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Installing and Configuring NSAPI Adaptors

If you have a Netscape server, the NSAPI adaptor to use, and the procedure for configuring it, depends on the type of server. Adaptors are located in NextLibrary/WOAdaptors/NSAPI.
If you have server...use adaptor...
Netscape 1.1
Netscape 2.0
Netscape 2.0.1

Note: There is no requirement for installing an adaptor anywhere other than its original location. If you wish, you can copy the adaptor to the server's executable or configuration directories, but ensure that the configuration specifications refer to its proper location. The following procedures assume the original installed locations. NSAPI configuration is applicable only to the WebObjects Enterprise product.

Configuring the 1.1 NSAPI Adaptor on Windows NT

To configure the NSAPI adaptor for Netscape 1.1 servers on Windows NT, you must make a series of key-value entries in the NT registry. These instructions assume some familiarity with the registry editor. If you aren't sure how to use this program, refer to the appropriate documentation.

  1. Run the registry editor REGEDT32.EXE. This executable is located in the system folder D:\WINNT\SYSTEM32 where D is the drive letter.

  2. Expand the registry folders in this order:

    The interior folder name represented by "Http[d|s]" is Https if the server performs authentication and Httpd if it doesn't; port is either a port number or the server host name, depending on the server.

  3. Select the Startup folder and create a key called "InitFunction11". Then create a series of named string values for this key:
    The value for "shlib" in the example takes NEXT_ROOT to be C:\NeXT. Your NEXT_ROOT might be different.

  4. From the CurrentVersion folder, navigate to Objects\Object1. Check the Directiven folders under this key until you find one with a value of "NameTrans" (n indicates a number)

  5. Create a key under the "NameTrans" Directiven key called "Function09" (the "09" causes this key to precede the Functionn key for cgi-bin). Then create a series of named string values for this key:
    from/cgi-bin/WebObjects (assuming "cgi-bin" is the name given to the CGI executable directory)

  6. From CurrentVersion, go to Objects and create a key named "Object12" (the "12" makes this the last Object key). Create the following named string value for this key:

  7. Add the key "Directive10" to Object12. For this key, create the following named string value:

  8. Add the key "Function10" to the newly created Directive10 key. For this function key, create the following named string value:

  9. To have the changes take effect, restart the server from the Services control panel.

Other Adaptor Configurations

To configure Netscape 1.1 NSAPI adaptors for the Solaris and HPUX platforms, and to configure Netscape 2.0 or 2.0.1 NSAPI adaptors for all platforms, complete the following procedure:

  1. Locate the appropriate server configuration files for the platform:
    ServerPlatformConfiguration Files to Modify
    2.0/2.0.1all platformscgi_bin_dir\config\obj.conf

  2. Edit the configuration file to insert one an line similar to one of the following:

    2.0 and 2.0.1 Servers:In the obj.conf file insert the following:

        Init fn=load-modules shlib=c:/NeXT/NextLibrary/WOAdaptors/NSAPI/2.0/WebObjects-NSAPI.dll  

    This example is specific to Windows NT and NSAPI 2.0; for Solaris and HPUX the name of the adaptor binary is

    1.1 Servers (HPUX/Solaris): In the magnus.conf file insert the following:

        Init fn=load-modules shlib=c:/NeXT/NextLibrary/WOAdaptors/NSAPI/1.1/

  3. Locate the following line in obj.conf:
        NameTrans from="/cgi-bin" fn="pfx2dir" dir="cgi_bin_dir" name="cgi"

    Just before this line, insert the following line:

        NameTrans from="/cgi-bin/WebObjects" fn="WONSInterfaceFindWebObjects" name="webobjects"

  4. At the end of obj.conf, add the following text, just as it appears here:
        <Object name="webobjects">
        Service fn="WONetscapeInterface"

  5. Restart your server.


On Windows NT, you can restart your server from the Services control panel by stopping and then starting it (clicking the Stop button, then clicking the Start button). However, it is better to use the browser interface provided for administration to restart the server. If there are errors, you can check the error activity log to find out what they are.

When you test an API-based adaptor to verify that it's properly configured, you should eliminate the CGI adaptor as a factor. To do this, rename WebObjects (or WebObjects.exe) to something like "WebObjects_test" (or "WebObjects_test.exe") and test the API-based adaptor. If you wish later to restore the CGI adaptor, simply undo the changes you made previously.

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