
Inherits From:

Conforms To:
NSObject (NSObject)

Declared In:

Class Description

Using NSTask, your program can run another program as a subprocess and can monitor that program's execution. NSTask creates a separate executable entity; it differs from NSThread in that it does not share memory space with the process that creates it.

A task operates within an environment defined by the current values for several items: the current directory, standard input, standard output, standard error, and the values of any environment variables. By default, an NSTask inherits its environment from the process that launches it. If there are any values that should be different for the task, for example, if the current directory should change, you must change the value before you launch the task. A task's environment cannot be changed while it is running.

Creating and Launching an NSTask

There are two ways to create an NSTask. If it's sufficient for the task to run in the environment that it inherits from the process that creates it, use the class method launchedTaskWithLaunchPath:arguments:. This method both creates and executes (launches) the task. If you need to change the task's environment, create the task using alloc and init, use set... methods to change parts of the environment, then use the launch method to launch the task. For example, the following method runs tasks that take an input file and an output file as arguments. It reads these arguments, the task's executable, and the current directory from text fields before it launches the task:

- (void)runTask:(id)sender
NSTask *aTask = [[NSTask alloc] init];
NSMutableArray *args = [NSMutableArray array];

/* set arguments */
[args addObject:[[inputFile stringValue] lastPathComponent]];
[args addObject:[outputFile stringValue]];
[aTask setCurrentDirectoryPath:[[inputFile stringValue]
[aTask setLaunchPath:[taskField stringValue]];
[aTask setArguments:args];
[aTask launch];

If you create an NSTask object in this manner, you must be sure to set the executable name using setLaunchPath:. If you don't, an NSInvalidArgumentException is raised.

Ending an NSTask

Normally, you want the task that you've launched to run to completion. When an NSTask exits, it posts an NSTaskDidTerminateNotification to the default notification center. You can add one of the custom objects in your program as an observer of the notification and check the task's exit status (using terminationStatus) in the observer method. For example:

self = [super init];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
return self;

- (void)checkATaskStatus:(NSNotification *)aNotification
int status = [[aNotification object] terminationStatus];
if (status == ATASK_SUCCESS_VALUE)
NSLog(@"Task succeeded.");
NSLog(@"Task failed.");

If you need to force a task to end execution, send terminate to the NSTask object.

Method Types

Creating and initializing an NSTask
+ launchedTaskWithLaunchPath:arguments:
- init
Returning task information
- arguments
- currentDirectoryPath
- environment
- launchPath
- standardError
- standardInput
- standardOutput
Running and stopping an NSTask
- interrupt
- launch
- terminate
- waitUntilExit
Querying the NSTask state
- isRunning
- terminationStatus
Setting up an NSTask
- setArguments:
- setCurrentDirectoryPath:
- setEnvironment:
- setLaunchPath:
- setStandardError:
- setStandardInput:
- setStandardOutput:

Class Methods


+ (NSTask *)launchedTaskWithLaunchPath:(NSString *)path arguments:(NSArray *)arguments

Creates and launches a task with the executable specified in path, providing the argument in the array arguments. The task inherits its environment from the process that invokes this method.

See also: - init

Instance Methods


- (NSArray *)arguments

Returns the command arguments that were used when the task was launched.

See also: - setArguments:


- (NSString *)currentDirectoryPath

Returns the task's current directory.

See also: - setCurrentDirectoryPath:


- (NSDictionary *)environment

Returns a dictionary of variables for the environment from which the task was launched. The dictionary keys are the environment variable names.

See also: - environment (NSProcessInfo), - setEnvironment:


- (id)init

Returns an initialized NSTask object with the environment of the current process. Usually, if the current process's environment is sufficient, you use the class method launchedTaskWithLaunchPath:arguments: to create an run the task. Otherwise, you use alloc and init and then set up the environment before you launch the task.


- (void)interrupt

<< Description forthcoming. >>


- (BOOL)isRunning

Returns YES if the NSTask is still running, otherwise NO. NO either means the task could not run or it has terminated.

See also: - launch, - terminate, - waitUntilExit


- (void)launch

Launches the task represented by the NSTask object. Raises an NSInvalidArgumentException if the launch path has not been set or is invalid or if it fails to create a process.

See also: - launchPath, - setLaunchPath:, - terminate, - waitUntilExit


- (NSString *)launchPath

Returns the path of the NSTask's executable.

See also: + launchedTaskWithLaunchPath:arguments:, - setLaunchPath:


- (void)setArguments:(NSArray *)arguments

Sets the command arguments that should be used to launch the path to arguments. If this method (or launchedTaskWithLaunchPath:arguments:) isn't used, the command is launched with no arguments. You cannot use this method if the task has already been launched. If you do, it raises an NSInvalidArgumentException.

See also: - arguments


- (void)setCurrentDirectoryPath:(NSString *)path

Sets the current directory for the task to path. If this method isn't used, the current directory is inherited from the process that created the NSTask. You cannot use this method if the task has already been launched. If you do, it raises an NSInvalidArgumentException.

See also: - currentDirectoryPath


- (void)setEnvironment:(NSDictionary *)environmentDictionary

Sets the environment for the task to environmentDictionary. The environment is a dictionary of environment variable values whose keys are the variable names. If this method isn't used, the environment is inherited from the process that created the NSTask. You cannot use this method if the task has already been launched. If you do, it raises an NSInvalidArgumentException.

See also: - environment


- (void)setLaunchPath:(NSString *)path

Sets the task's executable to path. You must use this method before you send launch to launch the task or else use launchedTaskWithLaunchPath:arguments:. If you don't, NSTask raises an NSInvalidArgumentException.

See also: - launchPath


- (void)setStandardError:(id)file

Sets standard error for the task to file, which can be either an NSFileHandle or an NSPipe object. If file is an NSPipe, launching the NSTask automatically closes the write end of the pipe in the current task. If you're using a pipe for standard error, use an NSPipe instance as the argument to this method. Don't create a handle for the pipe and pass that as the argument. If you do, the write end of the pipe won't be closed automatically.

If this method isn't used, the standard error is inherited from the process that created the NSTask. You cannot use this method if the task has already been launched. If you do, it raises an NSInvalidArgumentException.

See also: - standardError


- (void)setStandardInput:(id)file

Sets standard input for the task to file, which can be either an NSFileHandle or an NSPipe object. If file is an NSPipe, launching the NSTask automatically closes the read end of the pipe in the current task. If you're using a pipe for standard input, use an NSPipe instance as the argument to this method. Don't create a handle for the pipe and pass that as the argument. If you do, the read end of the pipe won't be closed automatically.

If this method isn't used, the standard input is inherited from the process that created the NSTask. You cannot use this method if the task has already been launched. If you do, it raises an NSInvalidArgumentException.

See also: - standardInput


- (void)setStandardOutput:(id)file

Sets standard output for the task to file, which can be either an NSFileHandle or an NSPipe object. If file is an NSPipe, launching the NSTask automatically closes the write end of the pipe in the current task. If you're using a pipe for standard output, use an NSPipe instance as the argument to this method. Don't create a handle for the pipe and pass that as the argument. If you do, the write end of the pipe won't be closed automatically.

If this method isn't used, the current standard output is inherited from the process that created the NSTask. You cannot use this method if the task has already been launched. If you do, it raises an NSInvalidArgumentException.

See also: - standardOutput


- (id)standardError

Returns the standard error file used by the task. Standard error is where all diagnostic messages are sent. The object returned is either an NSFileHandle or an NSPipe instance, depending on what type of object was passed to the setStandardError: method.

See also: - setStandardError:


- (id)standardInput

Returns the standard input file used by the task. Standard input is where the task takes its input from unless otherwise specified. The object returned is either an NSFileHandle or an NSPipe instance, depending on what type of object was passed to the setStandardInput: method.

See also: - setStandardInput:


- (id)standardOutput

Returns the standard output file used by the task. Standard output is where the task displays its output. The object returned is either an NSFileHandle or an NSPipe instance, depending on what type of object was passed to the setStandardOutput: method.

See also: - setStandardOutput:


- (void)terminate

Sends a terminate signal to the NSTask and all of its subtasks, posting a NSTaskDidTerminateNotification to the default notification center. This method has no effect if the NSTask was already launched and has already finished executing. If the task hasn't been launched yet, this method raises an NSInvalidArgumentException.

It is not always possible to terminate the task because the task might be ignoring the terminate signal.

See also: + launchedTaskWithLaunchPath:arguments:, - launch, - terminationStatus, - waitUntilExit


- (int)terminationStatus

Returns the value returned by the task's executable. The return value indicates the exit status of the task. Each task defines and documents how its return value should be interpreted. (For example, many UNIX commands return 0 if they complete successfully or an error code if they don't. You'll need to look at the documentation for that task to learn what values it returns under what circumstances.) This method raises an NSInvalidArgumentException if the task is still running. Verify that the task is not running before you use it.

if (![aTask isRunning]) {
int return = [aTask terminationStatus];
if (status == ATASK_SUCCESS_VALUE)
NSLog(@"Task succeeded.");
NSLog(@"Task failed.");

See also: - terminate, - waitUntilExit


- (void)waitUntilExit

Suspends your program until the tasks is finished. This method first checks to see if the task is still running using isRunning. Then it polls the current run loop using NSDefaultRunLoopMode until the task completes. (See the NSRunLoop class specification for more information on run loops and run loop modes.)

int return = [aTask terminationStatus];

[aTask launch];
[aTask waitUntilExit];
return = [aTask terminationStatus];

if (status == ATASK_SUCCESS_VALUE)
NSLog(@"Task succeeded.");