
    File:       RequestVideo.c
    Contains:   RequestVideo demonstrates the usage of the Display Manager introduced
                with the PowerMacs and integrated into the system under System 7.5. With
                the RequestVideo sample code library, developers will be able to explore
                the Display Manager API by changing bit depth and screen resolution on
                multisync displays on built-in, NuBus, and PCI based video. Display Manager 1.0
                is built into the Systems included with the first PowerMacs up through System 7.5.
                Display Manager 2.0 is included with the release of the new PCI based PowerMacs,
                and will be included in post 7.5 System Software releases. 
                It is a good idea to reset the screen(s) to the original setting before exit
                since the call to RVSetVideoAsScreenPrefs() may not do the right thing under
                Display Manager 1.0 with certain video drivers.
                For information on the use of this sample code, please the documentation in the Read Me file
    Written by: Eric Anderson   
    Copyright:  Copyright © 1995-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
                You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without
                restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the
                responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute
                this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made
                changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make
                it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source
                code, but that you've made changes.
    Change History (most recent first):
                7/15/1999   Karl Groethe    Updated for Metrowerks Codewarror Pro 2.1
                1/28/97     ewa             Updated source for Metrowerks CodeWarrior 11
                6/27/96     dal             RVRequestVideoSetting() no longer requires Slot Manager DM 2.0 can be used.
                6/27/96     dal             Added check for Display Library before making DM 2.0 calls.
                5/31/95     ewa             Added RVGetCurrentVideoSetting and RVConfirmVideoRequest routines
                                            to make it easy to revert back to where you came from and to give
                                            the user a chance to confirm the new setting if the new mode was
                                            valid (ie: the card supports it) but not safe (the monitor may not).
                5/24/95     ewa             Give the kAllValidModesBit requestFlags option for safe only or all
                                            valid resolution timings.
#include "RequestVideo.h"
// Internal includes
#include <Dialogs.h>
#include <ROMDefs.h>
#include <Devices.h>
#include <Errors.h>
#include <Gestalt.h>
#include <Memory.h>
#include <Palettes.h>
#include <Slots.h>
#include <Displays.h>
#include <ConditionalMacros.h>  //DL
#include <CodeFragments.h>  //DL
#if 0
//#include <StdIO.h>
//#include <stdlib.h>
#define abs(x) ( ( (x) < 0 ) ? -(x) : (x) )
// Internal defines, structs, typedefs, and routine declarations
#define     KMonoDev            0                       // false (handy definitions for gdDevType settings)
#define     kColorDev           1                       // true
#define     char_Enter          0x03                    // for our filter proc
#define     char_Return         0x0D                    //
#define     iRevertItem         1                       // User buttons
#define     iConfirmItem        2                       //
#define     kSecondsToConfirm   8                       // seconds before confirm dialog is taken down
#define     rConfirmSwtchAlrt   2735                    // ID of alert dialog
struct DepthInfo {
    VDSwitchInfoRec         depthSwitchInfo;            // This is the switch mode to choose this timing/depth
    VPBlock                 depthVPBlock;               // VPBlock (including size, depth and format)
typedef struct DepthInfo DepthInfo;
struct ListIteratorDataRec {
    VDTimingInfoRec         displayModeTimingInfo;      // Contains timing flags and such
    unsigned long           depthBlockCount;            // How many depths available for a particular timing
    DepthInfo               *depthBlocks;               // Array of DepthInfo
typedef struct ListIteratorDataRec ListIteratorDataRec;
void GetRequestTheDM1Way (      VideoRequestRecPtr requestRecPtr,
                                GDHandle walkDevice);
void GetRequestTheDM2Way (      VideoRequestRecPtr requestRecPtr,
                                GDHandle walkDevice,
                                DMDisplayModeListIteratorUPP myModeIteratorProc,
                                DMListIndexType theDisplayModeCount,
                                DMListType *theDisplayModeList);
pascal void ModeListIterator (  void *userData,
                                DMListIndexType itemIndex,
                                DMDisplayModeListEntryPtr displaymodeInfo);
Boolean FindBestMatch (         VideoRequestRecPtr requestRecPtr,
                                short bitDepth,
                                unsigned long horizontal,
                                unsigned long vertical);
void GravitateMonitors (void);
pascal Boolean ConfirmAlertFilter (DialogRef dlg, EventRecord *evt, short *itemHit);
// Implementation of sample code
OSErr RVSetVideoRequest (VideoRequestRecPtr requestRecPtr)
    GDHandle        aMonitor;
    Boolean         displayMgrPresent;
    unsigned long   displayMgrVersion;
    OSErr           err;
    Boolean         isColor;
    long            value = 0;
    Gestalt(gestaltDisplayMgrVers, (long*)&displayMgrVersion);
    if (displayMgrPresent)
        if (requestRecPtr->displayMode && requestRecPtr->depthMode)
            if (requestRecPtr->availBitDepth == 1)  // Based on avail bit depth, 
                isColor = KMonoDev;                 // set the device to a mono device, or
            else isColor = kColorDev;               // set the device to a color device
            // see how many monitors we have, aMonitor will be nil if we have only one.
            aMonitor = DMGetFirstScreenDevice (dmOnlyActiveDisplays);           // get the first guy
            aMonitor = DMGetNextScreenDevice ( aMonitor, dmOnlyActiveDisplays );    // get the next guy
            if (nil == aMonitor || displayMgrVersion >= 0x00020000)
                // only call DMSetDisplayMode if we have one monitor or DM2.0 is installed
                // since DM1.0 does not automatically gravitate monitors and our gravitate code
                // is not implemented.
                err = DMSetDisplayMode( requestRecPtr->screenDevice,    // GDevice
                        requestRecPtr->displayMode,                     // DM1.0 uses this
                        &requestRecPtr->depthMode,                      // DM1.0 uses this
                        (unsigned long) &(requestRecPtr->switchInfo),   // DM2.0 uses this rather than displayMode/depthMode combo
                if (noErr == err)
                    // Do the monitor gravitate here if we are using a version less than DM2.0
                    if (displayMgrVersion < 0x00020000)
                        GravitateMonitors ();
                else if (kDMDriverNotDisplayMgrAwareErr == err)
                    // DM not supported by driver, so all we can do is set the bit depth
                    err = SetDepth (requestRecPtr->screenDevice, requestRecPtr->depthMode, gdDevType, isColor);
                // we have more than one monitor and DM1.0 is installed, so all we can do is set the bit depth
                err = SetDepth (requestRecPtr->screenDevice, requestRecPtr->depthMode, gdDevType, isColor);
            return (err);   // we did try to set the request
    return (-1);    // return a generic error
// This extern should be removed once this function is formally defined in Displays.h
extern pascal OSErr DMUseScreenPrefs(Boolean usePrefs, Handle displayState)
OSErr RVSetVideoAsScreenPrefs (void)
    Handle      displaystate;
    Boolean     displayMgrPresent;
    long        value = 0;
    if (displayMgrPresent)
        DMBeginConfigureDisplays (&displaystate);   // Tell the world it is about to change
        DMUseScreenPrefs (true, displaystate);      // Make the change
        DMEndConfigureDisplays (displaystate);      // Tell the world the change is over
        return (noErr); // we (maybe) set the world back to a known setting
    return (-1);    // return a generic error
OSErr RVGetCurrentVideoSetting (VideoRequestRecPtr requestRecPtr)
    unsigned long       displayMgrVersion;
    OSErr               error = paramErr;
    CntrlParam          pBlock;
    VDSwitchInfoRec     switchInfo;
    AuxDCEHandle        theDCE;
    VDSwitchInfoRec     videoMode;      
    requestRecPtr->availBitDepth            = 0;    // init to default - you can do it if it is important to you
    requestRecPtr->availHorizontal          = 0;
    requestRecPtr->availVertical            = 0;
    requestRecPtr->availFlags               = 0;
    requestRecPtr->displayMode              = -1; 
    requestRecPtr->depthMode                = -1;
    requestRecPtr->switchInfo.csMode        = 0;
    requestRecPtr->switchInfo.csData        = 0;
    requestRecPtr->switchInfo.csPage        = 0;
    requestRecPtr->switchInfo.csBaseAddr    = 0;
    requestRecPtr->switchInfo.csReserved    = 0;
    Gestalt(gestaltDisplayMgrVers, (long*)&displayMgrVersion);
    if (requestRecPtr->screenDevice)
//DL -  must also make sure that Display Library is installed, otherwise
//      calling DMGetDisplayMode() will branch to nil.
//DL        if (displayMgrVersion >= 0x00020000)
        if (displayMgrVersion >= 0x00020000 && (Ptr) DMGetDisplayMode != (Ptr) kUnresolvedCFragSymbolAddress)
        if (displayMgrVersion >= 0x00020000)
        {   // get the info the DM 2.0 way
            error = DMGetDisplayMode(requestRecPtr->screenDevice, &switchInfo);
            if (noErr == error)
                requestRecPtr->depthMode            = switchInfo.csMode;
                requestRecPtr->displayMode          = switchInfo.csData; 
                requestRecPtr->switchInfo.csMode    = switchInfo.csMode;
                requestRecPtr->switchInfo.csData    = switchInfo.csData;
            return (error); // we (maybe) set the world back to a known setting
        {   // get the info the DM 1.0 way
            videoMode.csMode = -1;      // init to bogus value
            videoMode.csData = -1;      // init to bogus value          
            pBlock.ioNamePtr = nil;
            pBlock.ioCRefNum = (*(requestRecPtr->screenDevice))->gdRefNum;
            pBlock.csCode = cscGetCurMode;
            *(Ptr *)&pBlock.csParam[0] = (Ptr)&videoMode;
            error = PBStatusSync((ParmBlkPtr )&pBlock); // ask the driver first....since we trust it the most
            if ( noErr == error && ((-1 == videoMode.csMode) || (-1 == videoMode.csData)) )
                error = statusErr;
            if (noErr != error) // if the driver has no clue fill it videoMode by hand as a last resort
                theDCE = (AuxDCEHandle)GetDCtlEntry((*(requestRecPtr->screenDevice))->gdRefNum);
                if( theDCE )
                    videoMode.csData = (unsigned char)(*theDCE)->dCtlSlotId; 
                    videoMode.csMode = (*(requestRecPtr->screenDevice))->gdMode;
                    error = noErr;
            if (noErr == error) // Set our data
                requestRecPtr->displayMode          = videoMode.csData; 
                requestRecPtr->depthMode            = videoMode.csMode;
                requestRecPtr->switchInfo.csMode    = videoMode.csMode;
                requestRecPtr->switchInfo.csData    = videoMode.csData;
            return (error); // we (maybe) set the world back to a known setting
    return (-1);
pascal Boolean ConfirmAlertFilter(DialogRef theDialog, EventRecord *theEvent, short *itemHit)
    char charCode;
    Boolean enterORreturn;
    Boolean returnValue = false;
    WindowRef dialogWindow = GetDialogWindow(theDialog);    //DL
    if (0 == GetWRefCon(dialogWindow))
        SetWRefCon (dialogWindow,TickCount());
        if (GetWRefCon(dialogWindow) + kSecondsToConfirm * 60 < TickCount())
            returnValue = true;
            theEvent->what = nullEvent;
            *itemHit = 1;
            if (theEvent->what == keyDown)
                charCode = (char)theEvent->message & charCodeMask;
                enterORreturn = (charCode == (char)char_Return) || (charCode == (char)char_Enter);
                if (enterORreturn)
                    theEvent->what = nullEvent;
                    returnValue = true;
                    *itemHit = iRevertItem;
                    if (enterORreturn && (0 != (theEvent->modifiers & optionKey)))
                        *itemHit = iConfirmItem;
    return (returnValue);
OSErr RVConfirmVideoRequest (VideoRequestRecPtr requestRecPtr)
    short           alertReturn;        // Alert() return value
    ModalFilterUPP  confirmFilterUPP;   // got to have us one of them new fangled UPP thingies
    if (requestRecPtr->availFlags & 1<<kModeValidNotSafeBit)
    {   // new mode is valid but not safe, so ask user to confirm
        SetCursor(&qd.arrow);                                       // have to show the arrow
        confirmFilterUPP = NewModalFilterProc (ConfirmAlertFilter); // create a new modal filter proc UPP
        alertReturn = Alert(rConfirmSwtchAlrt, confirmFilterUPP);   // alert the user
        DisposeRoutineDescriptor (confirmFilterUPP);                // of course there is no DisposeModalFilterProc...
        if (alertReturn != iConfirmItem)
            return (-1);                            // tell the caller to switch back to a known setting
        else return (noErr);                        // all is well with the new setting, just leave it
    return (noErr);                                 // the mode was safe, so do nothing
OSErr RVRequestVideoSetting (VideoRequestRecPtr requestRecPtr)
    Boolean                         displayMgrPresent;
    short                           iCount = 0;                 // just a counter of GDevices we have seen
    DMDisplayModeListIteratorUPP    myModeIteratorProc = nil;   // for DM2.0 searches
    SpBlock                         spBlock;
    Boolean                         suppliedGDevice;    
    DisplayIDType                   theDisplayID;               // for DM2.0 searches
    DMListIndexType                 theDisplayModeCount;        // for DM2.0 searches
    DMListType                      theDisplayModeList;         // for DM2.0 searches
    long                            value = 0;
    GDHandle                        walkDevice = nil;           // for everybody
//DL START Check for the presence of DM 2.0 before calling DMNewDisplayModeList() and DMDisposeList().
    OSErr                           gestaltErr;
    unsigned long                   displayMgrVersion;
    Boolean                         hasDM2 = false;
    Boolean                         hasSlotMgr = false;
    gestaltErr = Gestalt(gestaltDisplayMgrVers, (long*)&displayMgrVersion);
    if (    gestaltErr == noErr &&
            (Ptr) DMNewDisplayModeList != (Ptr) kUnresolvedCFragSymbolAddress &&
            (Ptr) DMDisposeList != (Ptr) kUnresolvedCFragSymbolAddress &&
            displayMgrVersion >= 0x00020000 )
        hasDM2 = true;
//DL    displayMgrPresent=displayMgrPresent && (SVersion(&spBlock)==noErr); // need slot manager
    hasSlotMgr = (SVersion(&spBlock)==noErr);   //DL
    displayMgrPresent=displayMgrPresent && (hasDM2 || hasSlotMgr);  //DL - need slot manager only if using DM 1.0.
    if (displayMgrPresent)
        // init the needed data before we start
        if (requestRecPtr->screenDevice)                            // user wants a specifc device?
            walkDevice = requestRecPtr->screenDevice;
            suppliedGDevice = true;
            walkDevice = DMGetFirstScreenDevice (dmOnlyActiveDisplays);         // for everybody
            suppliedGDevice = false;
        myModeIteratorProc = NewDMDisplayModeListIteratorProc(ModeListIterator);    // for DM2.0 searches
        // Note that we are hosed if somebody changes the gdevice list behind our backs while we are iterating....
        // do the loop if we can start
        if( walkDevice && myModeIteratorProc) do // start the search
            iCount++;       // GDevice we are looking at (just a counter)
            if( noErr == DMGetDisplayIDByGDevice( walkDevice, &theDisplayID, false ) )  // DM1.0 does not need this, but it fits in the loop
                theDisplayModeCount = 0;    // for DM2.0 searches
//DL                if (noErr == DMNewDisplayModeList(theDisplayID, 0, 0, &theDisplayModeCount, &theDisplayModeList) )
                if (hasDM2 && noErr == DMNewDisplayModeList(theDisplayID, 0, 0, &theDisplayModeCount, &theDisplayModeList) )
                    // search NuBus & PCI the new kool way through Display Manager 2.0
                    GetRequestTheDM2Way (requestRecPtr, walkDevice, myModeIteratorProc, theDisplayModeCount, &theDisplayModeList);
                    DMDisposeList(theDisplayModeList);  // now toss the lists for this gdevice and go on to the next one
//DL                else
                else if (hasSlotMgr)    //DL
                    // search NuBus only the old disgusting way through the slot manager
                    GetRequestTheDM1Way (requestRecPtr, walkDevice);
        } while ( !suppliedGDevice && nil != (walkDevice = DMGetNextScreenDevice ( walkDevice, dmOnlyActiveDisplays )) );   // go until no more gdevices
        if( myModeIteratorProc )
        return (noErr); // we were able to get the look for a match
    return (-1);        // return a generic error
void GetRequestTheDM1Way (VideoRequestRecPtr requestRecPtr, GDHandle walkDevice)
    AuxDCEHandle myAuxDCEHandle;
    unsigned long   depthMode;
    unsigned long   displayMode;
    OSErr           error;
    OSErr           errorEndOfTimings;
    short           height;
    short           jCount = 0;
    Boolean         modeOk;
    SpBlock         spAuxBlock;
    SpBlock         spBlock;
    unsigned long   switchFlags;
    VPBlock         *vpData;
    short           width;
    myAuxDCEHandle = (AuxDCEHandle) GetDCtlEntry((**walkDevice).gdRefNum);  
    spBlock.spSlot = (**myAuxDCEHandle).dCtlSlot;
    spBlock.spID = (**myAuxDCEHandle).dCtlSlotId;
    spBlock.spExtDev = (**myAuxDCEHandle).dCtlExtDev;
    spBlock.spHwDev = 0;                                // we are going to get this pup
    spBlock.spParamData = 1<<foneslot;                  // this slot, enabled, and it better be here.
    spBlock.spTBMask = 3;                               // don't have constants for this yet
    errorEndOfTimings = SGetSRsrc(&spBlock);            // get the spDrvrHW so we know the ID of this puppy. This is important
                                                        // since some video cards support more than one display, and the spDrvrHW
                                                        // ID can, and will, be used to differentiate them.
    if ( noErr == errorEndOfTimings )
        // reinit the param block for the SGetTypeSRsrc loop, keep the spDrvrHW we just got
        spBlock.spID = 0;                               // start at zero, 
        spBlock.spTBMask = 2;                           // 0b0010 - ignore DrvrSW - why ignore the SW side? Is it not important for video?
        spBlock.spParamData = (1<<fall) + (1<<foneslot) + (1<<fnext);   // 0b0111 - this slot, enabled or disabled, so we even get 640x399 on Blackbird
        errorEndOfTimings = SGetTypeSRsrc(&spBlock);    // but only on 7.0 systems, not a problem since we require DM1.0
        // now, loop through all the timings for this GDevice
        if ( noErr == errorEndOfTimings ) do
            // now, loop through all possible depth modes for this timing mode
            displayMode = (unsigned char)spBlock.spID;  // "timing mode, ie:resource ref number"
            for (jCount = firstVidMode; jCount<= sixthVidMode; jCount++)
                depthMode = jCount;     // vid mode
                error = DMCheckDisplayMode(walkDevice,displayMode,depthMode,&switchFlags,0,&modeOk);
                // only if the mode is safe or we override it with the kAllValidModesBit request flag
                if (    noErr == error &&
                        modeOk &&
                        (   switchFlags & 1<<kNoSwitchConfirmBit ||
                            requestRecPtr->requestFlags & 1<<kAllValidModesBit
                    // have a good displayMode/depthMode combo - now lets look inside
                    spAuxBlock = spBlock;               // don't ruin the iteration spBlock!!
                    spAuxBlock.spID = depthMode;        // vid mode
                    error=SFindStruct(&spAuxBlock);     // get back a new spsPointer
                    if (noErr == error)                 // keep going if no errorÉ
                        spAuxBlock.spID = 0x01;         // mVidParams request
                        error=SGetBlock (&spAuxBlock);  // use the new spPointer and get back...a NewPtr'ed spResult
                        if (noErr == error)             // Ékeep going if no errorÉ
                        {                               // We have data! lets have a look
                            vpData = (VPBlock*)spAuxBlock.spResult;
                            height = vpData->vpBounds.bottom;   // left and top are usually zero
                            width = vpData->vpBounds.right;
                            if (FindBestMatch (requestRecPtr, vpData->vpPixelSize, vpData->vpBounds.right, vpData->vpBounds.bottom))
                                requestRecPtr->screenDevice = walkDevice;
                                requestRecPtr->availBitDepth = vpData->vpPixelSize;
                                requestRecPtr->availHorizontal = vpData->vpBounds.right;
                                requestRecPtr->availVertical = vpData->vpBounds.bottom;
                                requestRecPtr->displayMode = displayMode;
                                requestRecPtr->depthMode = depthMode;
                                requestRecPtr->switchInfo.csMode = depthMode;               // fill in for completeness
                                requestRecPtr->switchInfo.csData = displayMode;
                                requestRecPtr->switchInfo.csPage = 0;
                                requestRecPtr->switchInfo.csBaseAddr = 0;
                                requestRecPtr->switchInfo.csReserved = 0;
                                if (switchFlags & 1<<kNoSwitchConfirmBit)
                                    requestRecPtr->availFlags = 0;                          // mode safe
                                else requestRecPtr->availFlags = 1<<kModeValidNotSafeBit;   // mode valid but not safe, requires user validation of mode switch
                            if (spAuxBlock.spResult) DisposePtr ((Ptr)spAuxBlock.spResult); // toss this puppy when done
            // go around again, looking for timing modes for this GDevice
            spBlock.spTBMask = 2;       // ignore DrvrSW
            spBlock.spParamData =  (1<<fall) + (1<<foneslot) + (1<<fnext);  // next resource, this slot, whether enabled or disabled
            errorEndOfTimings = SGetTypeSRsrc(&spBlock);    // and get the next timing mode
        } while ( noErr == errorEndOfTimings ); // until the end of this GDevice
pascal void ModeListIterator(void *userData, DMListIndexType, DMDisplayModeListEntryPtr displaymodeInfo)
    unsigned long           depthCount;
    short                   iCount;
    ListIteratorDataRec     *myIterateData      = (ListIteratorDataRec*) userData;
    DepthInfo               *myDepthInfo;
    // set user data in a round about way
    myIterateData->displayModeTimingInfo        = *displaymodeInfo->displayModeTimingInfo;
    // now get the DMDepthInfo info into memory we own
    depthCount = displaymodeInfo->displayModeDepthBlockInfo->depthBlockCount;
    myDepthInfo = (DepthInfo*)NewPtrClear(depthCount * sizeof(DepthInfo));
    // set the info for the caller
    myIterateData->depthBlockCount = depthCount;
    myIterateData->depthBlocks = myDepthInfo;
    // and fill out all the entries
    if (depthCount) for (iCount=0; iCount < depthCount; iCount++)
        myDepthInfo[iCount].depthSwitchInfo = 
        myDepthInfo[iCount].depthVPBlock = 
void GetRequestTheDM2Way (  VideoRequestRecPtr requestRecPtr,
                            GDHandle walkDevice,
                            DMDisplayModeListIteratorUPP myModeIteratorProc,
                            DMListIndexType theDisplayModeCount,
                            DMListType *theDisplayModeList)
    short                   jCount;
    short                   kCount;
    ListIteratorDataRec     searchData;
    searchData.depthBlocks = nil;
    // get the mode lists for this GDevice
    for (jCount=0; jCount<theDisplayModeCount; jCount++)        // get info on all the resolution timings
        DMGetIndexedDisplayModeFromList(*theDisplayModeList, jCount, 0, myModeIteratorProc, &searchData);
        // for all the depths for this resolution timing (mode)...
        if (searchData.depthBlockCount) for (kCount = 0; kCount < searchData.depthBlockCount; kCount++)
            // only if the mode is valid and is safe or we override it with the kAllValidModesBit request flag
            if  (   searchData.displayModeTimingInfo.csTimingFlags & 1<<kModeValid && 
                    (   searchData.displayModeTimingInfo.csTimingFlags & 1<<kModeSafe ||
                        requestRecPtr->requestFlags & 1<<kAllValidModesBit
                if (FindBestMatch ( requestRecPtr,
                    requestRecPtr->screenDevice = walkDevice;
                    requestRecPtr->availBitDepth = searchData.depthBlocks[kCount].depthVPBlock.vpPixelSize;
                    requestRecPtr->availHorizontal = searchData.depthBlocks[kCount].depthVPBlock.vpBounds.right;
                    requestRecPtr->availVertical = searchData.depthBlocks[kCount].depthVPBlock.vpBounds.bottom;
                    // now set the important info for DM to set the display
                    requestRecPtr->depthMode = searchData.depthBlocks[kCount].depthSwitchInfo.csMode;
                    requestRecPtr->displayMode = searchData.depthBlocks[kCount].depthSwitchInfo.csData;
                    requestRecPtr->switchInfo = searchData.depthBlocks[kCount].depthSwitchInfo;
                    if (searchData.displayModeTimingInfo.csTimingFlags & 1<<kModeSafe)
                        requestRecPtr->availFlags = 0;                          // mode safe
                    else requestRecPtr->availFlags = 1<<kModeValidNotSafeBit;   // mode valid but not safe, requires user validation of mode switch
        if (searchData.depthBlocks)
            DisposePtr ((Ptr)searchData.depthBlocks);   // toss for this timing mode of this gdevice
            searchData.depthBlocks = nil;               // init it just so we know
Boolean FindBestMatch (VideoRequestRecPtr requestRecPtr, short bitDepth, unsigned long horizontal, unsigned long vertical)
    // ¥¥ do the big comparison ¥¥
    // first time only if   (no mode yet) and
    //                      (bounds are greater/equal or kMaximizeRes not set) and
    //                      (depth is less/equal or kShallowDepth not set) and
    //                      (request match or kAbsoluteRequest not set)
    if  (   nil == requestRecPtr->displayMode
            (   (horizontal >= requestRecPtr->reqHorizontal &&
                vertical >= requestRecPtr->reqVertical)
                !(requestRecPtr->requestFlags & 1<<kMaximizeResBit) 
            (   bitDepth <= requestRecPtr->reqBitDepth ||   
                !(requestRecPtr->requestFlags & 1<<kShallowDepthBit)        
            (   (horizontal == requestRecPtr->reqHorizontal &&  
                vertical == requestRecPtr->reqVertical &&
                bitDepth == requestRecPtr->reqBitDepth)
                !(requestRecPtr->requestFlags & 1<<kAbsoluteRequestBit) 
            // go ahead and set the new values
            return (true);
    else    // can we do better than last time?
        // if   (kBitDepthPriority set and avail not equal req) and
        //      ((depth is greater avail and depth is less/equal req) or kShallowDepth not set) and
        //      (avail depth less reqested and new greater avail) or
        //      (request match or kAbsoluteRequest not set)
        if  (   (   requestRecPtr->requestFlags & 1<<kBitDepthPriorityBit && 
                    requestRecPtr->availBitDepth != requestRecPtr->reqBitDepth
                (   (   bitDepth > requestRecPtr->availBitDepth &&
                        bitDepth <= requestRecPtr->reqBitDepth
                    !(requestRecPtr->requestFlags & 1<<kShallowDepthBit)    
                (   requestRecPtr->availBitDepth < requestRecPtr->reqBitDepth &&
                    bitDepth > requestRecPtr->availBitDepth 
                (   (horizontal == requestRecPtr->reqHorizontal &&  
                    vertical == requestRecPtr->reqVertical &&
                    bitDepth == requestRecPtr->reqBitDepth)
                    !(requestRecPtr->requestFlags & 1<<kAbsoluteRequestBit) 
            // go ahead and set the new values
            return (true);
            // match resolution: minimize Æh & Æv
            if  (   abs((requestRecPtr->reqHorizontal - horizontal)) <=
                    abs((requestRecPtr->reqHorizontal - requestRecPtr->availHorizontal)) &&
                    abs((requestRecPtr->reqVertical - vertical)) <=
                    abs((requestRecPtr->reqVertical - requestRecPtr->availVertical))
                // now we have a smaller or equal delta
                //  if (h or v greater/equal to request or kMaximizeRes not set) 
                if (    (horizontal >= requestRecPtr->reqHorizontal &&
                        vertical >= requestRecPtr->reqVertical)
                        !(requestRecPtr->requestFlags & 1<<kMaximizeResBit)
                    // if   (depth is equal or kBitDepthPriority not set) and
                    //      (depth is less/equal or kShallowDepth not set) and
                    //      ([h or v not equal] or [avail depth less reqested and new greater avail] or depth equal avail) and
                    //      (request match or kAbsoluteRequest not set)
                    if  (   (   requestRecPtr->availBitDepth == bitDepth ||         
                                !(requestRecPtr->requestFlags & 1<<kBitDepthPriorityBit)
                            (   bitDepth <= requestRecPtr->reqBitDepth ||   
                                !(requestRecPtr->requestFlags & 1<<kShallowDepthBit)        
                            (   (requestRecPtr->availHorizontal != horizontal ||
                                requestRecPtr->availVertical != vertical)
                                (requestRecPtr->availBitDepth < requestRecPtr->reqBitDepth &&
                                bitDepth > requestRecPtr->availBitDepth)
                                (bitDepth == requestRecPtr->reqBitDepth)
                            (   (horizontal == requestRecPtr->reqHorizontal &&  
                                vertical == requestRecPtr->reqVertical &&
                                bitDepth == requestRecPtr->reqBitDepth)
                                !(requestRecPtr->requestFlags & 1<<kAbsoluteRequestBit) 
                        // go ahead and set the new values
                        return (true);
    return (false);
void GravitateMonitors (void)
    // do the magic gravitation here