Next Steps

In this tutorial, you created a simple but functional app. To build on the knowledge you gained, consider extending the BirdWatching app in some of the ways described in this chapter.

Improve the User Interface and User Experience

To meet the high expectations of iOS users, an app must have a great user interface and user experience. Although it’s usually best to avoid adding excessive decoration, the BirdWatching app might look better if it displayed coloring or even a subtle image in some of the view backgrounds.

iOS users generally expect to be able to use iOS-based devices in any orientation, so it’s a good idea to support different orientations in the apps you develop. As you update the app’s UI, be sure to define constraints that help UI elements remain properly positioned when the device is rotated.

Although the BirdWatching app makes it easy to add a new bird-sighting event, the user experience isn’t ideal. For one thing, the Done button is active as soon as the add scene appears; it would be better if it became active after the user taps a key on the keyboard. In addition, the text fields don’t provide a Clear button that allows users to quickly erase their input.

Add More Functionality

The best iOS apps include just the right amount of functionality to make it easy and enjoyable for users to accomplish the main task. The BirdWatching app makes it easy to perform the main task, but it could be more enjoyable to use. Here are a few improvements to consider:

Additional Improvements

As you learn more about iOS app development, consider making the following changes to the BirdWatching app: