
In QuickDraw, masking can be accomplished using bitmaps that to determine how color information is copied from the pixels in a source image to the corresponding pixels in a destination image. Masks are passed to the QuickDraw functions CopyMask and CopyDeepMask in the maskBits parameter. Masks can have a depth of up to 8 bits per component.

QuickDraw uses the following compositing formula to compute the contribution of each color component in the source and destination pixels:

(1 – mask) x source + (mask) x destination

In this formula, the mask values are normalized to range from 0 through 1. High mask values reduce the contribution of source pixels—in effect, the mask contains “inverse alpha” information with respect to the source bitmap.

Quartz supports two kinds of masks:

Starting in Mac OS X v10.4, you can use the function CGImageCreateWithMask to mask an image with either an image mask or an image. The function CGImageCreateWithMaskingColors is used for chroma key masking. Masks can also be intersected with the current clipping area in a graphics context using the function CGContextClipToMask.

Replacing Mask Regions

In the QuickDraw functions CopyBits and CopyDeepMask, the mask region parameter prevents some of the pixels in the source image from being copied to the destination, similar to the clipping region in a graphics port. A procedure that uses this type of binary mask might look like this:

  1. Use CalcCMask or SeedCFill to create a bitmap of the mask.

  2. Use BitmapToRegion to create a mask region.

  3. Use CopyBits, passing the mask region as the last parameter.

Prior to Mac OS X v10.4, there is no direct support in Quartz for combining an image with a mask at runtime. To apply a clipping mask to an image, the recommended solution is to set up the clipping area in the context before drawing the image. This approach works well whenever you can specify the shape of the clipping mask using a graphics path.

When it’s difficult to construct a path to specify the desired clip, you can use the alpha channel in an image as a built-in clipping mask. (The alpha channel is an extra component that determines the color opacity of each sample or pixel in an image. When the image is drawn, the alpha channel is used to control how the image is blended or composited with background color.) When a mask is an integral part of an image, as in a game sprite, you can use a photo editing application to transfer the mask into the alpha channel of the image permanently.

In Mac OS X v10.4, Quartz provides some new solutions for applications that need to apply clipping masks to images:

Both solutions use masks that are bitmap images with a pixel depth of up to 8 bits. Typically, the mask is the same size as the image to which it is applied.

For more information about using masks, see Bitmap Images and Image Masks in Quartz 2D Programming Guide.

Relevant Resources

In Quartz 2D Programming Guide, see:

See these reference documents: