
//  File:       AudioConvert.c
//  Contains:   Sample code showing how to use the Sound Manager's SoundConverter routines. 
//  Written by: Jim Reekes
//  Revised by: Tim Monroe
//  Copyright:  © 1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
//  Change History (most recent first):
//     <5>      03/29/00    rtm     made changes to get things running under CarbonLib
//     <4>      07/13/99    rtm     final adjustments; fixed cross-platform problems resulting from using
//                                  kSoundNotCompressed ('NONE') format (thanks to EJ Campbell!); see NOTE below
//     <3>      07/07/99    rtm     further work; revised coding style; added some comments
//     <2>      03/12/99    rtm     added (theDialog == NULL) check to AudConv_SFGetDialogHook to prevent
//                                  crashing on Windows; simplified UPP handling
//     <1>      03/09/99    rtm     first file from jr; added some comments; added Windows-specific code
//                                  and endian macros
//  This code shows how to use the SoundConverter routines (introduced in Sound Manager version 3.2). It
//  provides routines that convert an AIFF or AIFF-C file into either a QuickTime movie or into an AIFF or
//  AIFF-C file. The user can select the desired target format and settings in a dialog box displayed by
//  a call to SCRequestImageSettings.
//  You should note in particular that this sample code shows how to handle the compression parameters chunk
//  that might be present in an AIFF or AIFF-C file. The compression parameters chunk contains parameters
//  that are required to decompress the audio data in the file.
//  NOTE: Do not use kSoundNotCompressed as an output format for multi-byte audio data if you want to create
//  movies that are to be shared across platforms. QuickTime needs to know the endianness of the sound data,
//  and kSoundNotCompressed does not indicate whether the data is big- or little-endian. Since in this sample
//  code we are reading our data from an AIFF file, we specify that any non-compressed multi-byte data is of
//  the format k16BitBigEndianFormat. 
#include "AudioConvert.h"
// main/WinMain 
// The main function for this application.
void main (void)
int CALLBACK WinMain (HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR theCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
    SoundComponentData      myDestInfo;
    NavReplyRecord          myReply;
    NavDialogOptions        myDialogOptions;
    AEKeyword               myKeyword;
    DescType                myActualType;
    Size                    myActualSize = 0;
    NavEventUPP             myEventUPP = NewNavEventUPP(AudConv_HandleNavEvent);
    NavObjectFilterUPP      myFilterProc = NewNavObjectFilterUPP(AudConv_NavObjectFilterProc);
    OSType                  myTypeList[2] = {kQTFileTypeAIFF, kQTFileTypeAIFC};
    StandardFileReply       myReply;
    FSSpec                  myInputFSSpec;
    FSSpec                  myOutputFSSpec;
    Boolean                 myOutputAIFF;
    Str255                  myAppName;
    OSErr                   myErr = noErr;
    char                    myFileName[MAX_PATH];
    DWORD                   myLength;
    short                   myAppResFile = -1;                  // file reference number for this application's resource file
    InitializeQTML(0L);                                         // initialize QuickTime Media Layer
    MaxApplZone();                                              // init everything
    myErr = EnterMovies();
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, Exit);
    // open the application's resource file, if it exists
    myLength = GetModuleFileName(NULL, myFileName, MAX_PATH);   // NULL means: the current process
    if (myLength != 0) {
        FSSpec              myFSSpec;
        NativePathNameToFSSpec(myFileName, &myFSSpec, 0L);
        myAppResFile = FSpOpenResFile(&myFSSpec, fsRdWrPerm);
        if (myAppResFile != -1)
    GetIndString(myAppName, rStringsResID, rAppNameStringIndex);
    myOutputAIFF = false;                                       // set default file format to 'MooV' file
    // we are running under Carbon; use Navigation Services
    // elicit an AIFF or an AIFC file from the user
    // specify the options for the dialog box
    myDialogOptions.dialogOptionFlags -= kNavNoTypePopup;
    myDialogOptions.dialogOptionFlags -= kNavAllowMultipleFiles;
    BlockMoveData(myAppName, myDialogOptions.clientName, myAppName[0] + 1);
    myErr = NavGetFile(NULL, &myReply, &myDialogOptions, myEventUPP, NULL, (NavObjectFilterUPP)myFilterProc, NULL, NULL);
    if ((myErr == noErr) && myReply.validRecord) {
        StringPtr               myPrompt = AudConv_ConvertCToPascalString(kACSavePrompt);
        StringPtr               myFileName = AudConv_ConvertCToPascalString(kMovieFileSaveName);
        NavMenuItemSpecHandle   myMenuItemHandle = NULL;
        // get the FSSpec for the selected file
        myErr = AEGetNthPtr(&(myReply.selection), 1, typeFSS, &myKeyword, &myActualType, &myInputFSSpec, sizeof(FSSpec), &myActualSize);
        // elicit a file to save the converted sound data into;
        // we want to allow the user to save as a movie or as an AIFF file
        myMenuItemHandle = (NavMenuItemSpecHandle)NewHandleClear(sizeof(NavMenuItemSpec));
        if (myMenuItemHandle != NULL) {
            (**myMenuItemHandle).version = kNavMenuItemSpecVersion;
            (**myMenuItemHandle).menuCreator = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('AuCo');
            (**myMenuItemHandle).menuType = kQTFileTypeAIFF;
            GetIndString((**myMenuItemHandle).menuItemName, rStringsResID, rAIFFMenuLabelIndex);
        myDialogOptions.dialogOptionFlags -= kNavAllowStationery;
        myDialogOptions.dialogOptionFlags += kNavDontAutoTranslate;
        myDialogOptions.popupExtension = myMenuItemHandle;
        BlockMoveData(myFileName, myDialogOptions.savedFileName, myFileName[0] + 1);
        BlockMoveData(myAppName, myDialogOptions.clientName, myAppName[0] + 1);
        BlockMoveData(myPrompt, myDialogOptions.message, myPrompt[0] + 1);
        myErr = NavPutFile(NULL, &myReply, &myDialogOptions, myEventUPP, MovieFileType, sigMoviePlayer, &myOutputAIFF);
        if ((myErr == noErr) && myReply.validRecord) {
            // get the FSSpec for the selected file
            myErr = AEGetNthPtr(&(myReply.selection), 1, typeFSS, &myKeyword, &myActualType, &myOutputFSSpec, sizeof(FSSpec), &myActualSize);
            if (myReply.replacing) {
                myErr = FSpDelete(&myOutputFSSpec);
                FailIf(myErr != noErr, Failure);
            myErr = AudConv_GetOutputFormat(&myDestInfo);
            if (myErr == noErr) {
                if (myOutputAIFF)
                    myErr = AudConv_ConvertToAIFF(&myInputFSSpec, &myOutputFSSpec, &myDestInfo);
                    myErr = AudConv_ConvertToMovie(&myInputFSSpec, &myOutputFSSpec, &myDestInfo);
                FailIf(myErr != noErr, Failure);
            if (myErr == userCanceledErr)
                myErr = noErr;
            FailIf(myErr != noErr, Failure);
    // we are NOT running under Carbon; use Standard File Package
    // elicit an AIFF or an AIFC file from the user
    StandardGetFile(NULL, 2, myTypeList, &myReply);
    if (myReply.sfGood) {
        DlgHookYDUPP        myDlgHookUPP = NULL;
        Point               myTopLeft;
        myDlgHookUPP = NewDlgHookYDProc(AudConv_SFGetDialogHook);
        myInputFSSpec = myReply.sfFile;                         // save input file spec
        // elicit a file to save the converted sound data into
        myTopLeft.v = -1;                                       // -1,-1 means to center the dialog
        myTopLeft.h = -1;
        CustomPutFile(NULL, c2pstr(kAIFFFileSaveName), &myReply, rCustomGetFileDialog, myTopLeft, myDlgHookUPP, NULL, NULL, NULL, &myOutputAIFF);
        if (myReply.sfGood) {
            myOutputFSSpec = myReply.sfFile;                        // save output file spec
            if (myReply.sfReplacing) {
                myErr = FSpDelete(&myOutputFSSpec);
                FailIf(myErr != noErr, Failure);
            myErr = AudConv_GetOutputFormat(&myDestInfo);
            if (myErr == noErr) {
                if (myOutputAIFF)
                    myErr = AudConv_ConvertToAIFF(&myInputFSSpec, &myOutputFSSpec, &myDestInfo);
                    myErr = AudConv_ConvertToMovie(&myInputFSSpec, &myOutputFSSpec, &myDestInfo);
                FailIf(myErr != noErr, Failure);
            if (myErr == userCanceledErr)
                myErr = noErr;
            FailIf(myErr != noErr, Failure);
    // terminate the QuickTime Media Layer
// AudConv_ConvertToAIFF 
// Read the source AIFF file and convert to the destination format; output a new AIFF file.
// The new file must include the compression parameters chunk, if used.
OSErr AudConv_ConvertToAIFF (ConstFSSpecPtr theInputFSSpec, ConstFSSpecPtr theOutputFSSpec, SoundComponentDataPtr theDestInfo)
    SoundComponentData      mySourceInfo;
    Handle                  mySourceCompParamsHandle = NULL;
    Handle                  myDestHandle = NULL;
    Handle                  myDestCompParamsHandle = NULL;
    long                    mySourceOffset;
    long                    mySourceSize;
    short                   myInputFile;
    short                   myOutputFile;
    long                    myCount;
    OSErr                   myErr = noErr;
    // open the source file and parse it
    myErr = FSpOpenDF(theInputFSSpec, fsRdPerm, &myInputFile);
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, NoInputFile);
    myErr = AudConv_GetDataFromAIFF(myInputFile, &mySourceInfo, &mySourceOffset, &mySourceSize, &mySourceCompParamsHandle);
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, NoData);
    // create the buffer into which we read the source data
    mySourceInfo.buffer = (Byte *)NewPtrClear(mySourceSize);
    FailWithAction(mySourceInfo.buffer == NULL, myErr = MemError(), NoSource);
    // create the buffer to hold the converted data
    myDestHandle = NewHandle(0);
    FailWithAction(myDestHandle == NULL, myErr = MemError(), NoDest);
    // read the source data from the source file into the source data buffer
    myErr = SetFPos(myInputFile, fsFromStart, mySourceOffset);
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, InputFileErr);
    myErr = FSRead(myInputFile, &mySourceSize, mySourceInfo.buffer);
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, InputFileErr);
    // create the output AIFF file, to hold the converted data
    myErr = FSpCreate(theOutputFSSpec, sigMoviePlayer, AIFFID, smSystemScript);
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, CreateOutputErr);
    myErr = FSpOpenDF(theOutputFSSpec, fsRdWrPerm, &myOutputFile);
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, OutputFileErr);
    // convert the source data into the output data
    myErr = AudConv_ConvertAudioIntoHandle(&mySourceInfo, mySourceCompParamsHandle, myDestHandle, theDestInfo, &myDestCompParamsHandle, NULL);
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, ConvertErr);
    // put the output data into the output AIFF file
    myErr = AudConv_PrepFileAsAIFF(myOutputFile, theDestInfo, myDestCompParamsHandle);
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, ConvertErr);
    myCount = GetHandleSize(myDestHandle);
    myErr = FSWrite(myOutputFile, &myCount, *myDestHandle);
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, ConvertErr);
    myErr = AudConv_FinishFileAsAIFF(myOutputFile, theDestInfo->sampleCount, myCount);
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, ConvertErr);
    // close the input and output files
    myErr = FSClose(myInputFile);
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, ConvertErr);
    myErr = FSClose(myOutputFile);
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, ConvertErr);
    // dispose of any storage we allocated and no longer need
    if (mySourceInfo.buffer != NULL)
    if (myDestHandle != NULL)
    if (mySourceCompParamsHandle != NULL)
    if (myDestCompParamsHandle != NULL)
    if (myDestHandle != NULL)
    if (mySourceInfo.buffer != NULL)
    if (mySourceCompParamsHandle != NULL)
// AudConv_ConvertToMovie
// Read the source AIFF file and convert to the destination format; output a new movie file.
// The new file must include the compression parameters chunk, if used.
OSErr AudConv_ConvertToMovie (ConstFSSpecPtr theInputFSSpec, ConstFSSpecPtr theOutputFSSpec, SoundComponentDataPtr theDestInfo)
    SoundComponentData      mySourceInfo;
    Handle                  mySourceCompParamsHandle = NULL;
    Handle                  myDestHandle = NULL;
    Handle                  myDestCompParamsHandle = NULL;
    long                    mySourceOffset;
    long                    mySourceSize;
    short                   myInputFile;
    CompressionInfo         myDestCompInfo;
    Movie                   myMovie;
    Track                   myTrack;
    short                   myResRefNum = -1;
    short                   myResID = movieInDataForkResID;
    long                    myFlags = createMovieFileDeleteCurFile | createMovieFileDontCreateResFile;
    OSErr                   myErr = noErr;
    // open the source file and parse it
    myErr = FSpOpenDF(theInputFSSpec, fsRdPerm, &myInputFile);
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, NoInputFile);
    myErr = AudConv_GetDataFromAIFF(myInputFile, &mySourceInfo, &mySourceOffset, &mySourceSize, &mySourceCompParamsHandle);
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, NoData);
    // create the buffer into which we read the source data
    mySourceInfo.buffer = (Byte *)NewPtrClear(mySourceSize);
    FailWithAction(mySourceInfo.buffer == NULL, myErr = MemError(), NoSource);
    // create the buffer to hold the converted data
    myDestHandle = NewHandle(0);
    FailWithAction(myDestHandle == NULL, myErr = MemError(), NoDest);
    // read the source data from the source file into the source data buffer
    myErr = SetFPos(myInputFile, fsFromStart, mySourceOffset);
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, InputFileErr);
    myErr = FSRead(myInputFile, &mySourceSize, mySourceInfo.buffer);
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, InputFileErr);
    // create the output movie file, to hold the converted data
    myErr = CreateMovieFile(theOutputFSSpec, sigMoviePlayer, smCurrentScript, myFlags, &myResRefNum, &myMovie);
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, CreateOutputErr);
    // convert the source data into the output data
    myErr = AudConv_ConvertAudioIntoHandle(&mySourceInfo, mySourceCompParamsHandle, myDestHandle, theDestInfo, &myDestCompParamsHandle, &myDestCompInfo);
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, CompressErr);
    // put the output data into a track in the output movie file
    myTrack = NewMovieTrack(myMovie, 0, 0, kFullVolume);
    myErr = GetMoviesError();
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, CompressErr);
    myErr = AudConv_PutAudioIntoTrack(myTrack, myDestHandle, theDestInfo, myDestCompParamsHandle, &myDestCompInfo);
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, CompressErr);
    myErr = AddMovieResource(myMovie, myResRefNum, &myResID, NULL);
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, CompressErr);
    // close the movie and movie file
    if (myResRefNum != -1)
    if (myMovie != NULL)
    // dispose of any storage we allocated and no longer need
    if (mySourceInfo.buffer != NULL)
    if (myDestHandle != NULL)
    if (mySourceCompParamsHandle != NULL)
    if (myDestCompParamsHandle != NULL)
    if (myMovie != NULL)
    if (myResRefNum != -1)
    if (mySourceCompParamsHandle != NULL)
    if (mySourceInfo.buffer != NULL)
    if (mySourceCompParamsHandle != NULL)
// AudConv_GetDataFromAIFF
// Parse the specified file and read the data in the required chunks in it.
// This is a very simple AIFF parser which will read three basic chunks: the
// main ContainerChunk, the Common or ExtCommonChunk, and the SoundDataChunk.
// That's all that's required. One last chunk is read if found, which contains the
// decompression parameters required to decompress this audio. It's a simple
// chunk with unknown data contained within. Copy this data into a handle, and
// it becomes the audio atoms used with the siDecompressionParams selector.
// Keep in mind that the data in an AIFF file is always big-endian.
OSErr AudConv_GetDataFromAIFF (short theRefNum, SoundComponentDataPtr theSourceInfo, long *theSourceOffset, long *theSourceSize, Handle *theDestCompParams)
    union {
        ContainerChunk  cnt;
        CommonChunk     com;
        ExtCommonChunk  ext;
        SoundDataChunk  snd;
    }                   myChunk;
    ChunkHeader         myCHeader;
    Handle              myDestCompParamsHandle;
    long double         mySampleRate;
    long                myOffset;
    long                myDataSize;
    long                myByteCount;
    OSErr               myErr = noErr;
    myErr = SetFPos(theRefNum, fsFromStart, 0);     // we have to start at the beginning
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, Failure);
    // everything is contained in a container chunk, which therefore is the first chunk in the file;
    // read the beginning of the container chunk into memory
    myByteCount = sizeof(ContainerChunk);
    myErr = FSRead(theRefNum, &myByteCount, &myChunk);
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, Failure);
    // make sure it's a FORM chunk
    FailWithAction(EndianU32_BtoN(myChunk.cnt.ckID) != FORMID, myErr = badFileFormat, Failure);
    // find the CommonChunk or ExtCommonChunk
    myErr = AudConv_SetFPosToChunk(theRefNum, CommonID);
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, Failure);
    switch (EndianU32_BtoN(myChunk.cnt.formType)) {
        case AIFFID:
            myByteCount = sizeof(CommonChunk);
            myErr = FSRead(theRefNum, &myByteCount, &myChunk);
            FailIf(myErr != noErr, Failure);
            theSourceInfo->format = k16BitBigEndianFormat;
        case AIFCID:
            myByteCount = offsetof(ExtCommonChunk, compressionName);
            myErr = FSRead(theRefNum, &myByteCount, &myChunk);
            FailIf(myErr != noErr, Failure);
            theSourceInfo->format = EndianU32_BtoN(myChunk.ext.compressionType);
            FailWithAction(badFileFormat, myErr = badFileFormat, Failure);
    theSourceInfo->flags = 0L;
    theSourceInfo->numChannels = EndianS16_BtoN(;
    theSourceInfo->sampleSize = EndianS16_BtoN(;
    mySampleRate =;
    x80told(&, &mySampleRate);
    theSourceInfo->sampleRate = (unsigned long)(mySampleRate * 65536.0);
    theSourceInfo->sampleCount = EndianU32_BtoN(;
    theSourceInfo->buffer = NULL;
    theSourceInfo->reserved = 0;
    myErr = AudConv_SetFPosToChunk(theRefNum, SoundDataID);
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, Failure);
    myByteCount = sizeof(SoundDataChunk);
    myErr = FSRead(theRefNum, &myByteCount, &myChunk);
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, Failure);
    myDataSize = EndianS32_BtoN(myChunk.snd.ckSize) - sizeof(SoundDataChunk);   // size of source data
    myErr = GetFPos(theRefNum, &myOffset);
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, Failure);
    // return NULL if no siDecompressionParams
    myDestCompParamsHandle = NULL;
    myErr = AudConv_SetFPosToChunk(theRefNum, siDecompressionParams);
    if (myErr == noErr) {
        myByteCount = sizeof(myCHeader);
        myErr = FSRead(theRefNum, &myByteCount, &myCHeader);
        FailIf(myErr != noErr, Failure);
        myByteCount = EndianS32_BtoN(myCHeader.ckSize);
        myDestCompParamsHandle = NewHandle(myByteCount);
        FailIf(myDestCompParamsHandle == NULL, Failure);
        myErr = FSRead(theRefNum, &myByteCount, *myDestCompParamsHandle);
        FailIf(myErr != noErr, ReadParamsErr);
    *theSourceOffset = myOffset;                        // offset from start of file to audio samples
    *theSourceSize = myDataSize;                        // size in bytes of the audio samples
    *theDestCompParams = myDestCompParamsHandle;        // possible handle to the decompression parameters
    if (myDestCompParamsHandle != NULL)
// AudConv_ConvertAudioIntoHandle
// Convert the specified sound data.
OSErr AudConv_ConvertAudioIntoHandle (  SoundComponentDataPtr theSourceInfo, 
                                        Handle theSourceCompParamsHandle,
                                        Handle theDestHandle, 
                                        SoundComponentDataPtr theDestInfo,
                                        Handle *theDestCompParamsHandle, 
                                        CompressionInfoPtr theDestCompInfo)
    SoundConverter      myConverter;
    Handle              myDestCompParamsHandle = NULL;          
    CompressionInfo     myCompressionInfo;
    unsigned short      mySourceBytesPerFrame;
    UInt16              hasOptionsDialog = 0;
    OSErr               myErr = noErr;
    // perform in non-real time for best quality
    theDestInfo->flags |= kNoRealtimeProcessing;            
    // open a sound converter
    myErr = SoundConverterOpen(theSourceInfo, theDestInfo, &myConverter);
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, Exit);
    // display the options dialog for the sound converter
    // the GetInfo call isn't required; you can just call SetInfo and it will show the dialog
    // or return the same error that GetInfo would have; you might call GetInfo to determine
    // whether the options dialog is supported, perhaps because you want to show a button that
    // would bring up this dialog
    myErr = SoundConverterGetInfo(myConverter, siOptionsDialog, &hasOptionsDialog);
    if ((myErr == noErr) && (hasOptionsDialog != 0)) {
        myErr = SoundConverterSetInfo(myConverter, siOptionsDialog, NULL);
        FailIf(myErr != noErr, DialogErr);
    // set the number of output channels
    myErr = SoundConverterSetInfo(myConverter, siCompressionChannels, &theDestInfo->numChannels);
    // ignore this error, some codecs don't use this selector (makes QDesign work)
    // get any custom decompression settings
    // not all sound compressors have custom settings, in which case myDestCompParamsHandle
    // will be returned unchanged (NULL); we return these custom settings to the caller, who
    // will put them in the proper place; if this audio is stored in a QuickTime movie, these
    // settings will be stored in a SoundDescriptionExtension of type siDecompressionParams
    SoundConverterGetInfo(myConverter, siCompressionParams, &myDestCompParamsHandle);   
    // send the source and destination compression settings to the sound converter; this is
    // necessary to make some sound converters (for instance, QDesign) work properly
    if (myDestCompParamsHandle != NULL) {
        myErr = SoundConverterSetInfo(myConverter, siCompressionParams, *myDestCompParamsHandle);
        FailIf(myErr != noErr, ConverterErr);
    if (theSourceCompParamsHandle != NULL) {
        myErr = SoundConverterSetInfo(myConverter, siDecompressionParams, *theSourceCompParamsHandle);
        FailIf(myErr != noErr, ConverterErr);
    *theDestCompParamsHandle = myDestCompParamsHandle;
    // get the sizes of the source and destination sample frames
    // we return the destination sample frame size to the caller, who will put it in the
    // proper place; if this audio data is stored in a QuickTime movie, this size will be
    // stored the Version 1 sound description handle
    // get the source number of bytes in each sample frame
    myErr = SoundConverterGetInfo(myConverter, siCompressionFactor, &myCompressionInfo);
    if ((myErr != noErr) || (myCompressionInfo.format != theSourceInfo->format)) {
        myErr = GetCompressionInfo(fixedCompression, theSourceInfo->format, theSourceInfo->numChannels, theSourceInfo->sampleSize, &myCompressionInfo);
        FailIf(myErr != noErr, ConverterErr);
    // bytesPerFrame is not filled in by GetCompressionInfo, so we set it here
    mySourceBytesPerFrame = myCompressionInfo.bytesPerPacket * theSourceInfo->numChannels;
    // get the destination number of bytes in each sample frame
    if (theDestCompInfo != NULL) {
        // get info about destination compression.
        myErr = SoundConverterGetInfo(myConverter, siCompressionFactor, theDestCompInfo);
        if ((myErr != noErr) || (theDestCompInfo->format != theDestInfo->format)) {
            myErr = GetCompressionInfo(fixedCompression, theDestInfo->format, theDestInfo->numChannels, theDestInfo->sampleSize, theDestCompInfo);
            FailIf(myErr != noErr, ConverterErr);
        // bytesPerFrame is not filled in by GetCompressionInfo, so we set it here
        theDestCompInfo->bytesPerFrame = theDestCompInfo->bytesPerPacket * theDestInfo->numChannels;
    // do the actual data conversion
    myErr = AudConv_WriteAudioToHandle(myConverter, theSourceInfo, mySourceBytesPerFrame, theDestInfo, theDestHandle);
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, ConverterErr);
    if (myDestCompParamsHandle != NULL)
    if (myConverter != NULL)
// AudConv_WriteAudioToHandle
// Convert the source data into an ever-expanding handle of the given format.
// Of course this means you've only got one shot at converting the data, and it
// all has to fit into memory. Converting larger amounts is left to the reader.
OSErr AudConv_WriteAudioToHandle (SoundConverter theConverter, SoundComponentDataPtr theSourceInfo, short theSourceBytesPerFrame, SoundComponentDataPtr theDestInfo, Handle theDestHandle)
    unsigned long   myNumFramesLeft;
    unsigned long   mySourceFrames;
    unsigned long   myDestFrames;
    unsigned long   mySourceBytes;
    unsigned long   myDestBytes;
    unsigned long   myDataOffset = 0;
    Ptr             myDestPtr = NULL;
    OSErr           myErr = noErr;
    // get sound converter buffer size info
    myErr = SoundConverterGetBufferSizes(theConverter, kMaxSndConvtBufferSize, &mySourceFrames, &mySourceBytes, &myDestBytes);
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, Exit);
    // create destination data buffer
    myDestPtr = NewPtrClear(myDestBytes);
    FailWithAction(myErr != noErr, myErr = MemError(), Exit);
    // convert the sound to the desired output format
    myErr = SoundConverterBeginConversion(theConverter);
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, ConverterErr);
    // initialize destination total frame count to zero
    theDestInfo->sampleCount = 0;
    myNumFramesLeft = (unsigned long)theSourceInfo->sampleCount;
    while (myNumFramesLeft > 0) {
        // if there are fewer frames remaining than our source buffer size,
        // we're near the end of our data, so get just what's remaining
        if (mySourceFrames > myNumFramesLeft)
            mySourceFrames = myNumFramesLeft;
        myErr = SoundConverterConvertBuffer(theConverter, theSourceInfo->buffer + myDataOffset, mySourceFrames, myDestPtr, &myDestFrames, &myDestBytes);
        FailIf(myErr != noErr, ConverterErr);
        // write this data to the output handle
        if (myDestBytes > 0) {
            myErr = PtrAndHand(myDestPtr, theDestHandle, myDestBytes);
            FailIf(myErr != noErr, ConverterErr);
        // move offset to appropriate place in source data
        myDataOffset += mySourceFrames * theSourceBytesPerFrame;
        // keep track of total frames returned by converter
        theDestInfo->sampleCount += myDestFrames;
        myNumFramesLeft -= mySourceFrames;
    // end the conversion, and see if we get back a few more bytes of data  
    myErr = SoundConverterEndConversion(theConverter, myDestPtr, &myDestFrames, &myDestBytes);
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, ConverterErr);
    if (myDestBytes > 0) {
        // write this data to the output handle
        myErr = PtrAndHand(myDestPtr, theDestHandle, myDestBytes);
        FailIf(myErr != noErr, ConverterErr);
    theDestInfo->sampleCount += myDestFrames;           // update final amount of samples
    if (myDestPtr != NULL)
// AudConv_GetOutputFormat
// Display the QuickTime standard sound settings dialog to obtain the output format.
OSErr AudConv_GetOutputFormat (SoundComponentDataPtr theDestInfo)
    ComponentInstance   myComponent = NULL;
    ComponentResult     myErr = noErr;
    myComponent = OpenDefaultComponent(StandardCompressionType, StandardCompressionSubTypeSound);
    FailWithAction(myComponent == NULL, myErr = cantFindHandler, NoComponent);
    myErr = SCRequestImageSettings(myComponent);            // show the dialog to user
    if (myErr == noErr) {                                   // then get the settings
        myErr = SCGetInfo(myComponent, scSoundCompressionType, &theDestInfo->format);
        FailIf(myErr != noErr, SCGetInfoFailed);
        myErr = SCGetInfo(myComponent, scSoundChannelCountType, &theDestInfo->numChannels);
        FailIf(myErr != noErr, SCGetInfoFailed);
        myErr = SCGetInfo(myComponent, scSoundSampleSizeType, &theDestInfo->sampleSize);
        FailIf(myErr != noErr, SCGetInfoFailed);
        myErr = SCGetInfo(myComponent, scSoundSampleRateType, &theDestInfo->sampleRate);
        FailIf(myErr != noErr, SCGetInfoFailed);
        // any non-compressed format appears as 'raw ', which is not what the Sound Manager expects
        if (theDestInfo->format == k8BitOffsetBinaryFormat) {
            if (theDestInfo->sampleSize > 8)
                theDestInfo->format = k16BitBigEndianFormat;
                theDestInfo->format = kSoundNotCompressed;
        // clear the rest of the unused parameters
        theDestInfo->flags = 0;
        theDestInfo->sampleCount = 0;
        theDestInfo->buffer = NULL;
        theDestInfo->reserved = 0L;
// AudConv_SetFPosToChunk
// Set the file's position to the start of the given chunk.
OSErr AudConv_SetFPosToChunk (short theRefNum, ID theChunkID)
    long                myCount;
    ChunkHeader         myCHeader;
    OSErr               myErr = noErr;
    // position the file mark past the ContainerChunk, which is always the first thing in the file
    myErr = SetFPos(theRefNum, fsFromStart, sizeof(ContainerChunk));
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, Exit);
    while (true) {
        myCount = sizeof(myCHeader);
        myErr = FSRead(theRefNum, &myCount, &(myCHeader.ckID));
        if (myErr == eofErr)                            // reached the end of file, exit gracefully
        FailIf(myErr != noErr, Exit);
        if (theChunkID == EndianU32_BtoN(myCHeader.ckID)) {
            myCount = -myCount;                         // rewind ptr to top of chunk if found
            myErr = SetFPos(theRefNum, fsFromMark, myCount);
            FailIf(myErr != noErr, Exit);
        } else {                                        // else skip over the entire chunk
            myErr = SetFPos(theRefNum, fsFromMark, EndianS32_BtoN(myCHeader.ckSize));
            if (myErr == eofErr)                        // reached the end of file, exit gracefully
            FailIf(myErr != noErr, Exit);
// AudConv_PrepFileAsAIFF
// Write out the necessary chunks, without audio samples, to prepare for writing;
// leave file position at the proper place for audio samples.
OSErr AudConv_PrepFileAsAIFF (short theOutputFile, SoundComponentDataPtr theDestInfo, Handle theDestParams)
    Str255              myCompressionName;
    ContainerChunk      myContainer;
    FormatVersionChunk  myVersion;
    ExtCommonChunk      myCommon;
    SoundDataChunk      mySoundData;
    ID                  myFormType;
    long                myCount;
    OSErr               myErr = noErr;
    switch (theDestInfo->format) {
        case kSoundNotCompressed:
        case k8BitOffsetBinaryFormat:
        case k16BitBigEndianFormat:
        case k24BitFormat:
        case k32BitFormat:
            myFormType = AIFFID;
        default :
            myFormType = AIFCID;
    myErr = SetFPos(theOutputFile, fsFromStart, 0);
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, Exit);
    // write out the first chunk
    myContainer.ckID = EndianU32_NtoB(FORMID);
    myContainer.ckSize = EndianU32_NtoB(0);                                 // nothing in the file just yet
    myContainer.formType = EndianU32_NtoB(myFormType);
    myCount = sizeof(myContainer);
    myErr = FSWrite(theOutputFile, &myCount, &myContainer);
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, Exit);
    // write out the version chunk for AIFC files
    if (myFormType == AIFCID) {
        myVersion.ckID = EndianU32_NtoB(FormatVersionID);
        myVersion.ckSize = EndianS32_NtoB(sizeof(FormatVersionChunk) - sizeof(ChunkHeader));
        myVersion.timestamp = EndianU32_NtoB(AIFCVersion1);                 // timestamp for this version
        myCount = sizeof(myVersion);
        myErr = FSWrite(theOutputFile, &myCount, &myVersion);
        FailIf(myErr != noErr, Exit);
    // write out the CommonChunk or ExtCommonChunk if the data is compressed
    myCommon.ckID = EndianU32_NtoB(CommonID);
    myCommon.ckSize = EndianS32_NtoB(sizeof(CommonChunk) - sizeof(ChunkHeader));    // size of common chunk variables without compression info
    myCommon.numChannels = EndianS16_NtoB(theDestInfo->numChannels);
    myCommon.numSampleFrames = EndianU32_NtoB(0);                           // nothing in the file just yet
    myCommon.sampleSize = EndianS16_NtoB(theDestInfo->sampleSize);
    myCommon.sampleRate = theDestInfo->sampleRate / 65536.0;
        long double     ldRate;
        ldRate = theDestInfo->sampleRate / 65536.0;
        ldtox80(&ldRate, &myCommon.sampleRate);
    myCommon.compressionType = EndianU32_NtoB(theDestInfo->format);
    myCommon.compressionName[0] = 0;
    if (myFormType == AIFCID) {
        myErr = GetCompressionName(theDestInfo->format, myCompressionName);
        if (myErr == noErr) {
            // write out the ExtCommonChunk for compressed data, with the name
            myCount = offsetof(ExtCommonChunk, compressionName);
            myCommon.ckSize = myCount - sizeof(ChunkHeader) + myCompressionName[0] + 1;
            myCommon.ckSize = ++myCommon.ckSize & ~1;           // must be word aligned
            myCommon.ckSize = EndianS32_NtoB(myCommon.ckSize);
            myErr = FSWrite(theOutputFile, &myCount, &myCommon);
            FailIf(myErr != noErr, Exit);
            myCount = myCompressionName[0] + 1;
            myCount = ++myCount & ~1;                           // must be word aligned
            myErr = FSWrite(theOutputFile, &myCount, &myCompressionName);
            FailIf(myErr != noErr, Exit);
        } else {
            // write out the ExtCommonChunk for compressed data, without the name
            myCommon.ckSize = EndianS32_NtoB(sizeof(ExtCommonChunk) - sizeof(ChunkHeader)); // size of common chunk variables without compression info
            myCount = offsetof(ExtCommonChunk, compressionName);
            myErr = FSWrite(theOutputFile, &myCount, &myCommon);
            FailIf(myErr != noErr, Exit);
    } else {    // write out the CommonChunk for non-compressed data
        myCount = sizeof(CommonChunk);
        myErr = FSWrite(theOutputFile, &myCount, &myCommon);
        FailIf(myErr != noErr, Exit);
    if (theDestParams != NULL) {
        ChunkHeader     myCHeader;
        myCHeader.ckID = EndianU32_NtoB(siDecompressionParams);
        myCHeader.ckSize = EndianS32_NtoB(GetHandleSize(theDestParams));
        myCount = sizeof(myCHeader);
        myErr = FSWrite(theOutputFile, &myCount, &myCHeader);
        FailIf(myErr != noErr, Exit);
        myCount = EndianS32_BtoN(myCHeader.ckSize);
        myErr = FSWrite(theOutputFile, &myCount, *theDestParams);
        FailIf(myErr != noErr, Exit);
    mySoundData.ckID = EndianU32_NtoB(SoundDataID);
    mySoundData.ckSize = EndianS32_NtoB(0);                         // nothing in the file just yet
    mySoundData.offset = EndianU32_NtoB(0);
    mySoundData.blockSize = EndianU32_NtoB(0);
    myCount = sizeof(mySoundData);
    myErr = FSWrite(theOutputFile, &myCount, &mySoundData);
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, Exit);
    // now go back and update Container to current file size
    myErr = SetFPos(theOutputFile, fsFromStart, 0);
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, Exit);
    myCount = sizeof(myContainer);
    myErr = FSRead(theOutputFile, &myCount, &myContainer);
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, Exit);
    myErr = GetEOF(theOutputFile, &myContainer.ckSize);
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, Exit);
    myErr = SetFPos(theOutputFile, fsFromStart, 0);
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, Exit);
    myContainer.ckSize -= sizeof(ChunkHeader);
    myContainer.ckSize = EndianS32_NtoB(myContainer.ckSize);
    myCount = sizeof(myContainer);
    myErr = FSWrite(theOutputFile, &myCount, &myContainer);
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, Exit);
    // set current file position to the end of end of the file
    // the last chunk is the SoundDataChunk, and that's where to begin writing data
    myErr = SetFPos(theOutputFile, fsFromStart, EndianS32_BtoN(myContainer.ckSize) + sizeof(ChunkHeader));
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, Exit);
// AudConv_FinishFileAsAIFF
// This assumes that all the necessary chunks have been written to the file and
// then audio samples have been added. Finally, update the chunks to reflect the
// samples that were added.
OSErr AudConv_FinishFileAsAIFF (short theOutputFile, unsigned long destFramesMoved, unsigned long destBytesMoved)
    CommonChunk         myCommon;
    SoundDataChunk      mySoundData;
    long                myCount;
    OSErr               myErr = noErr;
    // find the CommonChunk and update the numSampleFrames
    myErr = AudConv_SetFPosToChunk(theOutputFile, CommonID);
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, Exit);
    myCount = sizeof(myCommon);
    myErr = FSRead(theOutputFile, &myCount, &myCommon);
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, Exit);
    myErr = SetFPos(theOutputFile, fsFromMark, -myCount);       // reset to start of chunk
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, Exit);
    myCommon.numSampleFrames = EndianU32_NtoB(destFramesMoved);
    myCount = sizeof(myCommon);
    myErr = FSWrite(theOutputFile, &myCount, &myCommon);
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, Exit);
    // find the SoundDataChunk and update the ckSize
    myErr = AudConv_SetFPosToChunk(theOutputFile, SoundDataID);
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, Exit);
    myCount = sizeof(mySoundData);
    myErr = FSRead(theOutputFile, &myCount, &mySoundData);
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, Exit);
    myErr = SetFPos(theOutputFile, fsFromMark, -myCount);       // reset to start of chunk
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, Exit);
    mySoundData.ckSize = EndianS32_NtoB(sizeof(SoundDataChunk) - sizeof(ChunkHeader) + destBytesMoved);
    myCount = sizeof(mySoundData);
    myErr = FSWrite(theOutputFile, &myCount, &mySoundData);
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, Exit);
// AudConv_PutAudioIntoTrack
// Add the audio as a track with the necessary decompression extension.
OSErr AudConv_PutAudioIntoTrack (   Track theTrack, 
                                    Handle theDestAudioData, 
                                    SoundComponentDataPtr theDestInfo,
                                    Handle theDestCompParamsHandle, 
                                    CompressionInfoPtr theDestCompInfo)
    SoundDescriptionV1Handle    mySampleDesc;
    Media                       myMedia;
    OSErr                       myErr = noErr;
    // create a media for the track passed in
    // set new track to be a sound track
    myMedia = NewTrackMedia(theTrack, SoundMediaType, theDestInfo->sampleRate >> 16, NULL, 0);
    myErr = GetMoviesError();
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, Exit);
    // start a media editing session
    myErr = BeginMediaEdits(myMedia);
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, Exit);
    // create a sound sample description
    // use the SoundDescription format 1 because it adds fields for data size information
    // and is required by AddSoundDescriptionExtension if an extension is required for the compression format
    mySampleDesc = (SoundDescriptionV1Handle)NewHandleClear(sizeof(SoundDescriptionV1));
    FailWithAction(myErr != noErr, myErr = MemError(), Exit);
    (**mySampleDesc).desc.descSize          = sizeof(SoundDescriptionV1);
    (**mySampleDesc).desc.dataFormat        = theDestInfo->format;
    (**mySampleDesc).desc.resvd1            = 0;
    (**mySampleDesc).desc.resvd2            = 0;
    (**mySampleDesc).desc.dataRefIndex      = 1;
    (**mySampleDesc).desc.version           = 1;
    (**mySampleDesc).desc.revlevel          = 0;
    (**mySampleDesc).desc.vendor            = 0;
    (**mySampleDesc).desc.numChannels       = theDestInfo->numChannels;
    (**mySampleDesc).desc.sampleSize        = theDestInfo->sampleSize;
    (**mySampleDesc).desc.compressionID     = 0;
    (**mySampleDesc).desc.packetSize        = 0;
    (**mySampleDesc).desc.sampleRate        = theDestInfo->sampleRate;
    (**mySampleDesc).samplesPerPacket       = theDestCompInfo->samplesPerPacket;
    (**mySampleDesc).bytesPerPacket         = theDestCompInfo->bytesPerPacket;
    (**mySampleDesc).bytesPerFrame          = theDestCompInfo->bytesPerFrame;
    (**mySampleDesc).bytesPerSample         = theDestCompInfo->bytesPerSample;
    // not all compression formats have compression params, so we need to add a
    // sound description extension only for those that do
    if (theDestCompParamsHandle != NULL) {
        myErr = AddSoundDescriptionExtension((SoundDescriptionHandle)mySampleDesc, theDestCompParamsHandle, siDecompressionParams);
        FailIf(myErr != noErr, MediaErr);
    // add samples to the media
    myErr = AddMediaSample( myMedia,
                            theDestInfo->sampleCount * theDestCompInfo->bytesPerFrame,
                            theDestInfo->sampleCount * theDestCompInfo->samplesPerPacket,
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, MediaErr);
    myErr = EndMediaEdits(myMedia);
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, MediaErr);
    // insert the media into the track
    myErr = InsertMediaIntoTrack(theTrack, 0, 0, GetMediaDuration(myMedia), fixed1);
    FailIf(myErr != noErr, MediaErr);
    if (mySampleDesc != NULL)   
// AudConv_SFGetDialogHook
// Hook function for the get file dialog box.
PASCAL_RTN short AudConv_SFGetDialogHook (short theItem, DialogPtr theDialog, void *theOutputAIFF)
    ControlHandle           myAIFFControl;
    ControlHandle           myMovieControl;
    Rect                    myRect;
    short                   myKind;
    // make sure we've got a real dialog
    if (theDialog == NULL)
    GetDialogItem(theDialog, kOutputAIFFButton, &myKind, (Handle *)&myAIFFControl, &myRect);
    GetDialogItem(theDialog, kOutputMovieButton, &myKind, (Handle *)&myMovieControl, &myRect);
    switch (theItem) {
        case sfHookFirstCall:
            if (*(Boolean *)theOutputAIFF)
                SetControlValue(myAIFFControl, kControlRadioButtonCheckedValue);
                SetControlValue(myMovieControl, kControlRadioButtonUncheckedValue);
        case kOutputAIFFButton:
            SetControlValue(myAIFFControl, kControlRadioButtonCheckedValue);
            SetControlValue(myMovieControl, kControlRadioButtonUncheckedValue);
            *(Boolean *)theOutputAIFF = true;
        case kOutputMovieButton:
            SetControlValue(myAIFFControl, kControlRadioButtonUncheckedValue);
            SetControlValue(myMovieControl, kControlRadioButtonCheckedValue);
            *(Boolean *)theOutputAIFF = false;
// AudConv_NavObjectFilterProc
// Object filter function for the get file dialog box.
PASCAL_RTN Boolean AudConv_NavObjectFilterProc (AEDesc *theItem, void *theInfo, void *theCallBackUD, NavFilterModes theFilterMode)
#pragma unused(theCallBackUD, theFilterMode)
    NavFileOrFolderInfo     *myInfo = (NavFileOrFolderInfo *)theInfo;
    if (theItem->descriptorType == typeFSS) {
        if (!myInfo->isFolder) {
            OSType          myType = myInfo->fileAndFolder.fileInfo.finderInfo.fdType;
            // see whether the file type is in the list of file types that our application can open 
            if ((myType == kQTFileTypeAIFF) || (myType == kQTFileTypeAIFC))
            // if we got to here, it's a file we cannot open
    // if we got to here, it's a folder or non-HFS object
// AudConv_ConvertCToPascalString
// Convert a C string into a Pascal string.
// The caller is responsible for disposing of the pointer returned by this function (by calling free).
StringPtr AudConv_ConvertCToPascalString (char *theString)
    StringPtr   myString = malloc(strlen(theString) + 1);
    short       myIndex = 0;
    while (theString[myIndex] != '\0') {
        myString[myIndex + 1] = theString[myIndex];
    myString[0] = (unsigned char)myIndex;
// AudConv_HandleNavEvent
// A callback procedure that handles events while a Navigation Service dialog box is displayed.
PASCAL_RTN void AudConv_HandleNavEvent (NavEventCallbackMessage theCallBackSelector, NavCBRecPtr theCallBackParms, void *theCallBackUD)
    Boolean             myOutputAIFF = *(Boolean *)theCallBackUD;
    NavMenuItemSpec     myMenuItemSpec;
    Str255              myFileName;
    static Str15        myMooVExt;
    static Str15        myAIFFExt;
    if (theCallBackSelector == kNavCBStart) {
        // get the filename extensions
        GetIndString(myMooVExt, rStringsResID, rMooVExtensionIndex);
        GetIndString(myAIFFExt, rStringsResID, rAIFFExtensionIndex);
    if (theCallBackSelector == kNavCBPopupMenuSelect) {
        myMenuItemSpec = *(NavMenuItemSpec *)theCallBackParms->eventData.eventDataParms.param;
        myOutputAIFF = (myMenuItemSpec.menuType == kQTFileTypeAIFF);
    if (*(Boolean *)theCallBackUD != myOutputAIFF) {
        // the output file type has changed, so adjust the filename extension accordingly
        short           myIndex;
        short           myCount;
        // get the current filename
        NavCustomControl(theCallBackParms->context, kNavCtlGetEditFileName, &myFileName);
        // find the position of the last filename separator in the current filename
        myIndex = myFileName[0];
        while ((myFileName[myIndex] != kFileExtSeparator) && (myIndex > 0))
        if (myIndex != 0) {
            if (myOutputAIFF) {
                for (myCount = 1; myCount <= myAIFFExt[0]; myCount++)
                    myFileName[myIndex + myCount - 1] = myAIFFExt[myCount];
            } else {
                for (myCount = 1; myCount <= myMooVExt[0]; myCount++)
                    myFileName[myIndex + myCount - 1] = myMooVExt[myCount];
            myFileName[0] = myIndex + myCount - 2;
            NavCustomControl(theCallBackParms->context, kNavCtlSetEditFileName, &myFileName);
        *(Boolean *)theCallBackUD = myOutputAIFF;