Network Services Location Manager Result Codes

The result codes specific to the Network Services Location Manager are listed here. In addition, Network Services Location Manager functions may return other Mac OS X result codes, which are described in Inside Mac OS X. Some result codes cannot be returned by this version of the Network Services Location Manager, as noted.

Result CodeValueDescription
noErr 0
kNSLSchedulerError –4171
kNSLBadURLSyntax –4172
kNSLUILibraryNotAvailable –4174
kNSLErrNullPtrError –4176
kNSLSomePluginsFailedToLoad –4177
kNSLNullNeighborhoodPtr –4178
kNSLNoPluginsForSearch –4179
kNSLSearchAlreadyInProgress –4180
kNSLNoPluginsFound –4181
kNSLPluginLoadFailed –4182
kNSLBadProtocolTypeErr –4183
kNSLNullListPtr –4184
kNSLBadClientInfoPtr –4185
kNSLCannotContinueLookup –4186
kNSLBufferTooSmallForData –4187
kNSLNoContextAvailable –4188
kNSLRequestBufferAlreadyInList –4189
kNSLInvalidPluginSpec –4190
kNSLNoSupportForService –4191
kNSLBadNetConnection –4192
kNSLBadDataTypeErr –4193
kNSLBadServiceTypeErr –4194
kNSLBadReferenceErr –4195
kNSLNoElementsInList –4196
kNSLNotInitialized –4199