
    File:       Common.c
    Contains:   HackTV cross-platform common code
    Written by: Gary Woodcock
    Updated by: Brian Friedkin
    Copyright:  © 1992-1998 by Apple Computer, Inc.
#include <QTML.h>
#include <Endian.h>
#include <Menus.h>
#include <Printing.h>
#include <Script.h>
#include <Scrap.h>
#include <QuickTimeComponents.h>
#include "Globals.h"
#include "Common.h"
// Disable warnings associated with "\p" strings
#pragma warning(disable: 4129)
static OSErr XorRectToRgn(Rect *srcRectA, Rect *srcRectB, RgnHandle *destRgn);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void InitializeSequenceGrabber(void)
    ComponentDescription    theDesc;
    ComponentResult         result = noErr;
    GrafPtr                 savedPort;
    Component               sgCompID;
    gQuitFlag = false;
    gSeqGrabber = 0L;
    gVideoChannel = 0L;
    gSoundChannel = 0L;
    gMonitorPICT = nil;
    gPrintRec = (THPrint) NewHandleClear (sizeof (TPrint));
    // Find and open a sequence grabber
    theDesc.componentType = SeqGrabComponentType;
    theDesc.componentSubType = 0L;
    theDesc.componentManufacturer = 'appl';
    theDesc.componentFlags = 0L;
    theDesc.componentFlagsMask = 0L;    
    sgCompID = FindNextComponent (nil, &theDesc);
    if (sgCompID != 0L)
        gSeqGrabber = OpenComponent (sgCompID);
    // If we got a sequence grabber, set it up
    if (gSeqGrabber != 0L)
        // Get the monitor
        if (gMonitor != nil)
            // Display the monitor window
            GetPort (&savedPort);
            MacSetPort (gMonitor);
            MacMoveWindow(gMonitor, 10, 30 + GetMBarHeight(), 0);
            MacShowWindow (gMonitor);       
            // Initialize the sequence grabber
            result = SGInitialize (gSeqGrabber);
            if (result == noErr)
                result = SGSetGWorld (gSeqGrabber, (CGrafPtr) gMonitor, nil);
                // Get a video channel
                result = SGNewChannel (gSeqGrabber, VideoMediaType, &gVideoChannel);
                if ((gVideoChannel != nil) && (result == noErr))
                    short   width;
                    short   height;
                    gQuarterSize = false;
                    gHalfSize = true;
                    gFullSize = false;
                    result = SGGetSrcVideoBounds (gVideoChannel, &gActiveVideoRect);
                    width = (gActiveVideoRect.right - gActiveVideoRect.left) / 2;
                    height = (gActiveVideoRect.bottom - / 2;
                    SizeWindow (gMonitor, width, height, false);
                    result = SGSetChannelUsage (gVideoChannel, seqGrabPreview | seqGrabRecord | seqGrabPlayDuringRecord);
                    result = SGSetChannelBounds (gVideoChannel, &(gMonitor->portRect));
                // Get a sound channel
                result = SGNewChannel (gSeqGrabber, SoundMediaType, &gSoundChannel);
                if ((gSoundChannel != nil) && (result == noErr))
                    if (gSoundChannel != nil)
                        result = SGSetChannelUsage (gSoundChannel, seqGrabPreview | seqGrabRecord);
                        // Set the volume low to prevent feedback when we start the preview,
                        // in case the mic is anywhere near the speaker.
                        result = SGSetChannelVolume (gSoundChannel, 0x0010);
                // Get the alignment proc (for use when dragging the monitor)
                result = SGGetAlignmentProc (gSeqGrabber, &gSeqGrabberAlignProc);
            // Go!
            if (result == noErr)
                result = SGStartPreview (gSeqGrabber);
            MacSetPort (savedPort);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// Specify and setup a file to contain this track's data
static ComponentResult SetTrackFile(SGChannel theChannel, StringPtr prompt, StringPtr defaultName)
    StandardFileReply       reply;
    ComponentResult     err;
    SGOutput    theOutput;
    AliasHandle alias = 0;
    // Get the destination filename
    StandardPutFile(prompt, defaultName, &reply);
    if (!reply.sfGood)
        err = fnfErr;
        goto bail;
    // Make an alias from the filename
    if (err = QTNewAlias(&reply.sfFile, &alias, true)) goto bail;
    // Create an output from this file
    if (err = SGNewOutput(gSeqGrabber, (Handle)alias, rAliasType, seqGrabToDisk, &theOutput)) goto bail;
    // Associate this output with the specified channel
    if (err = SGSetChannelOutput(gSeqGrabber, theChannel, theOutput)) goto bail;
    if (alias) DisposeHandle((Handle)alias);
    return err;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// Record a movie
void DoRecord(void)
    long    err;
    StandardFileReply   reply;
    // Stop everything while the dialogs are up
    // Get the destination filename
    StandardPutFile("\pSave new movie file as:", "\", &reply);
    if (!reply.sfGood)
        err = fnfErr;
        goto bail;
    if ((err = SGSetDataOutput(gSeqGrabber, &reply.sfFile, seqGrabToDisk)))
        goto bail;
    // Ask use for separate video and sound track files if requested
    if (gSoundChannel && gRecordSound && gVideoChannel && gRecordVideo && gSplitTracks)
        if ((err = SetTrackFile(gVideoChannel, "\pSave video track file as:", "\pHackVideo.trk")))
            goto bail;
        if ((err = SetTrackFile(gSoundChannel, "\pSave sound track file as:", "\pHackSound.trk")))
            goto bail;
    // If not recording sound or video, then "disable" those channels
    if (gSoundChannel && !gRecordSound)
        SGSetChannelUsage(gSoundChannel, 0);
    if (gVideoChannel && !gRecordVideo)
        SGSetChannelUsage(gVideoChannel, 0);
    // Attempt to recover the preview area obscured by dialogs
    SGUpdate(gSeqGrabber, 0);
    // Make the movie file
    if (err = CreateMovieFile(&reply.sfFile, 'TVOD', smSystemScript,
        createMovieFileDontOpenFile | createMovieFileDontCreateMovie | createMovieFileDontCreateResFile,
        nil, nil)) goto bail;
    // Record!
    if (err = SGStartRecord(gSeqGrabber))
        goto bail;
    while (!Button() && (err == noErr))
        err = SGIdle(gSeqGrabber);
    // If we recorded until we ran out of space, then allow SGStop to be
    // called to write the movie resource.  The assumption here is that the
    // data output filled up but the disk has enough free space left to
    // write the movie resource.
    if (!((err == dskFulErr) || (err != eofErr)))
        goto bail;
    err = SGStop(gSeqGrabber);
    NoteAlert(kMovieHasBeenRecordedAlertID, 0);
    err = SGStartPreview(gSeqGrabber);
    SGPause(gSeqGrabber, false);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void DoAboutDialog(void)
    short       itemHit;
    DialogPtr   aboutDialog;
    aboutDialog = GetNewDialog(kAboutDLOGID, nil, (WindowPtr)-1L);
    // Do the boring about dialog
    SetDialogDefaultItem(aboutDialog, 1);
        ModalDialog(nil, &itemHit);
    while (itemHit != 1);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void DoPageSetup(void)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void DoPrint(void)
    TPPrPort    printPort;
    TPrStatus   printStatus;
    ComponentResult     err;
    Rect        tempRect;
    // Copy a frame from the monitor
    if (gMonitorPICT != nil)
        KillPicture (gMonitorPICT);
    gMonitorPICT = nil;
    err = SGGrabPict(gSeqGrabber, &gMonitorPICT, nil, 0, grabPictOffScreen);
    if ((err == noErr) && (gMonitorPICT != nil))
        // Print it
        HLock((Handle) gMonitorPICT);
        if (PrJobDialog (gPrintRec))
            printPort = PrOpenDoc (gPrintRec, nil, nil);
            err = PrError();
            PrOpenPage (printPort, 0);
            err = PrError();
            tempRect  = (**gMonitorPICT).picFrame;
            tempRect.left = EndianS16_BtoN(tempRect.left);
   = EndianS16_BtoN(;
            tempRect.right = EndianS16_BtoN(tempRect.right);
            tempRect.bottom = EndianS16_BtoN(tempRect.bottom);
            DrawPicture(gMonitorPICT, &tempRect);
            PrClosePage (printPort);
            err = PrError();
            PrCloseDoc (printPort);
            err = PrError();
            if ((**gPrintRec).prJob.bJDocLoop == bSpoolLoop)
                PrPicFile (gPrintRec, 0, 0, 0, &printStatus);
                err = PrError();
        err = PrError();
        HUnlock((Handle) gMonitorPICT);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void DoCopyToClipboard(void)
    ComponentResult err;
    // Copy a frame from the monitor
    if (gMonitorPICT != nil)
        KillPicture (gMonitorPICT);
    gMonitorPICT = nil;
    err = SGGrabPict (gSeqGrabber, &gMonitorPICT, nil, 0, grabPictOffScreen);
    if ((err == noErr) && (gMonitorPICT != nil))
        err = ZeroScrap();
        HLock ((Handle) gMonitorPICT);
        err = PutScrap (GetHandleSize ((Handle) gMonitorPICT), 'PICT', *(Handle)gMonitorPICT);
        HUnlock ((Handle) gMonitorPICT);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static pascal Boolean
SeqGrabberModalFilterProc (DialogPtr theDialog, EventRecord *theEvent,
    short *itemHit, long refCon)
    // Ordinarily, if we had multiple windows we cared about, we'd handle
    // updating them in here, but since we don't, we'll just clear out
    // any update events meant for us
    Boolean handled = false;
    if ((theEvent->what == updateEvt) && 
        ((WindowPtr) theEvent->message == (WindowPtr) refCon))
        WindowPtr   wPtr = (WindowPtr) refCon;
        BeginUpdate (wPtr);
        EndUpdate (wPtr);
        handled = true;
    return (handled);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void DoVideoSettings(void)
    Rect    newActiveVideoRect;
    Rect    adjustedActiveVideoRect;
    Rect    curBounds, curVideoRect, newVideoRect, newBounds;
    short   width, height;
    ComponentResult err;
    GrafPtr savedPort;
    RgnHandle   deadRgn;
    SGModalFilterUPP    seqGragModalFilterUPP;
    // Get our current state
    err = SGGetChannelBounds (gVideoChannel, &curBounds);
    err = SGGetVideoRect (gVideoChannel, &curVideoRect);
    // Pause
    err = SGPause (gSeqGrabber, true);
    // Do the dialog thang
    seqGragModalFilterUPP = (SGModalFilterUPP)NewSGModalFilterProc(SeqGrabberModalFilterProc);
    err = SGSettingsDialog(gSeqGrabber, gVideoChannel, 0, 
        nil, 0L, seqGragModalFilterUPP, (long)StripAddress ((Ptr) gMonitor));
    // What happened?
    err = SGGetVideoRect (gVideoChannel, &newVideoRect);
    err = SGGetSrcVideoBounds (gVideoChannel, &newActiveVideoRect);
    // Set up our port
    GetPort (&savedPort);
    MacSetPort (gMonitor);
    // Has our active rect changed?
    // If so, it's because our video standard changed (e.g., NTSC to PAL),
    // and we need to adjust our monitor window
    if (!MacEqualRect (&gActiveVideoRect, &newActiveVideoRect))
        if (gFullSize)
            width = newActiveVideoRect.right - newActiveVideoRect.left;
            height = newActiveVideoRect.bottom -;
            gActiveVideoRect = newActiveVideoRect;
            SizeWindow (gMonitor, width, height, false);
            err = SGSetChannelBounds (gVideoChannel, &(gMonitor->portRect));
        else if (gHalfSize)
            width = (newActiveVideoRect.right - newActiveVideoRect.left) / 2;
            height = (newActiveVideoRect.bottom - / 2;
            gActiveVideoRect = newActiveVideoRect;
            SizeWindow (gMonitor, width, height, false);
            err = SGSetChannelBounds (gVideoChannel, &(gMonitor->portRect));
        else if (gQuarterSize)
            width = (newActiveVideoRect.right - newActiveVideoRect.left) / 4;
            height = (newActiveVideoRect.bottom - / 4;
            gActiveVideoRect = newActiveVideoRect;
            SizeWindow (gMonitor, width, height, false);
            err = SGSetChannelBounds (gVideoChannel, &(gMonitor->portRect));
    // Has our crop changed?
    // This code shows how to be crop video panel friendly
    // Two important things - 
    // 1) Be aware that you might have been cropped and adjust your
    //    video window appropriately
    // 2) Be aware that you might have been adjusted and attempt to
    //    account for this.  Adjusting refers to using the digitizer
    //    rect to "adjust" the active source rect within the maximum
    //    source rect.  This is useful if you're getting those nasty
    //    black bands on the sides of your video display - you can use
    //    the control-arrow key sequence to shift the active source 
    //    rect around when you're in the crop video panel
    adjustedActiveVideoRect = gActiveVideoRect;
    if (!MacEqualRect (&curVideoRect, &newVideoRect))
        if ((newVideoRect.left < gActiveVideoRect.left) ||
            (newVideoRect.right > gActiveVideoRect.right) ||
            ( < ||
            (newVideoRect.bottom > gActiveVideoRect.bottom))
            if (newVideoRect.left < gActiveVideoRect.left)
                adjustedActiveVideoRect.left = newVideoRect.left;
                adjustedActiveVideoRect.right -= (gActiveVideoRect.left - newVideoRect.left);
            if (newVideoRect.right > gActiveVideoRect.right)
                adjustedActiveVideoRect.right = newVideoRect.right;
                adjustedActiveVideoRect.left += (newVideoRect.right - gActiveVideoRect.right);
            if ( <
                adjustedActiveVideoRect.bottom -= ( -;
            if (newVideoRect.bottom > gActiveVideoRect.bottom)
                adjustedActiveVideoRect.bottom = newVideoRect.bottom;
       += (newVideoRect.bottom - gActiveVideoRect.bottom);
            newBounds = newVideoRect;
            MapRect (&newBounds, &adjustedActiveVideoRect, &(gMonitor->portRect));
        else    // Can't tell if we've been adjusted (digitizer rect is smaller on all sides
                // than the active source rect)
            newBounds = newVideoRect;
            MapRect (&newBounds, &gActiveVideoRect, &(gMonitor->portRect));
        width = newBounds.right - newBounds.left;
        height = newBounds.bottom -;
        err = SGSetChannelBounds (gVideoChannel, &newBounds);
    // Clean out the part of the port that isn't being drawn in
    deadRgn = NewRgn();
    if (deadRgn != nil)
        Rect    boundsRect;
        err = SGGetChannelBounds (gVideoChannel, &boundsRect);
        err = XorRectToRgn (&boundsRect, &(gMonitor->portRect), &deadRgn);
        EraseRgn (deadRgn);
        DisposeRgn (deadRgn);
    MacSetPort (savedPort);
    // This is necessary, for now, to get the grab to start again afer the
    // dialog goes away.  For some reason the video destRect never gets reset to point
    // back to the monitor window.
    SGSetChannelBounds (gVideoChannel, &(gMonitor->portRect));
    // The pause that refreshes
    err = SGPause (gSeqGrabber, false);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void DoSoundSettings(void)
    SGModalFilterUPP    seqGragModalFilterUPP;
    ComponentResult     err;
    seqGragModalFilterUPP = (SGModalFilterUPP)NewSGModalFilterProc(SeqGrabberModalFilterProc);
    err = SGSettingsDialog (gSeqGrabber, gSoundChannel, 0,
        nil, 0L, seqGragModalFilterUPP, (long) StripAddress ((Ptr) gMonitor));
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void DoResize(short divisor)
    short       width, height;
    GrafPtr     savedPort;
    Rect        curBounds, maxBoundsRect;
    RgnHandle   deadRgn;
    ComponentResult err;
    // New width and height
    width = (gActiveVideoRect.right - gActiveVideoRect.left) / divisor;
    height = (gActiveVideoRect.bottom - / divisor;
    gQuarterSize = (divisor == 4 ? true : false);
    gHalfSize = (divisor == 2 ? true : false);
    gFullSize = (divisor == 1 ? true : false);
    // Resize the monitor
    GetPort (&savedPort);
    MacSetPort (gMonitor);
    err = SGPause (gSeqGrabber, true);
    err = SGGetChannelBounds (gVideoChannel, &curBounds);
    maxBoundsRect = gMonitor->portRect;
    SizeWindow (gMonitor, width, height, false);
    MapRect (&curBounds, &maxBoundsRect, &(gMonitor->portRect));
    err = SGSetChannelBounds (gVideoChannel, &curBounds);
    // Clean out part of port we're not drawing in
    deadRgn = NewRgn();
    if (deadRgn != nil)
        Rect    boundsRect;
        err = SGGetChannelBounds (gVideoChannel, &boundsRect);
        err = XorRectToRgn (&boundsRect, &(gMonitor->portRect), &deadRgn);
        EraseRgn (deadRgn);
        DisposeRgn (deadRgn);
    MacSetPort (savedPort);
    err = SGPause (gSeqGrabber, false);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static OSErr XorRectToRgn (Rect *srcRectA, Rect *srcRectB, RgnHandle *destRgn)
    RgnHandle   srcRgnA = NewRgn();
    RgnHandle   srcRgnB = NewRgn();
    OSErr       result = noErr;
    if ((destRgn != nil) && (*destRgn != nil))
        if ((srcRgnA != nil) &&
            (srcRgnB != nil))
            RectRgn (srcRgnA, srcRectA);
            RectRgn (srcRgnB, srcRectB);
            MacXorRgn (srcRgnA, srcRgnB, *destRgn);
            DisposeRgn (srcRgnA);
            DisposeRgn (srcRgnB);
            result = memFullErr;
        result = nilHandleErr;
    return (result);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */