
    File:       FDPUtilities.c
    Description:    utilities used in FinderDragPro.c.  Routines in this file are used in the
                FinderDragPro.c file;  however, since they are not directly related
                to the example, they have been moved here to simplify the main file.
    Author:     John Montbriand
    Copyright:  Copyright: © 1999 by Apple Computer, Inc.
                all rights reserved.
    Disclaimer: You may incorporate this sample code into your applications without
                restriction, though the sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the
                responsibility for its operation is 100% yours.  However, what you are
                not permitted to do is to redistribute the source as "DSC Sample Code"
                after having made changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source,
                we require that you make it clear in the source that the code was
                descended from Apple Sample Code, but that you've made changes.
    Change History (most recent first):
    9/9/99 created by John Montbriand
#ifndef __FDPUTILITIES__
#define __FDPUTILITIES__
#include <MacTypes.h>
#include <Files.h>
#include <Aliases.h>
#include <Drag.h>
#include <Icons.h>
#include <QDOffscreen.h>
#include <Script.h>
/* ValidFSSpec verifies that *spec refers is formatted correctly, and it
    verifies that it refers to an existing file in an existing directory on
    and existing volume. If *spec is valid, the function returns noErr,
    otherwise an error is returned. */
OSErr ValidFSSpec(FSSpec *spec);
/* ResolveAliasQuietly resolves an alias using a fast search with no user interaction.  Our main loop
    periodically resolves gFileAlias comparing the result to gTargetFile to keep the display up to date.
    As a result, we would like the resolve alias call to be as quick as possible AND since the application
    may be in the background when  it is called, we don't want any user interaction. */
OSErr ResolveAliasQuietly(ConstFSSpecPtr fromFile, AliasHandle alias, FSSpec *target, Boolean *wasChanged);
/* MakeHFSFlavorFromAlias converts an alias handle into a HFSFlavor
    structure filling in the fields with their correct values. */
OSErr MakeHFSFlavorFromAlias(AliasHandle theAlias, HFSFlavor *theFlavor);
/* IconsToMaskedPixMap converts either an IconServices icon reference or a IconUtilities icon suite into a
    (GWorldPtr, RgnHandle) pair appropriate for dragging as a transparent icon image.  if iconReference
    then calls to IconServices are made, if iconSuite is not null, then calls to icon services are made. 
    The resulting graphics world and region handle are returned in *imageGWorld and *maskRgn. */
OSErr IconsToMaskedPixMap(const Rect *iconRect, Handle iconSuite, IconRef iconReference,
                    GWorldPtr *imageGWorld, RgnHandle *maskRgn);
/* GrayOutBox grays out an area of the screen in the current grafport.  
    *theBox is in local coordinates in the current grafport. This routine
    is for direct screen drawing only.  */
void GrayOutBox(Rect *theBox);
/* ShowDragHiliteBox is called to hilite the drop box area in the
    main window.  Here, we draw a 3 pixel wide border around *boxBounds.  */
OSErr ShowDragHiliteBox(DragReference theDragRef, Rect *boxBounds);
/* CopyFileCmd starts a thread manager background task to copy a file.  parameters specify
    the files to copy, and callbacks made to the caller during the copy operation.  It is not
    re-entrant.  */
enum {
        /* codes passed in the message parameter to the callback routine passed
        to the CopyFileCmd routine.  */
    kCopyStart, /* called at the beginning of the copy operation */
    kCopyRun, /* called during the copy operation. */
    kCopyEnd,/* called at the end of the copy operation (including when it aborts or on error) */
        /* error code indicating returned if an attempt is made to copy a directory */
    kCannotCopyDirError = 2335,
    kCopyNotRentrantError = 2336, /* only one copy at a time */
    kCopyBufferSize = (16*1024) /* size of the io buffer for file copies */
        /* we use a smaller buffer so the probability of the progress box
        showing up is improved. */
    /* called back periodically durring the copy operation.  This routine provides
    opportunity for the caller to display feedback for the copy operation.  theFile
    is the source file being copied, message will be one of the codes defined above,
    and percentComplete indicates the percentage of the operation that has been completed. */
typedef void (*CopyCallback)(FSSpec *theFile, short message, long percentCompleted);
    /* called back back if an error occurs during the copy operation. 
    theFile specifies the source file name, errorCode specifies the error causing
    the abort.  if AbortCopyOperation is called, errorCode will be userCanceledErr.  */
typedef void (*CopyErrorHandler)(FSSpec *theFile, short errorCode);
/* CopyFileCmd starts a copy command copying the source file to the target file.  This routine
    assumes that the target file has been created.  If the copy fails, the target file
    will be deleted.  the callback and the errorhandler are called as appropriate during the operation. */
OSErr CopyFileCmd(FSSpec *theSource, FSSpec *theTarget, CopyCallback callback, CopyErrorHandler errorhandler);
/* AbortCopyOperation aborts the copy operation. All structures allocated are disposed,
    files opened are closed, and any files created are deleted. */
void AbortCopyOperation(void);
/* CopyFileInProgress returns true while a copy operation is in progress */
Boolean CopyFileInProgress(void);