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Inside Macintosh: Interapplication Communication /
Chapter 6 - Resolving and Creating Object Specifier Records / Reference to Resolving and Creating Object Specifier Records
Routines for Resolving and Creating Object Specifier Records / Getting, Calling, and Removing Object Accessor Functions


You can use the AERemoveObjectAccessor function to remove an object accessor function from an object accessor dispatch table.

FUNCTION AERemoveObjectAccessor (desiredClass: DescType; 
                                 containerType: DescType; 
                                 theAccessor: AccessorProcPtr; 
                                 isSysHandler: Boolean): OSErr;
The object class of the Apple event objects located by the object accessor function. The desiredClass parameter can also contain the constant typeWildCard or the constant cProperty.
The descriptor type of the token that identifies the container for the objects located by the object accessor function. The containerType parameter can also contain the constant typeWildCard.
A pointer to the object accessor function you want to remove. Although the parameters desiredClass and containerType would be sufficient to identify the function to be removed, providing the parameter theAccessor guarantees that you remove the correct function. If this parameter does not contain a pointer to the object accessor function you want to remove, its value should be NIL.
A value that specifies the object accessor dispatch table from which to remove the object accessor function. If the value of isSysHandler is TRUE, AEGetObjectAccessor removes the routine from the system object accessor dispatch table. If the value is FALSE, AEGetObjectAccessor removes the routine from the application object accessor dispatch table.
The AERemoveObjectAccessor function removes the object accessor function you have installed for the object class specified in the desiredClass parameter and the descriptor type specified in the containerType parameter.

To remove an object accessor function whose entry in an object accessor dispatch table specifies typeWildCard as the object class, you must specify typeWildCard as the value of the desiredClass parameter. Similarly, to remove an object accessor function whose entry in an object accessor dispatch table specifies typeWildCard as the descriptor type of the token used to specify the container for the desired objects, you must specify typeWildCard as the value of the containerType parameter.

To remove an object accessor function whose entry in an object accessor dispatch table specifies cProperty (a constant used to specify a property of any object class), you must specify cProperty as the desiredClass parameter.

noErr0No error occurred
paramErr-50AEObjectInit was not called before this function was called
errAEAccessorNotFound-1723There is no object accessor function for the specified object class and container type

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
7 JUL 1996