
    File:       Sample.c
    Contains:   Sample Appearance-savvy, Mac OS X-compatible custom MDEF.
    Version:    1.0
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    Copyright © 2000-2001 Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved
#include <Carbon.h>
#include "Sample.h"
    This sample code demonstrates how to write an Appearance-savvy, Mac OS X-compatible MDEF.
    It imitates the appearance the standard system MDEF as far as possible.
    Features of the standard MDEF that aren't implemented here:
        glyph-based command keys
        custom menu font
        custom menu item text encoding, font, and style
        right-to-left drawing
        pencil glyph substitution
    This code has not yet been compiled or run on Mac OS 9. It should be fairly close to
    implementing an Appearance-savvy MDEF for 9, but will require at least CarbonLib 1.3.1
    for DrawThemeTextBox.
    There are several tricky platform-specific and OS-version-specific issues to deal with
    in writing an Appearance-savvy MDEF. The major ones:
        -   Because menus use a window buffer that contains an alpha channel, drawing into the
            menu must be done with CoreGraphics and not Quickdraw if you would like to have
            a transparent menu. Quickdraw does not understand alpha channels and will simply
            set the alpha channel component of each pixel to 0xFF (making the menu opaque).
            If you are drawing with the Appearance Manager menu-drawing APIs, you will automatically
            use CoreGraphics and your menus will be transparent.
        -   Because Quickdraw does not deal with alpha channels, you cannot use Quickdraw to
            scroll a menu's contents without making the menu opaque. Mac OS X 10.1 and later, and
            CarbonLib 1.5 and later, provide a new ScrollMenuImage API that scrolls the menu
            using CoreGraphics. On Mac OS X 10.0.x, there is no good substitute for ScrollMenuImage;
            this sample code just uses ScrollRect.
        -   Because menus are partially transparent on Mac OS X, when the Appearance Manager
            draws the menu background inside DrawThemeMenuBackground, it composites the menu
            background together with whatever was previously visible in the menu's window
            buffer. If the menu background is being redrawn because a previously selected menu
            item is being redrawn in an unhilited state, then the previous content of the
            menu's buffer is the blue hilited menu item, and a small fraction of the blue hilite
            will show through the background of the unhilited menu item. The solution to this
            is to erase the area where the menu background will be drawn before drawing the
            background. Mac OS X 10.1 and later, and CarbonLib 1.5 and later, will offer a new
            API to do this, EraseMenuBackground; on Mac OS X 10.0.x, you must use CoreGraphics
        -   The GetThemeMetric API in Mac OS X 10.1 and later, and in CarbonLib 1.5 and later, has
            several new theme metrics to aid in the layout of a menu. These metrics are not available
            in 10.0.x and must be hard-coded on earlier systems.
        -   The check, diamond, bullet, and dash characters, when drawn as mark characters for a
            menu item by the Appearance Manager, are drawn with special customized glyphs that are
            different from the glyphs in the system font. On Mac OS 10.0.x, the public Appearance
            Manager APIs do not provide any way to get these special glyphs. On Mac OS X 10.1 and
            later, the DrawThemeTextBox API has been modified to provide these glyphs automatically,
            so an MDEF should simply always use DrawThemeTextBox to draw the mark characters.
        -   When drawing the command, option, control, and shift modifier glyphs in a menu item,
            for compatibility with both Mac OS X 10.0.x and 10.1, you must create the CFString
            containing the glyph characters using CFStringCreateWithBytes, providing a source
            string containing the kMenuCommand/Option/Control/Glyph character codes from Menus.h
            and using the kTextEncodingMacKeyboardGlyphs encoding. If you do not need compatibility
            with 10.0.x, and your MDEF will only run on later releases of Mac OS X, then you can
            create the CFString by specifying the Unicode characters for these glyphs directly
            (these Unicode characters are listed in Events.h). 
        -   The following theme fonts are used when drawing a menu:
                kThemeMenuItemFont          used for: menu item text, menu command key
                kThemeMenuItemMarkFont      used for: menu mark character
                kThemeMenuItemCmdKeyFont    used for: command key modifier glyphs, menu
                                            command key if specified by glyph instead of
                                            character code, menu mark if the mark's character
                                            code is less than 32 (ASCII space)
        -   DrawThemeTextBox uses the ThemeDrawState constant to modify the shadow and boldness
            of the text; it does not, however, modify the text color based on the draw state.
            It assumes that you have already set up the text color appropriately using 
            SetThemeTextColor. However, there is currently no API for setting the text color
            of a CoreGraphics context based on ThemeDrawState. For this reason, DrawThemeTextBox
            makes an exception to its no-text-color-setup rule; if you pass NULL for the context,
            the text color will be set up appropriately for you. This sample code therefore always
            passes NULL as the CGContextRef parameter to DrawThemeTextBox, even though a context
            is passed to the MDEF by the Menu Manager.
// determines whether the MDEF is compatible with Mac OS X 10.0.x (set to zero)
// or only with Mac OS X 10.1 and later (set to one)
#define AFTER_MACOSX_10_0_x 0
/*  ¥ÊConstants                                                                                     */
// for our wrapper around GetThemeMetric
typedef int ThemeMenuMetric;
/*  ¥ÊTypes                                                                                         */
// for our wrapper glue around EraseMenuBackground, ScrollMenuImage, and CGContextClearRect
typedef OSStatus 
  MenuRef        inMenu,
  const Rect *   inEraseRect,
  CGContextRef   inContext);
typedef OSStatus 
  MenuRef        inMenu,
  const Rect *   inScrollRect,
  int            inHScroll,
  int            inVScroll,
  CGContextRef   inContext);
typedef void
  CGContextRef   context,
  CGRect         rect);
// useful metrics for menu drawing
typedef struct
    SInt16      extraWidth;             // extra width for each item
    SInt16      extraHeightPlain;       // extra height for plain text items
    SInt16      extraHeightIcon;        // extra height for items with icons
    SInt16      markWidth;              // width of the column used to draw the mark character
    SInt16      excludedMarkWidth;      // width of the column when the mark character is excluded
    SInt16      markIndent;             // indent into the mark column where drawing starts
    SInt16      textLeadingMargin;      // margin on the leading edge of the text to where text drawing starts
    SInt16      textTrailingMargin;     // margin on the trailing edge of the text to the end of the text box
    SInt16      indentWidth;            // space allocated per indent level as set by SetMenuItemIndent
    SInt16      itemHeight;             // height of a plain text icon
    SInt16      separatorHeight;        // height of a separator
    SInt16      itemBaseline;           // distance from top of item text to baseline
    SInt16      cmdGlyphWidth;          // width of the command key symbol; used as command key width for items without command keys
    SInt16      cmdCharWidth;           // width of 'W' in the menu item font; used as width of all command chars
// info needed to calculate the size of an item
typedef struct
    MenuMetrics         metrics;
    MenuItemDataRec     itemData;
// our MenuItem drawing callback gets a pointer to this in its userData
typedef struct
    MenuRef             menu;
    MenuAttributes      menuAttr;
    MenuItemCalcInfo    calcInfo;
    CGContextRef        context;
    Boolean             itemSelected;
/*  ¥ Prototypes                                                                                    */
static void                 DrawMenu( MenuRef menu, const Rect* bounds, MenuTrackingData* trackingData, CGContextRef context );
static void                 SetupItemDrawInfo( MenuRef menu, CGContextRef context, MenuItemDrawInfo* outDrawInfo );
static void                 SetupItemRect( const Rect* menuBounds, const MenuTrackingData* trackingData, Rect* outItemRect );
static void                 DrawItem( MenuRef menu, MenuItemIndex item, const Rect* menuRect, const Rect* itemRect,
                                      const MenuTrackingData* trackingData, Boolean eraseFirst,
                                      const MenuItemDrawInfo* drawInfo, CGContextRef context );
static void                 FetchMenuItemData( MenuRef menu, MenuItemIndex item, MenuItemDataRec* outItemData );
static void                 ReleaseMenuItemData( const MenuItemDataRec* itemData );
//static ThemeMenuType      GetThemeMenuType( MenuRef menu );
static ThemeMenuState       GetItemState( MenuItemAttributes attr, Boolean hilite );
static ThemeMenuItemType    GetItemType( MenuRef menu, MenuItemIndex item, const MenuItemDataRec* itemData, Boolean eraseFirst );
static MenuItemDrawingUPP   GetItemDrawingProc();
static pascal void          ItemDrawingProc( const Rect *inBounds, SInt16 inDepth, Boolean inIsColorDevice, SInt32 inUserData);
static void                 DrawCharTextBox( Byte ch, TextEncoding encoding, ThemeFontID font, ThemeDrawState drawState,
                                             const Rect* bounds, int baseline, int just, CGContextRef context );
static int                  MeasureUnicode( const UniChar* chars, ByteCount length, ThemeFontID font );
static void                 DrawUnicode( const UniChar*, ByteCount length, ThemeFontID font, ThemeDrawState drawState, const Rect* bounds, int baseline, int just, CGContextRef context );
static void                 DrawScrollArrow( MenuRef menu, const Rect* bounds, MenuTrackingData* trackingData, Boolean downArrow, const MenuMetrics* metrics, CGContextRef context );
static void                 SizeMenu( MenuRef menu, Point maxSizes );
static void                 GetMenuMetrics( MenuMetrics* outMetrics );
static UniChar              GetCommandGlyph( void );
static void                 CalcItemSize( MenuRef menu, const MenuItemCalcInfo* calcInfo, int* outWidth, int* outHeight );
static int                  GetCommandKeyWidth( const MenuItemCalcInfo* calcInfo );
static const UniChar*       BuildModifierString( UInt32 modifiers, ByteCount* outLength );
static void                 CalcMenuPopUpRect( MenuRef menu, Rect* bounds, int mouseH, int mouseV, short* whichItem );
static void                 FindMenuItem( MenuRef menu, const Rect* bounds, Point hitPt, MenuTrackingData* trackingData, CGContextRef context );
static void                 AutoScroll( MenuRef menu, const Rect* bounds, Point hitPt, MenuTrackingData* trackingData, MenuItemIndex prevItemSelected, const MenuMetrics* metrics, CGContextRef context );
static void                 DrawScrolledItem( MenuRef menu, MenuTrackingData* trackingData, const Rect* menuRect, const Rect* itemRect, const MenuMetrics* metrics, CGContextRef context );
static void                 HiliteMenuItem( MenuRef menu, const Rect* bounds, HiliteMenuItemData* hiliteData, CGContextRef context );
static void                 HiliteItem( MenuRef menu, const Rect* bounds, MenuTrackingData* trackingData, int i, Boolean hilite, CGContextRef context );
static void                 CalcMenuItemBounds( MenuRef menu, Rect* bounds, int i );
static void                 GetItemRect( MenuRef menu, const MenuTrackingData* trackingData, const Rect* bounds, int whichItem, int hintItem, int hintBottom, const MenuItemCalcInfo* whichItemInfo, Rect* itemRect );
static int                  GetThemeMenuMetric( ThemeMenuMetric metric );
static Boolean              HasNoBackground();
static Boolean              HasAqua();
static void                 DoEraseMenuBackground( MenuRef menu, const Rect* rect, CGContextRef context );
static void                 DoCGContextClearRect( CGContextRef context, const Rect* rect );
static void                 DoScrollMenuImage( MenuRef menu, const Rect* bounds, int dh, int dv, CGContextRef context );
/*  ¥ÊFunctions                                                                                     */
inline Boolean
HasCommandKey( const MenuItemDataRec* itemData )
    // the standard MDEF also checks for cmdKeyGlyph and kMenuItemAttrUseVirtualKey here
    return itemData->cmdKey != 0;
inline CGContextRef
GetTextContext( CGContextRef context )
    // There is currently no API for setting up the appropriate text color for a ThemeDrawState
    // in a CGContext. If you pass NULL to DrawThemeTextBox, it will set up the color for you,
    // so we use NULL even though ideally we should be passing the actual context.
    return NULL;
pascal void
SampleMDEF( short msg, MenuRef menu, Rect* bounds, Point hitPt, short* whichItem )
    switch ( msg )
        case kMenuInitMsg:
            *whichItem = noErr;
        case kMenuDisposeMsg:
        case kMenuDrawMsg:
            DrawMenu( menu, bounds, (MenuTrackingData*) whichItem, (CGContextRef) ((MDEFDrawData*) whichItem)->context );
        case kMenuSizeMsg:
            SizeMenu( menu, hitPt );
        case kMenuPopUpMsg:
            CalcMenuPopUpRect( menu, bounds, hitPt.v, hitPt.h, whichItem );
        case kMenuFindItemMsg:
            FindMenuItem( menu, bounds, hitPt, (MenuTrackingData*) whichItem, (CGContextRef) ((MDEFFindItemData*) whichItem)->context );
        case kMenuHiliteItemMsg:
            HiliteMenuItem( menu, bounds, (HiliteMenuItemData*) whichItem, (CGContextRef) ((MDEFHiliteItemData*) whichItem)->context );
        case kMenuCalcItemMsg:
            CalcMenuItemBounds( menu, bounds, *whichItem );
        case kMenuThemeSavvyMsg:
            *whichItem = kThemeSavvyMenuResponse;
static void
DrawMenu( MenuRef menu, const Rect* bounds, MenuTrackingData* trackingData, CGContextRef context )
    int                 i;
    int                 cItems;
    MenuItemDrawInfo    drawInfo;
    Rect                itemRect;
    trackingData->virtualMenuBottom = 0;
    SetupItemDrawInfo( menu, context, &drawInfo );
    SetupItemRect( bounds, trackingData, &itemRect );
    cItems = CountMenuItems( menu );
    for ( i = 1; i <= cItems; i++ )
        int     height;
        FetchMenuItemData( menu, i, &drawInfo.calcInfo.itemData );
        CalcItemSize( menu, &drawInfo.calcInfo, NULL, &height );
        itemRect.bottom = + height;
        if ( ! ( itemRect.bottom <= bounds->top || >= bounds->bottom ) )
            DrawItem( menu, i, bounds, &itemRect, trackingData, false, &drawInfo, context );
        ReleaseMenuItemData( &drawInfo.calcInfo.itemData );
        trackingData->virtualMenuBottom = itemRect.bottom; = itemRect.bottom;
    if ( trackingData->virtualMenuTop < bounds->top )
        DrawScrollArrow( menu, bounds, trackingData, false, &drawInfo.calcInfo.metrics, context );
    if ( trackingData->virtualMenuBottom > bounds->bottom )
        DrawScrollArrow( menu, bounds, trackingData, true, &drawInfo.calcInfo.metrics, context );
static void
SetupItemDrawInfo( MenuRef menu, CGContextRef context, MenuItemDrawInfo* outDrawInfo )
    outDrawInfo->menu = menu;
    GetMenuAttributes( menu, &outDrawInfo->menuAttr );
    GetMenuMetrics( &outDrawInfo->calcInfo.metrics );
    outDrawInfo->context = context;
    outDrawInfo->itemSelected = false;
static void
SetupItemRect( const Rect* menuBounds, const MenuTrackingData* trackingData, Rect* outItemRect )
    outItemRect->left = menuBounds->left;
    outItemRect->right = menuBounds->right;
    outItemRect->top = trackingData->virtualMenuTop;
    outItemRect->bottom = outItemRect->top;
static void
DrawItem( MenuRef menu, MenuItemIndex item, const Rect* menuRect, const Rect* itemRect,
          const MenuTrackingData* trackingData, Boolean eraseFirst,
          const MenuItemDrawInfo* drawInfo, CGContextRef context )
    if ( eraseFirst )
        DoEraseMenuBackground( menu, itemRect, context );
    if ( ( drawInfo->calcInfo.itemData.attr & kMenuItemAttrSeparator ) != 0 )
        DrawThemeMenuSeparator( itemRect );
        DrawThemeMenuItem( menuRect, itemRect,
                           trackingData->virtualMenuTop, trackingData->virtualMenuBottom,
                           GetItemState( drawInfo->calcInfo.itemData.attr, drawInfo->itemSelected ),
                           GetItemType( menu, item, &drawInfo->calcInfo.itemData, eraseFirst ),
                           GetItemDrawingProc(), (UInt32) drawInfo );
static void
FetchMenuItemData( MenuRef menu, MenuItemIndex item, MenuItemDataRec* outItemData )
    BlockZero( outItemData, sizeof( MenuItemDataRec ) );
    outItemData->whichData =  kMenuItemDataMark
                            | kMenuItemDataCmdKey
                            | kMenuItemDataCmdKeyModifiers
                            | kMenuItemDataSubmenuID
                            | kMenuItemDataSubmenuHandle
                            | kMenuItemDataEnabled
                            | kMenuItemDataAttributes
                            | kMenuItemDataCFString
                            | kMenuItemDataIndent;
    CopyMenuItemData( menu, item, false, outItemData );
static void
ReleaseMenuItemData( const MenuItemDataRec* itemData )
    if ( itemData->cfText != NULL )
        CFRelease( itemData->cfText );
#if 0   // not currently used
static ThemeMenuType
GetThemeMenuType( MenuRef menu )
    ThemeMenuType menuType;
    GetMenuType( menu, &menuType );
    if ( !IsMenuItemEnabled( menu, 0 ) )
        menuType |= kThemeMenuTypeInactive;
    return menuType;
static ThemeMenuState
GetItemState( MenuItemAttributes attr, Boolean hilite )
    if ( hilite )
        return kThemeMenuSelected;
    else if ( ( attr & kMenuItemAttrDisabled ) != 0 )
        return kThemeMenuDisabled;
        return kThemeMenuActive;
static ThemeMenuItemType
GetItemType( MenuRef menu, MenuItemIndex item, const MenuItemDataRec* itemData, Boolean eraseFirst )
    ThemeMenuType       menuType;
    ThemeMenuItemType   itemType = kThemeMenuItemPlain;
    GetMenuType( menu, &menuType );
    if ( itemData->submenuHandle != NULL || itemData->submenuID != 0 )
        itemType |= kThemeMenuItemHierarchical;
    if ( item == 1 )
        itemType |= kThemeMenuItemAtTop;
    else if ( item == CountMenuItems( menu ) )
        itemType |= kThemeMenuItemAtBottom;
    if ( menuType == kThemeMenuTypeHierarchical )
        itemType |= kThemeMenuItemHierBackground;
    else if ( menuType == kThemeMenuTypePopUp )
        itemType |= kThemeMenuItemPopUpBackground;
    if ( !eraseFirst && HasNoBackground() )
        itemType |= kThemeMenuItemNoBackground;
    return itemType;
static MenuItemDrawingUPP
    static MenuItemDrawingUPP sDrawingProc;
    if ( sDrawingProc == NULL )
        sDrawingProc = NewMenuItemDrawingUPP( ItemDrawingProc );
    return sDrawingProc;
static pascal void
ItemDrawingProc(const Rect *inBounds, SInt16 inDepth, Boolean inIsColorDevice, SInt32 inUserData)
#pragma unused( inDepth, inIsColorDevice )
    MenuItemDrawInfo*   drawInfo = (MenuItemDrawInfo*) inUserData;
    ThemeDrawState      drawState;
    Rect                bounds = *inBounds;
    Rect                boundsT;
    int                 baseline = + drawInfo->calcInfo.metrics.itemBaseline;
    if ( drawInfo->itemSelected )
        drawState = kThemeStatePressed;
    else if ( ( drawInfo->calcInfo.itemData.attr & kMenuItemAttrDisabled ) != 0 )
        drawState = kThemeStateInactive;
        drawState = kThemeStateActive;
    // indent
    if ( drawInfo->calcInfo.itemData.indent > 0 )
        bounds.left += drawInfo->calcInfo.itemData.indent * drawInfo->calcInfo.metrics.indentWidth;
    // mark character
    if ( ( drawInfo->menuAttr & kMenuAttrExcludesMarkColumn ) == 0 )
        boundsT = bounds;
        bounds.left += drawInfo->calcInfo.metrics.markWidth;
        if ( drawInfo->calcInfo.itemData.mark != 0 )
            ThemeFontID font = kThemeMenuItemMarkFont;
            TextEncoding encoding = GetApplicationTextEncoding();
            if ( drawInfo->calcInfo.itemData.mark < kSpaceCharCode )
                font = kThemeMenuItemCmdKeyFont;
                encoding = kTextEncodingMacKeyboardGlyphs;
            boundsT.left += drawInfo->calcInfo.metrics.markIndent;
            boundsT.right = bounds.left;
            DrawCharTextBox( drawInfo->calcInfo.itemData.mark, encoding, font, drawState,
                                &boundsT, baseline, teFlushDefault, drawInfo->context );
    // text
    if ( drawInfo->calcInfo.itemData.cfText != NULL )
        boundsT = bounds;
        boundsT.left += drawInfo->calcInfo.metrics.textLeadingMargin;
        DrawThemeTextBox( drawInfo->calcInfo.itemData.cfText, kThemeMenuItemFont, drawState,
                          false, &boundsT, teFlushDefault, GetTextContext( drawInfo->context ) );
    // command key
    if ( HasCommandKey( &drawInfo->calcInfo.itemData ) )
        ByteCount       cch;
        const UniChar*  modifiers;
        // the command key character itself
        boundsT = bounds;
        boundsT.left = boundsT.right - drawInfo->calcInfo.metrics.cmdCharWidth;
        DrawCharTextBox( drawInfo->calcInfo.itemData.cmdKey, GetApplicationTextEncoding(), kThemeMenuItemFont,
                         drawState, &boundsT, baseline, teFlushDefault, drawInfo->context );
        // the modifiers
        boundsT.right = boundsT.left;
        boundsT.left = bounds.right - GetCommandKeyWidth( &drawInfo->calcInfo );
        modifiers = BuildModifierString( drawInfo->calcInfo.itemData.cmdKeyModifiers, &cch );
        DrawUnicode( modifiers, cch, kThemeMenuItemCmdKeyFont, drawState, &boundsT,
                     baseline, teFlushDefault, drawInfo->context );
static void
DrawCharTextBox( Byte ch, TextEncoding encoding, ThemeFontID font, ThemeDrawState drawState,
                 const Rect* bounds, int baseline, int just, CGContextRef context )
    Rect        adjustedBounds = *bounds;
    CFStringRef string = CFStringCreateWithBytes( NULL, &ch, 1, encoding, false );
        Menu item text drawn with the .Keyboard font (used for kThemeMenuItemCmdKeyFont) won't
        always have the same ascent and baseline as text drawn with the regular menu item font,
        since the glyphs in the .Keyboard font may have a different height. Therefore, we first
        determine the baseline of the text and then adjust the bounds rect so the baseline aligns
        with the overall baseline of the menu item.
    if ( font == kThemeMenuItemCmdKeyFont )
        Point   size;
        SInt16  cmdKeyBaseline;
        GetThemeTextDimensions( string, kThemeMenuItemCmdKeyFont, drawState, false, &size, &cmdKeyBaseline );
        OffsetRect( &adjustedBounds, 0, baseline - bounds->top - size.v - cmdKeyBaseline );
    DrawThemeTextBox( string, font, drawState, false, &adjustedBounds, just, GetTextContext( context ) );
    CFRelease( string );
static int
MeasureUnicode( const UniChar* chars, ByteCount length, ThemeFontID font )
    CFStringRef str = CFStringCreateWithCharacters( NULL, chars, length );
    Point       pt = {0, 0};
    SInt16      baseline;
    GetThemeTextDimensions( str, font, kThemeStateActive, false, &pt, &baseline );
    CFRelease( str );
    return pt.h;
static void
DrawUnicode( const UniChar* chars, ByteCount length, ThemeFontID font, ThemeDrawState drawState,
             const Rect* bounds, int baseline, int just, CGContextRef context )
    Rect        adjustedBounds = *bounds;
    CFStringRef string = CFStringCreateWithCharacters( NULL, chars, length );
        Menu item text drawn with the .Keyboard font (used for kThemeMenuItemCmdKeyFont) won't
        always have the same ascent and baseline as text drawn with the regular menu item font,
        since the glyphs in the .Keyboard font may have a different height. Therefore, we first
        determine the baseline of the text and then adjust the bounds rect so the baseline aligns
        with the overall baseline of the menu item.
    if ( font == kThemeMenuItemCmdKeyFont )
        Point   size;
        SInt16  cmdKeyBaseline;
        GetThemeTextDimensions( string, kThemeMenuItemCmdKeyFont, drawState, false, &size, &cmdKeyBaseline );
        OffsetRect( &adjustedBounds, 0, baseline - bounds->top - size.v - cmdKeyBaseline );
    DrawThemeTextBox( string, font, drawState, false, &adjustedBounds, just, GetTextContext( context ) );
    CFRelease( string );
static void
DrawScrollArrow( MenuRef menu, const Rect* bounds, MenuTrackingData* trackingData, Boolean downArrow,
                 const MenuMetrics* metrics, CGContextRef context )
    Rect                itemRect    = *bounds;
    ThemeMenuState      menuState;
    ThemeMenuType       menuType;
    ThemeMenuItemType   itemType;
    if ( downArrow ) = itemRect.bottom - metrics->itemHeight;
        itemRect.bottom = + metrics->itemHeight;
    // If the entire menu is inactive, disable the item so that it matches the rest of the menu.
    // The menu still scrolls, so technically the item really shouldn't be inactive, but it looks
    // wrong otherwise.
    if ( IsMenuItemEnabled( menu, 0 ) )
        menuState = kThemeMenuActive;
        menuState = kThemeMenuDisabled;
    if ( downArrow )
        itemType = kThemeMenuItemScrollDownArrow;
        itemType = kThemeMenuItemScrollUpArrow;
    GetMenuType( menu, &menuType );
    if ( menuType == kThemeMenuTypeHierarchical )
        itemType |= kThemeMenuItemHierBackground;
    else if ( menuType == kThemeMenuTypePopUp )
        itemType |= kThemeMenuItemPopUpBackground;
    // the arrow's background will be drawn on top of whatever was there before, so erase first
    DoEraseMenuBackground( menu, &itemRect, context );
    DrawThemeMenuItem( bounds, &itemRect, trackingData->virtualMenuTop, trackingData->virtualMenuBottom,
                       menuState, itemType, NULL, NULL );
static void
SizeMenu( MenuRef menu, Point maxSizes )
    int                 i;
    int                 cItems;
    int                 menuWidth = 0;
    int                 menuHeight = 0;
    MenuItemCalcInfo    calcInfo;
    SInt32              result;
    int                 maxWidth;
    int                 maxHeight;
    Boolean             hasCmdKey = false;
    // determine the maximum allowed width and height of the menu
    if (    ( Gestalt( gestaltMenuMgrAttr, &result ) == noErr )
         && ( result & gestaltMenuMgrSendsMenuBoundsToDefProcMask ) != 0 )
        maxWidth = maxSizes.h;
        maxHeight = maxSizes.v;
        Rect mainDeviceRect = (*GetMainDevice())->gdRect;
        maxWidth = mainDeviceRect.right - mainDeviceRect.left;
        maxHeight = mainDeviceRect.bottom - - GetMBarHeight();
    GetMenuMetrics( &calcInfo.metrics );
    // Determine the true width and height of the menu. Note that we must examine every item,
    // even if the height of the menu has already exceeded the maximum height, because we need
    // to calculate the maximum width based on the width of every item.
    cItems = CountMenuItems( menu );
    for ( i = 1; i <= cItems; i++ )
        int     itemWidth;
        int     itemHeight;
        int     newHeight;
        FetchMenuItemData( menu, i, &calcInfo.itemData );
        hasCmdKey |= HasCommandKey( &calcInfo.itemData );
        CalcItemSize( menu, &calcInfo, &itemWidth, &itemHeight );
        ReleaseMenuItemData( &calcInfo.itemData );
        if ( itemWidth > menuWidth )
            menuWidth = itemWidth;
        newHeight = menuHeight + itemHeight;
        if ( newHeight <= maxHeight )
            menuHeight = newHeight;
    // CalcItemSize will add the command key width to every item, even if the item doesn't have a command key.
    // This gives a better appearance when just some items have command keys. However, if no item has a command
    // key, then we remove the command key width entirely.
    if ( !hasCmdKey && menuWidth >= calcInfo.metrics.cmdGlyphWidth )
        menuWidth -= calcInfo.metrics.cmdGlyphWidth;
    if ( menuWidth > maxWidth )
        menuWidth = maxWidth;
    if ( menuHeight > maxHeight )
        menuHeight = maxHeight;
    SetMenuWidth( menu, menuWidth );
    SetMenuHeight( menu, menuHeight );
static void
CalcItemSize( MenuRef menu, const MenuItemCalcInfo* calcInfo, int* outWidth, int* outHeight )
    MenuAttributes      menuAttr;
    // initial height
    if ( outHeight != NULL )
        if ( ( calcInfo->itemData.attr & kMenuItemAttrSeparator ) != 0 )
            *outHeight = calcInfo->metrics.separatorHeight;
            *outHeight = calcInfo->metrics.itemHeight;
    // initial width
    if ( outWidth == NULL )
        *outWidth = 0;
    // indent
    if ( calcInfo->itemData.indent > 0 )
        *outWidth += calcInfo->itemData.indent * calcInfo->metrics.indentWidth;
    // mark character
    GetMenuAttributes( menu, &menuAttr );
    if ( ( menuAttr & kMenuAttrExcludesMarkColumn ) != 0 )
        *outWidth += calcInfo->metrics.excludedMarkWidth;
        *outWidth += calcInfo->metrics.markWidth;
    // text
    if ( calcInfo->itemData.cfText != NULL )
        Point   pt;
        SInt16  baseline;
        GetThemeTextDimensions( calcInfo->itemData.cfText, kThemeMenuItemFont, kThemeStateActive, false, &pt, &baseline );
        *outWidth += pt.h + calcInfo->metrics.textLeadingMargin + calcInfo->metrics.textTrailingMargin;
    // command key and modifiers
    *outWidth += GetCommandKeyWidth( calcInfo );
    // theme-specified extra spacing
    *outWidth += calcInfo->metrics.extraWidth;
static int
GetCommandKeyWidth( const MenuItemCalcInfo* calcInfo )
    int width = 0;
    if ( HasCommandKey( &calcInfo->itemData ) )
        width = calcInfo->metrics.cmdCharWidth;
        if ( calcInfo->itemData.cmdKeyModifiers == 0 )
            width += calcInfo->metrics.cmdGlyphWidth;
            ByteCount cch;
            const UniChar* modifiers = BuildModifierString( calcInfo->itemData.cmdKeyModifiers, &cch );
            width += MeasureUnicode( modifiers, cch, kThemeMenuItemCmdKeyFont );
        width = calcInfo->metrics.cmdGlyphWidth;
    return width;
static const UniChar*
BuildModifierString( UInt32 modifiers, ByteCount* outLength )
    static UniChar  ustr[4];
    ByteCount       cch = 0;
    Mac OS X 10.0.x expects the CFStringRef used when drawing with kMenuItemCmdKeyFont to contain
    characters with values in the range given in Menus.h for glyph codes in the .Keyboard font.
    Those glyph codes are actually not valid Unicode values for the associated characters; that
    Mac OS X 10.0.x requires them is a bug in that release.
    Mac OS X 10.1 and later expects the CFStringRef to contain characters with the proper Unicode
    values (kCommand/Option/Shift/ControlUnicode).
    It so happens that creating a CFStringRef with CFStringCreateWithBytes, using byte values from
    the .Keyboard font encoding, and specifying kTextEncodingMacKeyboardGlyphs, will create a CFString
    with the right Unicode values on both platforms. That is the approach used by this sample code.
    However, if your MDEF will only run on Mac OS X 10.1 and later, then it's somewhat more efficient
    to just create the CFString by specifying the correct Unicode values in the first place.
#if AFTER_MACOSX_10_0_x
    if ( ( modifiers & kMenuControlModifier ) != 0 )
        ustr[cch++] = kControlUnicode;
    if ( ( modifiers & kMenuOptionModifier ) != 0 )
        ustr[cch++] = kOptionUnicode;
    if ( ( modifiers & kMenuShiftModifier ) != 0 )
        ustr[cch++] = kShiftUnicode;
    if ( ( modifiers & kMenuNoCommandModifier ) == 0 )
        ustr[cch++] = kCommandUnicode;
    static Byte     str[4];
    CFStringRef     cfString;
    if ( ( modifiers & kMenuControlModifier ) != 0 )
        str[cch++] = kMenuControlGlyph;
    if ( ( modifiers & kMenuOptionModifier ) != 0 )
        str[cch++] = kMenuOptionGlyph;
    if ( ( modifiers & kMenuShiftModifier ) != 0 )
        str[cch++] = kMenuShiftGlyph;
    if ( ( modifiers & kMenuNoCommandModifier ) == 0 )
        str[cch++] = kMenuCommandGlyph;
    cfString = CFStringCreateWithBytes( NULL, str, cch, kTextEncodingMacKeyboardGlyphs, false );
    check( cfString != NULL );
    check( CFStringGetLength( cfString ) <= 4 );
    CFStringGetCharacters( cfString, CFRangeMake( 0, cch ), ustr );
    CFRelease( cfString );
    *outLength = cch;
    return ustr;
static void
CalcMenuPopUpRect( MenuRef menu, Rect* bounds, int mouseH, int mouseV, short* whichItem )
    MenuTrackingData    trackingData;
    Rect                itemRect;
    MenuItemCalcInfo    calcInfo;
    GetMenuMetrics( &calcInfo.metrics );
    FetchMenuItemData( menu, *whichItem, &calcInfo.itemData );
    trackingData.virtualMenuTop = 0;    // GetItemRect uses only this field of the tracking data
    GetItemRect( menu, &trackingData, bounds, *whichItem, 0, 0, &calcInfo, &itemRect ); 
    ReleaseMenuItemData( &calcInfo.itemData );
    // itemRect.left and right will be garbage now, because they're based on the bounds rect,
    // which is uninitialized. But we don't care.
    if ( IsMenuSizeInvalid( menu ) )
        CalcMenuSize( menu );
    SetRect( bounds, mouseH, mouseV -, mouseH + GetMenuWidth( menu ),
        mouseV + GetMenuHeight( menu ) - );
    *whichItem = bounds->top;
static void
FindMenuItem( MenuRef menu, const Rect* bounds, Point hitPt, MenuTrackingData* trackingData, CGContextRef context )
    Rect                visibleBounds       = *bounds;
    MenuItemIndex       prevItemSelected    = trackingData->itemSelected;
    MenuItemCalcInfo    calcInfo;
    GetMenuMetrics( &calcInfo.metrics );
    trackingData->itemSelected = 0;
    trackingData->itemUnderMouse = 0;
    if ( trackingData->virtualMenuTop < bounds->top ) += calcInfo.metrics.itemHeight;
    if ( trackingData->virtualMenuBottom > bounds->bottom )
        visibleBounds.bottom -= calcInfo.metrics.itemHeight;
    if ( PtInRect( hitPt, &visibleBounds ) )
        int     i;
        int     cItems;
        Rect    itemRect;
        SetupItemRect( bounds, trackingData, &itemRect );
        cItems = CountMenuItems( menu );
        for ( i = 1; i <= cItems; i++ )
            int     height;
            FetchMenuItemData( menu, i, &calcInfo.itemData );
            CalcItemSize( menu, &calcInfo, NULL, &height );
            ReleaseMenuItemData( &calcInfo.itemData );
            itemRect.bottom = + height;
            if ( PtInRect( hitPt, &itemRect ) )
                trackingData->itemUnderMouse = i;
                trackingData->itemRect = itemRect;
                if ( IsMenuItemEnabled( menu, i ) )
                    trackingData->itemSelected = i;
            // prepare for next item
   = itemRect.bottom;
        AutoScroll( menu, bounds, hitPt, trackingData, prevItemSelected, &calcInfo.metrics, context );
static void
AutoScroll( MenuRef menu, const Rect* bounds, Point hitPt, MenuTrackingData* trackingData,
            MenuItemIndex prevItemSelected, const MenuMetrics* metrics, CGContextRef context )
        kSlowScrollSpeed    = 10,
        kFastScrollSpeed    = 1
    int                 scrollDist  = 0;
    Rect                arrowRect;
    Rect                itemRect;
    Rect                scrollRect  = *bounds;
    UInt32              temp;
    MenuTrackingData    deepestTrackingData;
    UInt32              delayTime   = 0;
    // are we in the top scrolling arrow?
    if ( trackingData->virtualMenuTop < bounds->top )
        // there's a top arrow, so remove that item from the scrollRect += metrics->itemHeight;
        arrowRect = *bounds;
        arrowRect.bottom = + metrics->itemHeight;
        if ( PtInRect( hitPt, &arrowRect ) )
            // this will be the bounds of the item that's newly exposed
            itemRect = arrowRect;
            // scrolling up means that bits move down on the screen
            scrollDist = metrics->itemHeight;
            if ( hitPt.v >= ( ( + arrowRect.bottom ) / 2 ) )
                delayTime = kSlowScrollSpeed;
                delayTime = kFastScrollSpeed;
    // or the bottom scrolling arrow?
    if ( trackingData->virtualMenuBottom > bounds->bottom )
        // there's a bottom arrow, so remove that item from the scrollRect
        scrollRect.bottom -= metrics->itemHeight;
        arrowRect = *bounds; = arrowRect.bottom - metrics->itemHeight;
        if ( PtInRect( hitPt, &arrowRect ) )
            // this will be the bounds of the item that's newly exposed
            itemRect = arrowRect;
            // scrolling down means that bits move up on the screen
            scrollDist = -metrics->itemHeight;
            if ( hitPt.v <= ( ( + arrowRect.bottom ) / 2 ) )
                delayTime = kSlowScrollSpeed;
                delayTime = kFastScrollSpeed;
    if ( scrollDist == 0 )
    // don't scroll if there are other menus open above us
    verify_noerr( GetMenuTrackingData( NULL, &deepestTrackingData ) );
    if ( != menu )
    // turn off the hilite on the previous item
    if ( prevItemSelected != 0 )
        HiliteItem( menu, bounds, trackingData, prevItemSelected, false, context );
    // scroll me, baby
    DoScrollMenuImage( menu, &scrollRect, 0, scrollDist, context );
    trackingData->virtualMenuTop += scrollDist;
    trackingData->virtualMenuBottom += scrollDist;
    // draw the newly exposed item
    OffsetRect( &itemRect, 0, scrollDist );
    DrawScrolledItem( menu, trackingData, bounds, &itemRect, metrics, context );
    // draw the arrows, if necessary
    if ( scrollDist < 0 && trackingData->virtualMenuTop < bounds->top )
        DrawScrollArrow( menu, bounds, trackingData, false, metrics, context );
    if ( scrollDist > 0 && trackingData->virtualMenuBottom > bounds->bottom )
        DrawScrollArrow( menu, bounds, trackingData, true, metrics, context );
    Delay( delayTime, &temp );
static void
DrawScrolledItem( MenuRef menu, MenuTrackingData* trackingData, const Rect* menuRect, const Rect* itemRect, const MenuMetrics* metrics, CGContextRef context )
    int                 i;
    MenuItemDrawInfo    drawInfo;
    i = ( itemRect->top - trackingData->virtualMenuTop ) / metrics->itemHeight;     // zero-based item number
    i++;                                                                            // one-based item number
    SetupItemDrawInfo( menu, context, &drawInfo );
    FetchMenuItemData( menu, i, &drawInfo.calcInfo.itemData );
    DrawItem( menu, i, menuRect, itemRect, trackingData, true, &drawInfo, context );
    ReleaseMenuItemData( &drawInfo.calcInfo.itemData );
static void
HiliteMenuItem( MenuRef menu, const Rect* bounds, HiliteMenuItemData* hiliteData, CGContextRef context )
    MenuTrackingData    trackingData;
    Boolean             oldFirst = false;
    Boolean             oldLast = false;
    MenuItemDrawInfo    oldDrawInfo;
    MenuItemDrawInfo    newDrawInfo;
    Rect                oldItemRect;
    Rect                newItemRect;
    GetMenuTrackingData( menu, &trackingData );
    SetupItemDrawInfo( menu, context, &oldDrawInfo );
    newDrawInfo = oldDrawInfo;
    // determine whether previousItem or newItem comes first in the menu so we can get the item rect
    // for the earlier item first, and use its position as a hint to GetItemRect for the later item
    if ( hiliteData->previousItem != 0 )
        oldFirst = hiliteData->previousItem < hiliteData->newItem;
        oldLast = !oldFirst;
    if ( oldFirst )
        FetchMenuItemData( menu, hiliteData->previousItem, &oldDrawInfo.calcInfo.itemData );
        GetItemRect( menu, &trackingData, bounds, hiliteData->previousItem, 0, 0,
                     &oldDrawInfo.calcInfo, &oldItemRect );
    if ( hiliteData->newItem != 0 )
        FetchMenuItemData( menu, hiliteData->newItem, &newDrawInfo.calcInfo.itemData );
        GetItemRect( menu, &trackingData, bounds, hiliteData->newItem, hiliteData->previousItem,
                     oldItemRect.bottom, &newDrawInfo.calcInfo, &newItemRect );
    if ( oldLast )
        FetchMenuItemData( menu, hiliteData->previousItem, &oldDrawInfo.calcInfo.itemData );
        GetItemRect( menu, &trackingData, bounds, hiliteData->previousItem, hiliteData->newItem,
                     newItemRect.bottom, &oldDrawInfo.calcInfo, &oldItemRect );
    if ( hiliteData->previousItem != 0 )
        check( oldDrawInfo.itemSelected == false );
        DrawItem( menu, hiliteData->previousItem, bounds, &oldItemRect, &trackingData, true, &oldDrawInfo, context );
        ReleaseMenuItemData( &oldDrawInfo.calcInfo.itemData );
    if ( hiliteData->newItem != 0 )
        newDrawInfo.itemSelected = true;
        DrawItem( menu, hiliteData->newItem, bounds, &newItemRect, &trackingData, true, &newDrawInfo, context );
        ReleaseMenuItemData( &newDrawInfo.calcInfo.itemData );
static void
HiliteItem( MenuRef menu, const Rect* bounds, MenuTrackingData* trackingData, int i, Boolean hilite, CGContextRef context )
    MenuItemDrawInfo    drawInfo;
    Rect                itemRect;
    if ( i == 0 )
    SetupItemDrawInfo( menu, context, &drawInfo );
    drawInfo.itemSelected = hilite;
    FetchMenuItemData( menu, i, &drawInfo.calcInfo.itemData );
    GetItemRect( menu, trackingData, bounds, i, 0, 0, &drawInfo.calcInfo, &itemRect );
    DrawItem( menu, i, bounds, &itemRect, trackingData, true, &drawInfo, context );
    ReleaseMenuItemData( &drawInfo.calcInfo.itemData );
static void
CalcMenuItemBounds( MenuRef menu, Rect* bounds, int i )
    MenuTrackingData    trackingData;
    MenuItemCalcInfo    calcInfo;
    Rect                itemRect;
    int                 width;
    // find the top of the menu, or use zero if the menu isn't open
    if ( GetMenuTrackingData( menu, &trackingData ) != noErr )
        trackingData.virtualMenuTop = 0;
    GetMenuMetrics( &calcInfo.metrics );
    FetchMenuItemData( menu, i, &calcInfo.itemData );
    // use GetItemRect to determine the item's vertical position in the menu
    // use CalcItemSize to determine the item's actual width (GetItemRect will use the menu's width)
    GetItemRect( menu, &trackingData, bounds, i, 0, 0, &calcInfo, &itemRect );
    CalcItemSize( menu, &calcInfo, &width, NULL );
    *bounds = itemRect;
    bounds->right = bounds->left + width;
    ReleaseMenuItemData( &calcInfo.itemData );
static void
GetItemRect( MenuRef menu, const MenuTrackingData* trackingData, const Rect* bounds, int whichItem,
             int hintItem, int hintBottom, const MenuItemCalcInfo* whichItemInfo, Rect* itemRect )
    int                 i;
    MenuItemCalcInfo    calcInfo;
    itemRect->left = bounds->left;
    itemRect->right = bounds->right;
    calcInfo.metrics = whichItemInfo->metrics;
    // It would be possible to modify this code to use hintBottom even for items that are past whichItem
    // (by working backwards and subtracting off the height instead of adding it), but I didn't feel like
    // adding that complication to the code at this time.
    if ( hintItem >= whichItem )
        hintItem = 0;
    if ( hintItem == 0 )
        itemRect->bottom = trackingData->virtualMenuTop;
        itemRect->bottom = hintBottom;
    i = hintItem + 1;
    while ( i <= whichItem )
        int     height;
        if ( i == whichItem )
            calcInfo.itemData = whichItemInfo->itemData;
            FetchMenuItemData( menu, i, &calcInfo.itemData );
        CalcItemSize( menu, &calcInfo, NULL, &height );
        if ( i != whichItem )
            ReleaseMenuItemData( &calcInfo.itemData );
        itemRect->top = itemRect->bottom;
        itemRect->bottom += height;
static void
GetMenuMetrics( MenuMetrics* outMetrics )
    UniChar     uchCmdGlyph = GetCommandGlyph();
    FontInfo    fi;
    GetThemeMenuSeparatorHeight( &outMetrics->separatorHeight );
    GetThemeMenuItemExtra( kThemeMenuItemPlain, &outMetrics->extraHeightPlain, &outMetrics->extraWidth );
    GetThemeMenuItemExtra( kThemeMenuItemHasIcon, &outMetrics->extraHeightIcon, &outMetrics->extraWidth );
    outMetrics->markWidth = GetThemeMenuMetric( kThemeMenuMetricMarkColumnWidth );
    outMetrics->excludedMarkWidth = GetThemeMenuMetric( kThemeMenuMetricExcludedMarkColumnWidth );
    outMetrics->markIndent = GetThemeMenuMetric( kThemeMenuMetricMarkIndent );
    outMetrics->textLeadingMargin = GetThemeMenuMetric( kThemeMenuMetricTextLeadingEdgeMargin );
    outMetrics->textTrailingMargin = GetThemeMenuMetric( kThemeMenuMetricTextTrailingEdgeMargin );
    outMetrics->indentWidth = GetThemeMenuMetric( kThemeMenuMetricIndentWidth );
    outMetrics->cmdGlyphWidth = MeasureUnicode( &uchCmdGlyph, 1, kThemeMenuItemCmdKeyFont );
    UseThemeFont( kThemeMenuItemFont, smSystemScript );
    GetFontInfo( &fi );
    outMetrics->itemHeight = fi.ascent + fi.descent + fi.leading + outMetrics->extraHeightPlain;
    outMetrics->itemBaseline = fi.ascent;
    outMetrics->cmdCharWidth = fi.widMax;
static UniChar
GetCommandGlyph( void )
// see prior discussion in BuildModifierString for why this is here
#if AFTER_MACOSX_10_0_x
    return kCommandUnicode;
    static UniChar  uch;
    Byte            ch;
    CFStringRef     str;
    if ( uch == 0 )
        ch = kMenuCommandGlyph;
        str = CFStringCreateWithBytes( NULL, &ch, sizeof( ch ), kTextEncodingMacKeyboardGlyphs, false );
        CFStringGetCharacters( str, CFRangeMake( 0, 1 ), &uch );
        CFRelease( str );
    return uch;
static int
GetThemeMenuMetric( ThemeMenuMetric metric )
    SInt32  value;
        We first try to get the metric using GetThemeMetric. If that returns an error,
        we use some hardcoded constants that correspond to the values used by the Mac OS 9
        and Mac OS X system MDEFs.
        Unfortunately, we need to check for GetThemeMetric returning noErr but a metric
        value of zero also, because GetThemeMetric will return noErr for some out-of-bounds
        and unsupported metrics on 10.0.x.
    switch ( metric )
        case kThemeMenuMetricMarkColumnWidth:
            if ( GetThemeMetric( kThemeMetricMenuMarkColumnWidth, &value ) != noErr || value == 0 )
                if ( HasAqua() )
                    value = 21;
                    FontInfo fi;
                    UseThemeFont( kThemeSystemFont, smSystemScript );
                    GetFontInfo( &fi );
                    value = fi.widMax;
        case kThemeMenuMetricExcludedMarkColumnWidth:
            if ( GetThemeMetric( kThemeMetricMenuExcludedMarkColumnWidth, &value ) != noErr || value == 0 )
                value = 5;
        case kThemeMenuMetricMarkIndent:
            if ( GetThemeMetric( kThemeMetricMenuMarkIndent, &value ) != noErr || value == 0 )
                if ( HasAqua() )
                    value = 5;
                    value = 0;
        case kThemeMenuMetricTextLeadingEdgeMargin:
            if ( GetThemeMetric( kThemeMetricMenuTextLeadingEdgeMargin, &value ) != noErr || value == 0 )
                if ( HasAqua() )
                    value = 0;
                    value = 2;
        case kThemeMenuMetricTextTrailingEdgeMargin:
            if ( GetThemeMetric( kThemeMetricMenuTextTrailingEdgeMargin, &value ) != noErr || value == 0 )
                if ( HasAqua() )
                    value = 19;
                    value = 8;
        case kThemeMenuMetricIndentWidth:
            if ( GetThemeMetric( kThemeMetricMenuIndentWidth, &value ) != noErr || value == 0 )
                value = 12;
        case kThemeMenuMetricIconTrailingEdgeMargin:
            if ( GetThemeMetric( kThemeMetricMenuIconTrailingEdgeMargin, &value ) != noErr || value == 0 )
                if ( HasAqua() )
                    value = 4;
                    value = CharWidth( kSpaceCharCode );
            value = 0;
    return value;
//  Determines whether kThemeMenuItemNoBackground is available. It is only available on Mac OS X and later.
static Boolean
    static Boolean  sHasNoBackground;
    static Boolean  sInited;
    if ( !sInited )
        SInt32 result;
        Gestalt( gestaltSystemVersion, &result );
        sHasNoBackground = result >= 0x1000;
        sInited = true;
    return sHasNoBackground;
static Boolean
    static Boolean  sHasAqua;
    static Boolean  sInited;
    if ( !sInited )
        Collection  c = NewCollection();
        Str255      name;
        Size        size = sizeof( name );
        GetTheme( c );
        sHasAqua = GetTheme( c ) == noErr
                && GetCollectionItem( c, kThemeNameTag, 0, &size, name ) == noErr
                && EqualString( name, "\pAqua", true, true );
        DisposeCollection( c );
        sInited = true;
    return sHasAqua;
static void
DoEraseMenuBackground( MenuRef menu, const Rect* rect, CGContextRef context )
    static EraseMenuBackgroundProc  eraseProc;
    static Boolean                  checked;
    if ( !checked )
        CFBundleRef bundle = CFBundleGetBundleWithIdentifier( CFSTR("") );
        eraseProc = CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName( bundle, CFSTR("EraseMenuBackground") );
        checked = true;
    if ( eraseProc != NULL )
        (*eraseProc)( menu, rect, context );
    if ( EraseMenuBackground != NULL )
        EraseMenuBackground( menu, rect, context );
        DoCGContextClearRect( context, rect );
static void
DoCGContextClearRect( CGContextRef context, const Rect* rect )
    Rect    portBounds;
    CGRect  cgRect;
    static CGContextClearRectProc   clearProc;
    static Boolean                  checked;
    if ( !checked )
        CFBundleRef bundle = CFBundleGetBundleWithIdentifier( CFSTR("") );
        clearProc = CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName( bundle, CFSTR("CGContextClearRect") );
        checked = true;
    // convert from Quickdraw coordinates (zero at top) to CG coordinates (zero at bottom)
    GetPortBounds( GetQDGlobalsThePort(), &portBounds );
    cgRect.origin.x = rect->left;
    cgRect.origin.y = ( portBounds.bottom - ) - rect->bottom;
    cgRect.size.width = rect->right - rect->left;
    cgRect.size.height = rect->bottom - rect->top;
    (*clearProc)( context, cgRect );
    CGContextClearRect( context, cgRect );
static void
DoScrollMenuImage( MenuRef menu, const Rect* bounds, int dh, int dv, CGContextRef context )
    static ScrollMenuImageProc  scrollProc;
    static Boolean              checked;
    if ( !checked )
        CFBundleRef bundle = CFBundleGetBundleWithIdentifier( CFSTR("") );
        scrollProc = CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName( bundle, CFSTR("ScrollMenuImage") );
        checked = true;
    if ( scrollProc != NULL )
        (*scrollProc)( menu, bounds, dh, dv, context );
    if ( ScrollMenuImage != NULL )
        ScrollMenuImage( menu, bounds, dh, dv, context );
        ScrollRect( bounds, dh, dv, NULL );