
    File:       Sample.c
    Contains:   Sample is an example application that demonstrates how to
                initialize the commonly used toolbox managers, operate 
                successfully under MultiFinder, handle desk accessories, 
                and create, grow, and zoom windows.
                It does not by any means demonstrate all the techniques 
                you need for a large application. In particular, Sample 
                does not cover exception handling, multiple windows/documents, 
                sophisticated memory management, printing, or undo. All of 
                these are vital parts of a normal full-sized application.
                This application is an example of the form of a Macintosh 
                application; it is NOT a template. It is NOT intended to be 
                used as a foundation for the next world-class, best-selling, 
                600K application. A stick figure drawing of the human body may 
                be a good example of the form for a painting, but that does not 
                mean it should be used as the basis for the next Mona Lisa.
                We recommend that you review this program or TESample before 
                beginning a new application.
                SetPort strategy:
                Toolbox routines do not change the current port. In spite of this, in this
                program we use a strategy of calling SetPort whenever we want to draw or
                make calls which depend on the current port. This makes us less vulnerable
                to bugs in other software which might alter the current port (such as the
                bug (feature?) in many desk accessories which change the port on OpenDeskAcc).
                Hopefully, this also makes the routines from this program more self-contained,
                since they don't depend on the current port setting.
    Written by:     
    Copyright:  Copyright © 1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
                You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without
                restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the
                responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute
                this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made
                changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make
                it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source
                code, but that you've made changes.
    Change History (most recent first):
                7/9/1999    Karl Groethe    Updated for Metrowerks Codewarror Pro 2.1
#pragma segment Main
#include <SegLoad.h>
#include <ToolUtils.h>
#include <DiskInit.h>
#include <Processes.h>
#include <Devices.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include "Test.h"
#include "Sample.h"     /* bring in all the #defines for Sample */
/* The "g" prefix is used to emphasize that a variable is global. */
/* GMac is used to hold the result of a SysEnvirons call. This makes
   it convenient for any routine to check the environment. */
SysEnvRec   gMac;               /* set up by Initialize */
/* GHasWaitNextEvent is set at startup, and tells whether the WaitNextEvent
   trap is available. If it is false, we know that we must call GetNextEvent. */
Boolean     gHasWaitNextEvent;  /* set up by Initialize */
/* GInBackground is maintained by our osEvent handling routines. Any part of
   the program can check it to find out if it is currently in the background. */
Boolean     gInBackground;      /* maintained by Initialize and DoEvent */
/* The following globals are the state of the window. If we supported more than
   one window, they would be attatched to each document, rather than globals. */
/* GStopped tells whether the stop light is currently on stop or go. */
Boolean     gStopped;           /* maintained by Initialize and SetLight */
/* GStopRect and gGoRect are the rectangles of the two stop lights in the window. */
Rect        gStopRect;          /* set up by Initialize */
Rect        gGoRect;            /* set up by Initialize */
/* Define HiWrd and LoWrd macros for efficiency. */
#define HiWrd(aLong)    (((aLong) >> 16) & 0xFFFF)
#define LoWrd(aLong)    ((aLong) & 0xFFFF)
/* Define TopLeft and BotRight macros for convenience. Notice the implicit
   dependency on the ordering of fields within a Rect */
#define TopLeft(aRect)  (* (Point *) &(aRect).top)
#define BotRight(aRect) (* (Point *) &(aRect).bottom)
void main()
    /* 1.01 - call to ForceEnvirons removed */
    /*  If you have stack requirements that differ from the default,
        then you could use SetApplLimit to increase StackSpace at 
        this point, before calling MaxApplZone. */
    MaxApplZone();                  /* expand the heap so code segments load at the top */
    Initialize();                   /* initialize the program */
    UnloadSeg((Ptr) Initialize);    /* note that Initialize must not be in Main! */
    EventLoop();                    /* call the main event loop */
/*  Get events forever, and handle them by calling DoEvent.
    Get the events by calling WaitNextEvent, if it's available, otherwise
    by calling GetNextEvent. Also call AdjustCursor each time through the loop. */
void EventLoop()
    RgnHandle   cursorRgn;
    Boolean     gotEvent;
    EventRecord event;
    Point       mouse;
    cursorRgn = NewRgn();           /* weÕll pass WNE an empty region the 1st time thru */
    do {
        /* use WNE if it is available */
        if ( gHasWaitNextEvent ) {
            AdjustCursor(mouse, cursorRgn);
            gotEvent = WaitNextEvent(everyEvent, &event, LONG_MAX, nil);
        else {
            gotEvent = GetNextEvent(everyEvent, &event);
        if ( gotEvent ) {
            /* make sure we have the right cursor before handling the event */
            AdjustCursor(event.where, cursorRgn);
            if (FrontWindow() && IsDialogEvent(&event)) {
            } else {
        /*  If you are using modeless dialogs that have editText items,
            you will want to call IsDialogEvent to give the caret a chance
            to blink, even if WNE/GNE returned FALSE. However, check FrontWindow
            for a non-NIL value before calling IsDialogEvent. */
    } while ( true );   /* loop forever; we quit via ExitToShell */
} /*EventLoop*/
/* Do the right thing for an event. Determine what kind of event it is, and call
 the appropriate routines. */
void HandleNormalEvent(EventRecord *event)
    short       part, err;
    WindowPtr   window;
    Boolean     hit;
    char        key;
    Point       aPoint;
    switch ( event->what ) {
        case mouseDown:
            part = FindWindow(event->where, &window);
            switch ( part ) {
                case inMenuBar:             /* process a mouse menu command (if any) */
                case inSysWindow:           /* let the system handle the mouseDown */
                    SystemClick(event, window);
                case inContent:
                    if ( window != FrontWindow() ) {
                        /*HandleNormalEvent(event);*/   /* use this line for "do first click" */
                    } else
                case inDrag:                /* pass screenBits.bounds to get all gDevices */
                    DragWindow(window, event->where, &qd.screenBits.bounds);
                case inGrow:
                case inZoomIn:
                case inZoomOut:
                    hit = TrackBox(window, event->where, part);
                    if ( hit ) {
                        SetPort(window);                /* the window must be the current port... */
                        EraseRect(&window->portRect);   /* because of a bug in ZoomWindow */
                        ZoomWindow(window, part, true); /* note that we invalidate and erase... */
                        InvalRect(&window->portRect);   /* to make things look better on-screen */
        case keyDown:
        case autoKey:                       /* check for menukey equivalents */
            key = event->message & charCodeMask;
            if ( event->modifiers & cmdKey )            /* Command key down */
                if ( event->what == keyDown ) {
                    AdjustMenus();                      /* enable/disable/check menu items properly */
        case activateEvt:
            DoActivate((WindowPtr) event->message, (event->modifiers & activeFlag) != 0);
        case updateEvt:
            DoUpdate((WindowPtr) event->message);
        /*  1.01 - It is not a bad idea to at least call DIBadMount in response
            to a diskEvt, so that the user can format a floppy. */
        case diskEvt:
            if ( HiWord(event->message) != noErr ) {
                SetPt(&aPoint, kDILeft, kDITop);
                err = DIBadMount(aPoint, event->message);
        case kOSEvent:
        /*  1.02 - must BitAND with 0x0FF to get only low byte */
            switch ((event->message >> 24) & 0x0FF) {       /* high byte of message */
                case kSuspendResumeMessage:     /* suspend/resume is also an activate/deactivate */
                    gInBackground = (event->message & kResumeMask) == 0;
                    DoActivate(FrontWindow(), !gInBackground);
} /*HandleNormalEvent*/
void HandleDialogEvent(EventRecord *event)
    OSErr       err;
    char        key;
    Point       aPoint;
    short       itemHit;
    DialogPtr   dialog;
    switch ( event->what ) {
        case keyDown:
        case autoKey:                       /* check for menukey equivalents */
            key = event->message & charCodeMask;
            if ( event->modifiers & cmdKey )            /* Command key down */
                if ( event->what == keyDown ) {
                    AdjustMenus();                      /* enable/disable/check menu items properly */
        case diskEvt:
            if ( HiWord(event->message) != noErr ) {
                SetPt(&aPoint, kDILeft, kDITop);
                err = DIBadMount(aPoint, event->message);
            if (DialogSelect(event, &dialog, &itemHit)) {
                if (itemHit == kReadySetGoButton) {
/*  Change the cursor's shape, depending on its position. This also calculates the region
    where the current cursor resides (for WaitNextEvent). If the mouse is ever outside of
    that region, an event would be generated, causing this routine to be called,
    allowing us to change the region to the region the mouse is currently in. If
    there is more to the event than just Òthe mouse movedÓ, we get called before the
    event is processed to make sure the cursor is the right one. In any (ahem) event,
    this is called again before we  fall back into WNE. */
void AdjustCursor()
    WindowPtr   window;
    //RgnHandle arrowRgn;
    //RgnHandle plusRgn;
    //Rect      globalPortRect;
    window = FrontWindow(); /* we only adjust the cursor when we are in front */
    if ( (! gInBackground) && (! IsDAWindow(window)) ) {
} /*AdjustCursor*/
/*  Get the global coordinates of the mouse. When you call OSEventAvail
    it will return either a pending event or a null event. In either case,
    the where field of the event record will contain the current position
    of the mouse in global coordinates and the modifiers field will reflect
    the current state of the modifiers. Another way to get the global
    coordinates is to call GetMouse and LocalToGlobal, but that requires
    being sure that thePort is set to a valid port. */
void GetGlobalMouse(Point *mouse)
    EventRecord event;
    OSEventAvail(kNoEvents, &event);    /* we aren't interested in any events */
    *mouse = event.where;               /* just the mouse position */
} /*GetGlobalMouse*/
/*  This is called when an update event is received for a window.
    It calls DrawWindow to draw the contents of an application window.
    As an effeciency measure that does not have to be followed, it
    calls the drawing routine only if the visRgn is non-empty. This
    will handle situations where calculations for drawing or drawing
    itself is very time-consuming. */
void DoUpdate(WindowPtr window)
    if ( IsAppWindow(window) ) {
        BeginUpdate(window);                /* this sets up the visRgn */
        if ( ! EmptyRgn(window->visRgn) )   /* draw if updating needs to be done */
} /*DoUpdate*/
/*  This is called when a window is activated or deactivated.
    In Sample, the Window Manager's handling of activate and
    deactivate events is sufficient. Other applications may have
    TextEdit records, controls, lists, etc., to activate/deactivate. */
void DoActivate(WindowPtr window, Boolean becomingActive)
    if ( IsAppWindow(window) ) {
        if ( becomingActive )
            /* do whatever you need to at activation */ ;
            /* do whatever you need to at deactivation */ ;
} /*DoActivate*/
/*  This is called when a mouse-down event occurs in the content of a window.
    Other applications might want to call FindControl, TEClick, etc., to
    further process the click. */
void DoContentClick()
} /*DoContentClick*/
/* Draw the contents of the application window. We do some drawing in color, using
   Classic QuickDraw's color capabilities. This will be black and white on old
   machines, but color on color machines. At this point, the windowÕs visRgn
   is set to allow drawing only where it needs to be done. */
void DrawWindow(WindowPtr window)
} /*DrawWindow*/
/*  Enable and disable menus based on the current state.
    The user can only select enabled menu items. We set up all the menu items
    before calling MenuSelect or MenuKey, since these are the only times that
    a menu item can be selected. Note that MenuSelect is also the only time
    the user will see menu items. This approach to deciding what enable/
    disable state a menu item has the advantage of concentrating all
    the decision-making in one routine, as opposed to being spread throughout
    the application. Other application designs may take a different approach
    that is just as valid. */
void AdjustMenus()
    WindowPtr   window;
    MenuHandle  menu;
    window = FrontWindow();
    menu = GetMenuHandle(mFile);
    if ( IsDAWindow(window) )       /* we can allow desk accessories to be closed from the menu */
        EnableItem(menu, iClose);
        DisableItem(menu, iClose);  /* but not our traffic light window */
    menu = GetMenuHandle(mEdit);
    if ( IsDAWindow(window) ) {     /* a desk accessory might need the edit menuÉ */
        EnableItem(menu, iUndo);
        EnableItem(menu, iCut);
        EnableItem(menu, iCopy);
        EnableItem(menu, iClear);
        EnableItem(menu, iPaste);
    } else {                        /* Ébut we donÕt use it */
        DisableItem(menu, iUndo);
        DisableItem(menu, iCut);
        DisableItem(menu, iCopy);
        DisableItem(menu, iClear);
        DisableItem(menu, iPaste);
} /*AdjustMenus*/
/*  This is called when an item is chosen from the menu bar (after calling
    MenuSelect or MenuKey). It performs the right operation for each command.
    It is good to have both the result of MenuSelect and MenuKey go to
    one routine like this to keep everything organized. */
void DoMenuCommand(long menuResult)
    short       menuID;             /* the resource ID of the selected menu */
    short       menuItem;           /* the item number of the selected menu */
    short       itemHit;
    Str255      daName;
    short       daRefNum;
    Boolean     handledByDA;
    menuID = HiWord(menuResult);    /* use macros for efficiency to... */
    menuItem = LoWord(menuResult);  /* get menu item number and menu number */
    switch ( menuID ) {
        case mApple:
            switch ( menuItem ) {
                case iAbout:        /* bring up alert for About */
                    itemHit = Alert(rAboutAlert, nil);
                default:            /* all non-About items in this menu are DAs */
                    /* type Str255 is an array in MPW 3 */
                    GetMenuItemText(GetMenuHandle(mApple), menuItem, daName);
                    daRefNum = OpenDeskAcc(daName);
        case mFile:
            switch ( menuItem ) {
                case iClose:
                case iQuit:
        case mEdit:                 /* call SystemEdit for DA editing & MultiFinder */
            handledByDA = SystemEdit(menuItem-1);   /* since we donÕt do any Editing */
    HiliteMenu(0);                  /* unhighlight what MenuSelect (or MenuKey) hilited */
} /*DoMenuCommand*/
/* Close a window. This handles desk accessory and application windows. */
/*  1.01 - At this point, if there was a document associated with a
    window, you could do any document saving processing if it is 'dirty'.
    DoCloseWindow would return true if the window actually closed, i.e.,
    the user didnÕt cancel from a save dialog. This result is handy when
    the user quits an application, but then cancels the save of a document
    associated with a window. */
Boolean DoCloseWindow(WindowPtr window)
    if ( IsDAWindow(window) )
        CloseDeskAcc(((WindowPeek) window)->windowKind);
    else if ( IsAppWindow(window) )
    return true;
} /*DoCloseWindow*/
*** 1.01 DoCloseBehind(window) was removed ***
    1.01 - DoCloseBehind was a good idea for closing windows when quitting
    and not having to worry about updating the windows, but it suffered
    from a fatal flaw. If a desk accessory owned two windows, it would
    close both those windows when CloseDeskAcc was called. When DoCloseBehind
    got around to calling DoCloseWindow for that other window that was already
    closed, things would go very poorly. Another option would be to have a
    procedure, GetRearWindow, that would go through the window list and return
    the last window. Instead, we decided to present the standard approach
    of getting and closing FrontWindow until FrontWindow returns NIL. This
    has a potential benefit in that the window whose document needs to be saved
    may be visible since it is the front window, therefore decreasing the
    chance of user confusion. For aesthetic reasons, the windows in the
    application should be checked for updates periodically and have the
    updates serviced.
/* Clean up the application and exit. We close all of the windows so that
 they can update their documents, if any. */
/*  1.01 - If we find out that a cancel has occurred, we won't exit to the
    shell, but will return instead. */
void Terminate()
    WindowPtr   aWindow;
    Boolean     closed;
    closed = true;
    do {
        aWindow = FrontWindow();                /* get the current front window */
        if (aWindow != nil)
            closed = DoCloseWindow(aWindow);    /* close this window */ 
    while (closed && (aWindow != nil));
    if (closed)
        ExitToShell();                          /* exit if no cancellation */
} /*Terminate*/
/*  Check to see if a window belongs to the application. If the window pointer
    passed was NIL, then it could not be an application window. WindowKinds
    that are negative belong to the system and windowKinds less than userKind
    are reserved by Apple except for windowKinds equal to dialogKind, which
    mean it is a dialog.
    1.02 - In order to reduce the chance of accidentally treating some window
    as an AppWindow that shouldn't be, we'll only return true if the windowkind
    is userKind. If you add different kinds of windows to Sample you'll need
    to change how this all works. */
Boolean IsAppWindow(WindowPtr window)
    short       windowKind;
    if ( window == nil )
        return false;
    else {  /* application windows have windowKinds = userKind (8) */
        windowKind = ((WindowPeek) window)->windowKind;
        return ( windowKind == userKind || windowKind == dialogKind);
} /*IsAppWindow*/
/* Check to see if a window belongs to a desk accessory. */
Boolean IsDAWindow(WindowPtr window)
    if ( window == nil )
        return false;
    else    /* DA windows have negative windowKinds */
        return ( ((WindowPeek) window)->windowKind < 0 );
} /*IsDAWindow*/
/*  Display an alert that tells the user an error occurred, then exit the program.
    This routine is used as an ultimate bail-out for serious errors that prohibit
    the continuation of the application. Errors that do not require the termination
    of the application should be handled in a different manner. Error checking and
    reporting has a place even in the simplest application. The error number is used
    to index an 'STR#' resource so that a relevant message can be displayed. */
void AlertUser()
    short       itemHit;
    itemHit = Alert(rUserAlert, nil);
} /* AlertUser */