you couldn’t obtain a mouse location from the event reference for a window update).

Many events specify a kEventParamDirectObject parameter, which usually indicates the actual object the event acted upon. For example, the direct object parameter for a window activation event (kEventWindowActivated) would be the reference to the window being activated (that is, a WindowRef).

In some cases, you can modify the behavior of an event by setting the value of one or more event parameters with the related Carbon function SetEventParameter. For example, if you wanted to snap the window to a particular position as it was being dragged, you could install a handler on the kEventWindowBoundsChanging event (which indicates that the window bounds are changing because of resizing or movement) and use SetEventParameter to set the origin when some condition is met.

The Carbon Event Manager Reference lists the permissible parameters (and the associated values to pass to GetEventParameter) for many event kinds. Documentation for other event parameters is available in the API reference for each technology (such as theHIObject Reference).

Other Event Attributes

In addition to the event parameters, you can obtain other attributes of an event by calling various accessor functions. For example, the functions GetEventClass and GetEventKind each accept an event reference as a parameter and return a 32-bit integer representing the event’s class and kind, respectively:

EventRef  theEvent;
UInt32    eventClass;
UInt32    eventKind;
eventClass = GetEventClass(theEvent);
eventKind  = GetEventKind(theEvent);

Similarly, the function GetEventTime returns the time an event occurred, expressed as a floating point value of type EventTime measured in seconds since the system was started up:

EventRef   theEvent;
EventTime  timeInSeconds;
timeInSeconds = GetEventTime(theEvent);

Another Carbon routine, GetCurrentEventTime, returns the current time in seconds since system startup:

EventTime  currentTime;
currentTime = GetCurrentEventTime();

The Carbon interface defines a set of convenience constants for expressing event times and intervals:

#define kEventDurationSecond       1.0
#define kEventDurationMillisecond  ((EventTime)(kEventDurationSecond / 1000))
#define kEventDurationMicrosecond  ((EventTime)(kEventDurationSecond
                                                        / 1000000))
#define kEventDurationNanosecond   ((EventTime)(kEventDurationSecond
                                                        / 1000000000))
#define kEventDurationMinute       kEventDurationSecond * 60
#define kEventDurationHour         kEventDurationMinute * 60
#define kEventDurationDay          kEventDurationHour * 24
#define kEventDurationNoWait       0.0
#define kEventDurationForever     -1.0

These constants are especially useful when creating event timers. See Installing Timers for more information.

Queue-Synchronized Events (Mac OS X v.10.2 and Later)

Beginning with Mac OS X version 10.2, your application can distinguish between two different user event states. The hardware state is the actual state of an input device. The queue-synchronized state is the state of the device according to the events dispatched from the event queue.

Depending on how long it takes to pop the event off the queue and dispatch it, this queue-synchronized user event may be different from the actual state of the hardware. For example, when the user presses the mouse, a mouse down event is placed into the event queue. If the user releases the mouse immediately while the mouse down event is being handled, then the queue-synchronized mouse button state is still down, but the hardware button state is up.

In most cases, you should determine the state of a user input device by checking the queue-synchronized state rather than polling the hardware directly. Not only does this method use less processor time, but it also provides a better user experience when using nonhardware input methods to place events in the queue (for example, when taking input through Apple events or speech recognition).

Obtaining Mouse and Keyboard Modifer States

The queue-synchronized state of the mouse button and any keyboard modifiers is determined by state variables set by the event dispatcher. For example, the "mouse button state" variable is set to "down" when a mouse-down event is dispatched, and it remains in that state until a mouse-up event is dispatched. You can use the following functions to obtain the values of these state variables:

  • GetCurrentEventButtonState determines the queue-synchronized state of the mouse button(s). You should use this function instead of the Button or GetCurrentButtonState functions.

    UInt32 GetCurrentEventButtonState(void);

    Bit zero indicates the state of the primary button, bit one the state of the secondary button, and so on.

  • GetCurrentEventKeyModifiers determines the queue-synchronized keyboard modifier state. You should use this function instead of EventAvail or GetCurrentKeyModifiers.

    UInt32 GetCurrentEventKeyModifiers(void);

    See Table 2-1 for a listing of keyboard modifier bits.

Note that GetCurrentEventButtonState and GetCurrentEventKeyModifiers do not return useful values if your application is not active. If your application wants to determine the current mouse or keyboard modifier state while in the background, it must query the hardware using GetCurrentButtonState or GetCurrentKeyModifiers.

Obtaining the Current User Event

When a user event is dispatched, the Carbon Event Manager caches it as the current event and disposes of it after the event is handled. The GetCurrentEvent function retrieves the event currently being dispatched (which could be NULL if the event is not a user event):

EventRef GetCurrentEvent(void);

You should call this function only from an event handler to determine what user event (if any) triggered the call to your handler.

Command Events

The Carbon Event Manager has a special class of events that correspond with the command IDs introduced with Mac OS 8.0. A command ID is a location-independent way to identify an action or command. For example, if you associate a command ID with a menu item, a command event is generated whenever that item is selected, whether by mouse selection or keyboard equivalent. If you associate the same ID with a button, then a menu selection, keyboard equivalent command, or button press will all generate the same event. Because standard handlers can take care of much of the busywork (such as toggling the button, flashing the selected menu or menu item), you only need to handle one event for three different types of selection.

Command events are initially sent to the event target associated with the command. For example, a menu command event is sent to the menu event target, while a command associated with a button is sent to that control.

Command event handlers can be placed anywhere in the containment hierarchy, but it’s usually convenient to place them at the application level. Doing so allows you to install one handler that can take the event whether it propagates up the containment hierarchy from a control or from a menu.

Command IDs are 32-bit integers, but they are usually specified as a four-character code. Many common menu items and controls have reserved codes. For example,

kHICommandOK        = 'ok '; // the OK button (as in a dialog)
kHICommandCopy      = 'copy';// the Copy menu item
kHICommandAbout     = 'about';// the About item

If you want to create custom command IDs, you must define them in your application and register them by calling the Menu Manager function SetMenuItemCommandID or the Control Manager function SetControlCommandID, depending on the desired target.

The event class for commands is kEventClassCommand, and to receive commands to process, the event kind is kEventCommandProcess. The command ID itself is stored in the event reference and you need to call the GetEventParameter function to retrieve it. For example, to handle a (fictitious) menu item Explode, you would need to first define the command ID, register it with the Menu Manager, and then install the handler in your initialization code:

const MenuCommand kCommandExplode = FOUR_CHAR_CODE ('Boom');
void MyInitialize()
    SetMenuItemCommandID (GetMenuRef(mFile), iExplode, kCommandExplode);
    EventTypeSpec myEvents = {kEventClassCommand, kEventCommandProcess};
                                1, &myEvents, 0, NULL);

The constant iExplode represents the index value of the Explode item in the File menu.

This example installs the handler MyEventHandler on the application target, but you can choose a different target if that better suits your needs.

Your actual event handler needs to obtain the command ID of the Explode command using GetEventParameter. The command ID is stored as the direct object parameter:

HICommand commandStruct;
GetEventParameter (event, kEventParamDirectObject,
                    typeHICommand, NULL, sizeof(HICommand),
                    NULL, &commandStruct);
if (commandStruct.commandID == kCommandExplode)
        // process explode command

Text Events

The Carbon Event Manager provides two ways of obtaining keyboard information: as raw keyboard events, or as text input events. (Text input events are those that have been processed by the Text Services Manager). To avoid conflict with other input methods, you should rely on text input events for handling text.

Text input events are of class kEventClassTextInput, and the event kind used to signify text input is kEventTextInputUnicodeForKeyEvent. Text returned by a text input event may be a character or a string, depending on the circumstances, so you should not make assumptions about its length. For more information about text input methods as well as about event kinds directly related to the Text Services Manager, see the Text Services Manager documentation.

To obtain the actual text, you need to call the GetEventParameter function, specifying the kEventParamTextInputSendText parameter, as shown in Listing 2-5

Listing 2-5  Obtaining text from a text input event

EventRef     theTextEvent;
UniChar      *text;
UInt32       actualSize;
GetEventParameter (theTextEvent, kEventParamTextInputSendText,
                typeUnicodeText, NULL, 0, &actualSize, NULL);
text = (UniChar*) NewPtr(actualSize);
GetEventParameter (theTextEvent, kEventParamTextInputSendText,
                typeUnicodeText, NULL, actualSize, NULL, text);

This example makes two calls to GetEventParameter, the first to obtain the size of the string, and the second to actually obtain it. The rationale for doing so is that the string can be arbitrarily large as it may have resulted from an inline input session intended for a nonRoman script.

If your application doesn’t support Unicode, you can examine the kEventParamTextSendKeyboardEvent parameter to obtain the raw keyboard event that generated the text event and from that event extract the equivalent Macintosh character codes.

In rare cases where your application might need to handle individual key presses (for example, for game controls, or if it will perform its own keyboard translation), you may want to obtain the key presses before the Text Services Manager processes them. In such cases, you should install handlers to obtain raw keyboard events (class kEventClassKeyboard).

In any case, all keyboard and text input events are sent to whichever target currently has the user focus (for example, the window, or the text field control). If desired, you can install an event handler on the user focus event target, which you obtain by calling GetUserFocusEventTarget. All events directed to the current user focus will then be sent to your handler. If you don’t handle the event (or if no handler was installed), the event is then propagated to the actual target that has the user focus.

Mouse Events

In today’s graphical user interfaces, the mouse provides the user’s primary means of controlling and interacting with the system. All of the user’s actions with the mouse are reported to your program in the form of mouse events.

All mouse events have parameters named kEventParamMouseLocation and kEventParamKeyModifiers giving, respectively, the location of the mouse cursor on the screen and the modifier keys that were being held down at the time the event occurred. The value of kEventParamMouseLocation is a point giving the horizontal and vertical position of the mouse in global coordinates.

The value of the kEventParamKeyModifiers parameter is an unsigned 32-bit integer (type UInt32) containing flag bits corresponding to the various modifier keys. The mask constants shown in Table 2-1 can be used to extract the bit representing any desired modifier key. A bit value of 1 means that the given key was down when the event occurred; 0 means it was not. Thus, for example, you could use the code in Listing 2-6 to determine whether the Caps Lock key was down at the time of a mouse event:

Listing 2-6  Obtaining the modifier key for a mouse event

EventRef  theEvent;
UInt32    modifierKeys;
GetEventParameter (theEvent,
                   typeUInt32, NULL,
                   sizeof(modifierKeys), NULL,
if (modifierKeys & alphaLock)
/* Caps Lock down */
   /* Caps Lock not down */
Table 2-1  Mask constants for modifier keys

Mask constant







Caps Lock






Num lock (Mac OS X only)


Fn (Function) (Mac OS X only)

For a complete listing of modifier constants, see the EventModifers enumeration in Events.h.

Mouse Button Events

When the user presses or releases the mouse button, it’s reported to your program by a mouse-down or mouse-up event (event kind kEventMouseDown or kEventMouseUp), respectively. Ordinarily, such events are handled by the standard event handler, which analyzes them and converts them into higher-level events representing the meaning of the mouse action, such as kEventWindowClose (when the user clicks a window’s close button), kEventWindowClickContentRgn (when the click is in the window’s contents), kEventControlHit (when it’s in a control such as a push button or checkbox), or kEventCommandProcess (when the user chooses a command from a menu). These higher-level events are usually all your program needs to be concerned with. However, you’re free to intercept the “raw” mouse events and handle them yourself if necessary.

In addition to the kEventParamMouseLocation and kEventParamKeyModifiers parameters shared by all mouse events, mouse-up and mouse-down events have two additional parameters: kEventParamMouseButton and kEventParamClickCount. The latter is used to identify multiple (for instance, double or triple) mouse clicks, in case your program wishes to assign some special meaning to them. Consecutive presses of the mouse button are considered to constitute a multiple click if they fall within a certain time interval, which is under the user’s control via the Mouse pane of System Preferences (on Mac OS X) or the Mouse control panel (on earlier versions). The Classic Event Manager function GetDblTime returns the current value of this interval, expressed in ticks (sixtieths of a second, the time unit used by earlier versions of Mac OS). When a mouse-down event is separated from the previous such event by more than the multiple-click interval, its kEventParamClickCount parameter is set to 1; if it falls within the double-click interval the parameter is incremented by 1 from that of the previous event. Thus the first event in a multiple click has a click count of 1, the second has a click count of 2, the third 3, and so on. (Triple clicks are the most your program should realistically process.)

Unlike earlier versions of Mac OS, which were limited to a one-button mouse, Carbon is designed to support multiple mouse buttons. (Theoretically, it can handle as many as 65,535 buttons, though the most you’re likely to encounter in practice is 3.) The kEventParamMouseButton parameter of a mouse-down or mouse-up event identifies which button was pressed or released, using one of the following constants:

typedef UInt16  EventMouseButton;
      kEventMouseButtonPrimary   = 1,
      kEventMouseButtonSecondary = 2,
      kEventMouseButtonTertiary  = 3
   }; /* end enum */

On a two- or three-button mouse, the left button is normally considered primary and the right button secondary, but left-handed users can reverse these settings as a matter of preference. The middle button on a three-button mouse is always the tertiary button.

Tracking Mouse Movements

The basic task of moving the cursor around on the screen to reflect the physical movements of the mouse is handled for you automatically, with no need for any explicit action on your program’s part. In addition, each time the cursor location changes by as much as one pixel horizontally or vertically, a mouse-moved event (kEventMouseMoved) is generated. If the user is also holding down the mouse button (or any button on a multiple-button mouse), the result is a mouse-dragged event (kEventMouseDragged) instead. Both types of event have the usual kEventParamMouseLocation and kEventParamKeyModifiers parameters, and the mouse-dragged event also has a kEventParamMouseButton parameter to identify the button being held down, as described under Mouse Button Events.

As with the primary mouse button, it’s possible to poll the mouse’s location on the screen directly by calling the Classic Event Manager function GetMouse. However, using this kind of direct polling to track the mouse’s movements is usually not a good idea. For instance, as mentioned above, a common reason for tracking the mouse is to provide visual feedback on the screen during a drag by performing some repeated action for as long as the user holds down the button. Doing this with an active polling loop such as

while ( WaitMouseUp() )
      GetMouse (&mouseLoc);
      /* Provide feedback based on mouse location */
   } /* end while ( WaitMouseUp() ) */

is horribly inefficient, needlessly tying up the processor while spinning the loop waiting for something to happen. Using mouse-dragged events to do the tracking offers some improvement, since the event loop suspends execution except while actively processing an event and hence consumes no extraneous processor cycles. This allows the idle time to be put to better use running other programs or processes in the background—including any periodic timers you may have installed yourself (see Installing Timers). However, there is an even better way, using the Carbon Event Manager function TrackMouseLocation, as shown in Listing 2-7.

Listing 2-7  Tracking the mouse with TrackMouseLocation

Point                mouseLoc;
MouseTrackingResult  trackingResult;
GetMouse (&mouseLoc);
trackingResult = kMouseTrackingMouseDown;
while (trackingResult != kMouseTrackingMouseUp)
      /* Provide feedback based on mouse location */
      TrackMouseLocation (NULL, &mouseLoc, &trackingResult);
   } /* end while (trackingResult != kMouseTrackingMouseUp) */

The call to TrackMouseLocation suspends execution until either the mouse’s location or button state changes. It then returns, in its second and third parameters, the coordinates of the new mouse location and a tracking result indicating the nature of the mouse occurrence. (The first parameter specifies a graphics port in whose coordinate system to report the mouse location; passing NULL for this parameter designates the current port, which is usually what you want.) The tracking result returned is one of the following values:

typedef UInt16  MouseTrackingResult;
        kMouseTrackingMouseDown = 1,
        kMouseTrackingMouseUp = 2,
        kMouseTrackingMouseExited   = 3,
        kMouseTrackingMouseEntered  = 4,
        kMouseTrackingMouseDragged = 5,
        kMouseTrackingKeyModifiersChanged = 6,
        kMouseTrackingUserCancelled = 7,
        kMouseTrackingTimedOut = 8,
        kMouseTrackingMouseMoved = 9
   }; /* end enum */

The tracking results kMouseTrackingExited and kMouseTrackingEntered are used by another related Carbon routine, TrackMouseRegion. This is typically called after a mouse press in a control (such as a checkbox or a window’s close button), to track the mouse’s movements in and out of the control so you can provide appropriate visual feedback by highlighting and unhighlighting the control accordingly. The standard event handler ordinarily does all this for you and reports the result with a higher-level event such as kEventWindowClose, kEventWindowZoom, or kEventControlHit; but you may occasionally encounter a situation where you need to make the TrackMouseRegion call and process the results yourself.

Listing 2-8 shows a code fragment illustrating how to use TrackMouseRegion to respond to a mouse press in a control.

Listing 2-8  Tracking the mouse in a region

RgnHandle            controlRegion;                // Region occupied by control
Boolean              isInRegion;                   // Mouse released in region?
MouseTrackingResult  trackingResult;               // Tracking result
/* Set controlRegion to control's region */        // Indicate region
trackingResult = kMouseTrackingMouseEntered;       // Initialize for first
                                                  // pass of loop
while (trackingResult != kMouseTrackingMouseUp) // Loop until released
      switch (trackingResult)                      // Dispatch on tracking result
            case kMouseTrackingMouseEntered:       // Highlight on entry
               /* Highlight control */
            case kMouseTrackingMouseExited:        // Unhighlight on exit
               /* Unhighlight control */
         } /* end switch (trackingResult) */
      TrackMouseRegion (NULL, controlRegion,       // Track mouse in region
   } /* end while (trackingResult != kMouseTrackingMouseUp) */
if (isInRegion)                                    // Released in region?
   /* Perform associated action */                 // Take action in response

You call TrackMouseRegion repeatedly for as long as the mouse button remains down, passing as a parameter a region representing the area the control occupies on the screen. Each time the mouse crosses the boundary in or out of the specified region, TrackMouseRegion returns with a tracking result of kMouseTrackingEntered or kMouseTrackingExited, indicating whether to highlight or unhighlight the control. (Mere mouse movements that don’t cross the region boundary are not reported.) When the mouse button is released, TrackMouseRegion returns the tracking result kMouseTrackingMouseReleased along with a Boolean value indicating whether the button was released inside or outside the region; you can then use this information to determine whether to perform the action associated with the control.

Mouse Tracking Regions (Mac OS X v.10.2 and Later)

In Mac OS X version 10.2 and later, you can designate special mouse tracking regions within windows. When the mouse enters one of these regions, your application receives a kEventMouseEntered event (kEventClassMouse). When the mouse leaves, the application receives a kEventMouseExited event. A window can contain any number of regions; each mouse tracking region has a unique ID, which makes it easy to determine which region was entered. If desired, you can also temporarily disable a region.

Mouse tracking regions make it simple to implement various rollover effects such as highlighting a clickable area, or changing the cursor when it enters a region. If you must use processor-intensive polling for mouse locations (for example, in a drawing program), you can use mouse tracking regions to allow pollling only within particular regions of interest.

To create a mouse tracking region, you call the CreateMouseTrackingRegion function:

OSStatus CreateMouseTrackingRegion (WindowRef inWindow,
                            RgnHandle inRegion,
                            RgnHandle inClip,
                            MouseTrackingOptions inOptions,
                            MouseTrackingRegionID inID,
                            void* inRefCon,
                            EventTargetRef inTargetToNotify,
                            MouseTrackingRef* outTrackingRef);
  • The inWindow parameter indicates which window owns this region. Mouse tracking regions are always bound to a particular window.

  • The inRegion parameter is a standard region handle defining the tracking region.

  • The inClip parameter specifies an optional clip region. If the clip region is valid (that is, you don’t pass NULL), the active tracking region is the intersection of the tracking region and the clip region.

  • For mouse tracking options you can pass either kMouseTrackingOptionsLocalClip or kMouseTrackingOptionsGlobalClip:

    • kMouseTrackingOptionsLocalClip indicates that the region is defined in local coordinates and that the region is clipped to the owning windows’s content region.

    • kMouseTrackingOptionsGlobalClip indicates the region is defined in global coordinates and that the region is clipped to the owning window’s structure region.

  • The inID parameter holds a unique mouse tracking ID, which is a combination of an OSType, which is a four-character code that uniquely defines your application, and an integer:

    struct MouseTrackingRegionID {
                        OSType signature;
                        SInt32 id;

    If you have not already done so, you can register an application signature with Apple Developer Technical Support.

  • If you want to associate any application-specific data with this region, you can pass it in the inRefCon parameter.

  • The inTargetToNotify parameter is currently unused; pass NULL.

On return, you receive a mouse tracking reference which you can pass to additional mouse tracking region functions. This reference is also included in the event reference for the kEventMouseEntered and kEventMouseExited events. Use the GetEventParameter function to obtain the direct object parameter.

Additional useful mouse tracking region functions include the following:

  • To dispose of a tracking region, use the ReleaseMouseTrackingRegion function:

    OSStatus ReleaseMouseTrackingRegion (MouseTrackingRef inMouseRef);

    Note that because mouse tracking regions are associated with a window, disposing the window will also dispose of its tracking regions.

  • To increase the reference count of a tracking region, call the RetainMouseTrackingRegion function:

    OSStatus RetainMouseTrackingRegion (MouseTrackingRef inMouseRef);

    Calling ReleaseMouseTrackingRegion decrements the reference count; if the count reaches 0, the tracking region is disposed.

  • To obtain the ID of a mouse tracking region, call the GetMouseTrackingRegionID function:

    OSStatus GetMouseTrackingRegionID (MouseTrackingRef inMouseRef,
                                    MouseTrackingRegionID* outID);
  • To enable or disable a mouse tracking region, call the SetMouseTrackingRegionEnabled function:

    OSStatus SetMouseTrackingRegionEnabled (MouseTrackingRef inMouseRef,
                                            Boolean inEnabled);

    You can use this function to adjust tracking regions that are dependent on the state of your application.

  • To obtain the application-specific data associated with the tracking region, call the GetMouseTrackingRegionRefCon function:

    OSStatus GetMouseTrackingRegionRefCon (MouseTrackingRef inMouseRef,
                                            void** outRefCon);

Mac OS X v10.4 introduced new HIView-based tracking region functions. These work much like the older mouse tracking regions, with the following exceptions:

  • You create these tracking areas on a per-view, rather than per-window basis.

  • The tracking areas are described using HIShape objects rather than QuickDraw regions.

  • The tracking area is identified by a UInt64 integer rather than a data structure.

  • The area entered and exited events are kEventControlTrackingAreaEntered and kEventControlTrackingAreaExited respectively. You obtain the tracking area reference in the kEventParamHIViewTrackingArea parameter (typeHIViewTrackingAreaRef).

To create a view-based tracking area, call the HIViewNewTrackingArea function:

OSStatus HIViewNewTrackingArea(
  HIViewRef                inView,
  HIShapeRef               inShape,       /* can be NULL */
  HIViewTrackingAreaID     inID,
  HIViewTrackingAreaRef *  outRef)

To modify a tracking area, call HIViewChangeTrackingArea:

OSStatus HIViewChangeTrackingArea(
  HIViewTrackingAreaRef   inArea,
  HIShapeRef              inShape)

To obtain an area’s ID, call HIViewGetTrackingAreaID:

 OSStatus HIViewGetTrackingAreaID(
   HIViewTrackingAreaRef   inArea,
   HIViewTrackingAreaID *  outID)

To dispose of a tracking area, call HIViewDisposeTrackingArea:

OSStatus HIViewDisposeTrackingArea (HIViewTrackingAreaRef inArea)

If possible, you should use view-based tracking areas in place of the older tracking regions.

Installing Timers

Installing a timer is similar to installing an event handler. Timers are associated with a particular event loop (usually the program’s main loop), and they fire as the loop runs. Instead of a list of event types, you specify an initial delay before the timer fires for the first time and a timer interval between subsequent firings, both expressed in seconds. (Setting the timer interval to 0 produces a one-shot timer that will fire only once, at the expiration of the initial delay.) As in installing an event handler, you can also supply an arbitrary item of user data that will be passed back to your timer routine each time it’s called. The timer routine itself is identified with a universal procedure pointer of type EventLoopTimerUPP, obtained using the conversion function NewEventLoopTimerUPP. Listing 2-9 shows how to install a timer routine named TimerAction in the program’s main event loop with an initial delay of 5 seconds, a timer interval of 1 second, and no user data item

Listing 2-9  Installing a timer

EventLoopRef       mainLoop;
EventLoopTimerUPP  timerUPP;
EventLoopTimerRef  theTimer;
mainLoop = GetMainEventLoop();
timerUPP = NewEventLoopTimerUPP(TimerAction);
InstallEventLoopTimer (mainLoop,

The last parameter of the InstallEventLoopTimer function is an output parameter that returns a timer reference representing the timer just installed. This value is needed as a parameter to various Carbon Event Manager functions that operate on timers, the most important of which is RemoveEventLoopTimer, for uninstalling the timer. This same timer reference will also be passed automatically to your timer routine each time it’s called.

The timer routine itself must have the following prototype:

pascal void TimerAction (EventLoopTimerRef  theTimer,
                         void* userData);

where theTimer is the timer reference identifying the timer and userData is the data value you supplied at the time the timer was installed.

One more useful function is SetEventLoopTimerNextFireTime, which resets the interval until the next time the timer fires. For example, if theTimer is the timer installed in the example above, the call

SetEventLoopTimerNextFireTime (theTimer, kEventDurationMinute);

will cause the timer to “sleep” for one minute and then resume its one-second firing cycle. The effect is equivalent to deinstalling the timer and then reinstalling it with a new initial delay and the same timer interval.

A variant of the basic timer is the idle timer, which is available in Mac OS X v.10.2 and later. The idle timer functions just like a normal timer except that it does not fire until the user has been inactive for the initial delay time. Such timers are useful for letting the application know that it is safe to do some processing without interfering with the user. For example, if the user is entering text into a search field, you should wait for a second or two after the user has stopped typing before beginning the search.

To install an idle timer, you call the InstallEventLoopIdleTimer function, which has the same format as the basic InstallEventLoopTimer function:

OSStatus InstallEventLoopIdleTimer(
                            EventLoopRef         inEventLoop,
                            EventTimerInterval   inFireDelay,
                            EventTimerInterval   inInterval,
                            EventLoopIdleTimerUPP    inTimerProc,
                            void *               inTimerData,
                            EventLoopTimerRef *  outTimer);

The only difference is that the timer callback routine takes an additional EventIdleAction parameter indicating the idle status:

pascal void IdleTimerAction (EventLoopTimerRef inTimer,
                                void *inUserData,
                                EventIdleAction inAction );

When your idle timer routine is called, it is passed one of three constants indicating the current idle status:


For example, say your application wants to calculate the value of pi. When your callback function receives the kEventLoopIdleTimerStarted constant, you create a special pi calculation object. Each time you receive kEventLoopIdleTimerIdling, you call an object method to calculate the next digit. When you receive kEventLoopIdleTimerStopped, you store the currently calculated value of pi and dispose of the pi calculation object.

Processing Events Manually

In most cases, using the RunApplicationEventLoop function to collect and dispatch events is the simplest and most practical way to handle events. However, sometimes you may want more control over the event collection and dispatching mechanism, or you may need to process events that don’t occur in the main application thread. In cases like these, you can call other Carbon Event Manager functions to manually collect and dispatch your events.

The RunApplicationEventLoop function itself calls several Carbon Event Manager functions to accomplish its task:

Listing 2-10 shows how you can use these calls to implement the basic functionality of RunApplicationEventLoop.

Listing 2-10  Processing events manually

EventRef theEvent;
EventTargetRef theTarget;
theTarget = GetEventDispatcherTarget();
    while  (ReceiveNextEvent(0, NULL,kEventDurationForever,true,
            &theEvent)== noErr)
            SendEventToEventTarget (theEvent, theTarget);

The ReceiveNextEvent function is blocked forever (kEventDurationForever) until an event occurs. Specifying zero and null for the first two parameters indicates that ReceiveNextEvent should return on all events. (Alternatively, you could specify that the function wait only for particular events). Passing true in the third parameter indicates that the application should take ownership of the event (which means it is pulled off the event queue).

After an event occurs, we dispatch it to the event dispatcher target, which automatically sends it to the proper event target. Because the application owns the event, the application is then responsible for releasing it by calling ReleaseEvent. (There is also a complementary function RetainEvent, which you can use to increment the reference count of the event, thus ensuring that it will not get disposed before you are finished with it.)

The only drawback to making your own event loop dispatching calls in the main application thread is that you won’t get the standard application event handler installed. Specifically, the RunApplicationEventLoop function installs handlers to do the following:

One way to work around this limitation is by creating a dummy custom event handler. When you are ready to process events, create the dummy event yourself, post it to the queue. and then call RunApplicationEventLoop (to install the standard application event handler). The dummy event handler can then process the events manually. For an example of using this method, see Technical Q&A 1061 in Developer Documentation Technical Q&As.

Creating Your Own Events

In addition to processing and dispatching events, the Carbon Event Manager also lets you create your own events. You may want to create your own custom events, or you might want to reproduce standard events.

You create an event using the CreateEvent function:

OSStatus CreateEvent( CFAllocatorRef inAllocator<null>,
                    UInt32 inClassID, UInt32 kind,EventTime when,
                    EventAttributes flags, EventRef* outEvent);

If your event requires additional information, you can add data by calling SetEventParameter. If you are creating custom events, you need to define constants for your parameter names and types if they don’t already exist. For example, if you define a parameter for a screen location, you may want to define a new parameter name, but you can probably still use typeQDPoint for the parameter type.

Once you create an event, you need to send it to a handler. There are two basic methods for doing so:

Note that if you send an event to the standard toolbox dispatcher and it does not recognize it (that is, it’s a custom event), then it will dispatch the event to the application event target (unless you specified an event target in your custom event using the kEventParamPostTarget parameter).

If you want to create and process command events, the Carbon Event Manager provides the function ProcessHICommand:

OSStatus ProcessHICommand (const HICommand* inCommand);

When you pass an Command ID to ProcessHICommand, it builds a kEventCommandProcess event containing the ID and then dispatches the event to either

Carbon Events in Multiple Threads

The Carbon Event Manager scales to work with multiple execution threads. If you are creating cooperative threads, each thread shares the main application event loop and queue, so your event handling mechanism does not change. However, the RunApplicationEventLoop function never explicitly yields to other threads, so you should create a timer that will call the Thread Manager function YieldToAnyThread as necessary.

If you create preemptively-scheduled threads, each such thread contains its own event queue and needs to be processed independently.

Because RunApplicationEventLoop works only for the main execution thread, any preemptive threads you create should use ReceiveNextEvent to process events, as described in “Processing Events Manually”. Depending on the thread, you can wait for particular events to occur or process every event (much the way RunApplicationEventLoop does).

You use the event queues primarily to communicate between threads. For example, if you wanted your preemptive thread to tell the main application it was finished processing data, it could post a custom event on the main application event queue. One advantage of this method is that your application does not have to use extra processing time polling a Multiprocessing Services queue or semaphore.

Depending on the circumstances, either Carbon event queues or Multiprocessing Services notification methods may be suitable for signaling between threads. If you want to use Carbon event queues, here is breakdown of how you might do it:

For more information about creating cooperatively-scheduled threads, see the Thread Manager documentation and Technical Q&A 1061, “RunApplicationEventLoop and the Thread Manager.” For information about creating preemptively-scheduled threads, see the Multiprocessing Services documentation.

Modal Event States

If you need to create application-modal dialogs, you can use several Carbon Event Manager functions to enter and exit the modal state. A modal dialog is a window that allows no other application actions until the window is dismissed. For example, an alert that warns the user about the consequences of some action is typically a modal dialog.

For more information about the proper design and usage of modal dialogs, see Inside Mac OS X: Aqua Human Interface Guidelines.

The simplest way to enter the modal state is to call the function RunAppModalLoopForWindow, passing the window reference of the window you want to make modal. This function is analogous to the RunApplicationEventLoop functions for applications. It runs a sub-event loop, disables the menu bar and dispatches events.

When in a modal state, the standard toolbox dispatcher only processes events for the modal window and any window above it (that is, closer to the front). Typically a modal window is frontmost, but if another window is in front of it, that window will also receive events. This feature was designed to allow stacked modal dialogs. See Processing Events Manually for more information about the toolbox dispatcher.

To leave the modal state, you call the function QuitAppModalLoopForWindow.

To make construction of modal dialogs simpler, the Carbon Event Manager also includes some utility functions for setting the default and cancel buttons.

OSStatus SetWindowDefaultButton(
                WindowRef    inWindow,
                ControlRef   inControl);      /* can be NULL */
OSStatus SetWindowCancelButton(
                WindowRef    inWindow,
                ControlRef   inControl);      /* can be NULL */
OSStatus GetWindowDefaultButton(
                WindowRef     inWindow,
                ControlRef *  outControl);
OSStatus GetWindowCancelButton(
                WindowRef     inWindow,
                ControlRef *  outControl);

Calling the “set” versions of these functions causes the standard event handlers to map keyboard input to the respective controls: pressing the Return or Enter keys will activate the default button, and pressing escape or Command-period will activate the cancel button.

As with the standard event loops, you can also choose to run the modal event loop manually and dispatch events yourself. To do so, you call the low-level function BeginAppModalStateForWindow for the desired window. Once in this state you can call the usual low-level event processing functions. (ReceiveNextEvent, RunCurrentEventLoop). Note that because the event filtering occurs in the toolbox dispatcher (not the event queue), it is possible to receive and process events that are not related to the window. To leave the modal state, you call EndAppModalStateForWindow.