
//  File:       QTMovieFromProcs.h
//  Contains:   Code for creating a QuickTime movie using application-defined procedures.
//  Written by: Tim Monroe
//  Copyright:  © 1998 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
//  Change History (most recent first):
//     <1>      10/16/98    rtm     first file
#pragma once
// header files
#ifndef __FILES__
#include <Files.h>
#ifndef __MOVIES__
#include <Movies.h>
#include <QuickTimeComponents.h>
#ifndef __SCRIPT__
#include <Script.h>
#include <NumberFormatting.h>
#ifndef __QTUtilities__
#include "QTUtilities.h"
#include "MacFramework.h"
#include "WinFramework.h"
// compiler flags
#define TESTING_MOVIEFROMPROCS          1               // compiler flag for our test shell
// constants
#define kMovieLengthInSeconds           10              // the length, in seconds, of our proc-generated movie
#define kAudioSampleRate                22050           // 22.05 kHz
#define kSoundBufferSize                1024
#define kVideoSampleRate                3000            // 30 frames per second
#define kVideoFrameDuration             100
#define kVideoFrameHeight               120L
#define kVideoFrameWidth                160L
// type and creator for our sample settings preferences file
#define kSettingsFileType               FOUR_CHAR_CODE('Pref')
#define kSettingsFileCreator            FOUR_CHAR_CODE('RTM ')
// the name of our preferences file
#define kSettingsFileName               "ProcPrefs.rtm"
// maximum number of exporters-by-procedures we'll list in the Test menu
#define kMaxNumTestMenuItems            32
#define kTestMenuID                     131
// data types
// a structure to hold information that we want to be passed to the app-defined
// procedure that generates audio data
typedef struct {
    Ptr                         fSoundData;
    SoundDescriptionHandle      fSoundDescription;
    long                        fTrackID;
} QTMoovProcsAudioDataRec, *QTMoovProcsAudioDataRecPtr;
// a structure to hold information that we want to be passed to the app-defined
// procedure that generates video data
typedef struct {
    GWorldPtr                   fGWorld;
    ImageDescriptionHandle      fImageDescription;
    long                        fTrackID;
} QTMoovProcsVideoDataRec, *QTMoovProcsVideoDataRecPtr;
// a structure to hold information about the available components that can export using procedures
typedef struct {
    MenuReference               fTestMenuHandle;
    short                       fNextAvailIndex;
    OSType                      fComponentType[kMaxNumTestMenuItems];
    OSType                      fComponentSubType[kMaxNumTestMenuItems];
    OSType                      fComponentManufacturer[kMaxNumTestMenuItems];
} QTProcExportersInfo;
// function prototypes
OSErr                           QTMoovProcs_CreateMovieFromProcs (FSSpecPtr theOutputFile, MovieExportComponent theExporter, Boolean thePromptUser);
OSErr                           QTMoovProcs_AddAudioSourceToExporter (MovieExportComponent theExporter);
OSErr                           QTMoovProcs_AddVideoSourceToExporter (MovieExportComponent theExporter);
PASCAL_RTN OSErr                QTMoovProcs_AudioTrackPropertyProc (void *theRefcon, long theTrackID, OSType thePropertyType, void *thePropertyValue);
PASCAL_RTN OSErr                QTMoovProcs_AudioTrackDataProc (void *theRefcon, MovieExportGetDataParams *theParams);
PASCAL_RTN OSErr                QTMoovProcs_VideoTrackPropertyProc (void *theRefcon, long theTrackID, OSType thePropertyType, void *thePropertyValue);
PASCAL_RTN OSErr                QTMoovProcs_VideoTrackDataProc (void *theRefcon, MovieExportGetDataParams *theParams);
OSErr                           QTMenu_InitializeTestMenu (void);
OSErr                           QTMenu_AddComponentNamesToMenu (void);
OSErr                           QTMenu_HandleTestMenu (UInt16 theMenuItem);
OSErr                           QTMoovProcs_GetPrefsFileSpec (FSSpecPtr thePrefsSpecPtr, void *theRefCon);
OSErr                           QTUtils_SaveExporterSettingsInFile (MovieExportComponent theExporter, FSSpecPtr theFSSpecPtr);
OSErr                           QTUtils_GetExporterSettingsFromFile (MovieExportComponent theExporter, FSSpecPtr theFSSpecPtr);
OSErr                           QTUtils_WriteHandleToFile (Handle theHandle, FSSpecPtr theFSSpecPtr);
Handle                          QTUtils_ReadHandleFromFile (FSSpecPtr theFSSpecPtr);