
SimpleCocoaApp is a small application that is meant to show some of the basic things you can do with Objective-C and Cocoa. This application displays different "Hello Cocoa" dialogs to the user based upon radio-button and PopUp menu selections. The user can change which hello message is sent by selecting a different radio button. The user can change which Hello object receives the message by changing the PopUp menu selection. The dynamic nature of the Objective-C runtime and the power of Cocoa help make this "on-the-fly" code-path execution possible and the GUI easy to program.
Sample Requirements
The supplied Xcode project was created using Xcode v4.3 or later running under Mac OS X 10.7.x or later.
About the Sample
There are three classes in this application:
• Hello1: Contains implementations of message1, message2, and message3
• Hello2: Contains different implementations of message1, message2, and message3
• HelloController: Handles the data interaction between the GUI and the Hello objects, as well as displaying the ReadMe help file in response to a "SimpleCocoaApp Help" selection from the Help menu
Changes from Previous Versions
1.5 - Upgraded to support Xcode 4.3 and Mac OS X 10.7.
1.4 - Upgraded to support 10.6, now builds 3-way Universal (ppc, i386, x86_64).
1.1 - Upgraded to Xcode 2.4.1, minor edits, removed 1 compiler warning.
1.0 - Displays different "Hello Cocoa" dialogs based on radio-button and PopUp menu selections, demonstrating on-the-fly code-swapping.
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