
//  File:       SoundSnippets.c
//  Contains:   Code snippets showing how to perform a few typical sound-related operations.
//  Written by: Tim Monroe
//              Some routines based on existing code by Jim Reekes and Kip Olson.
//  Copyright:  © 1998-2003 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
//  Change History (most recent first):
//     <8>      08/06/03    era     fixed SndSnip_ConvertWAVEFormats as it did not previously set
//                                  the value for numChannels in the Sound Description
//     <7>      02/03/99    rtm     minor tweaks based on AudioConvert.c sample code
//     <6>      02/03/99    rtm     reworked prompt and filename handling to remove "\p" sequences
//     <5>      06/25/98    rtm     added SndSnip_HasSoundManager3_1; modified the function
//                                  SndSnip_PromptUserForDiskFileAndSaveCompressed to compress a
//                                  file in 40K chunks
//     <4>      06/22/98    rtm     added SndSnip_GetAudioSettings and SndSnip_ConvertWAVEFormats;
//                                  added SndSnip_PromptUserForAudioFileAndCompress and
//                                  SndSnip_PromptUserForDiskFileAndSaveCompressed, which illustrate
//                                  both the standard sound compression dialog component and the
//                                  sound converter routines
//     <3>      05/29/98    rtm     added SndSnip_GetHardwareSettings, SndSnip_CheckVersionNumber,
//                                  SndSnip_GetVolume, and SndSnip_SetVolume
//     <2>      04/24/98    rtm     got bufferCmd double-buffering working
//     <1>      04/17/98    rtm     first file
//  This sample code illustrates how to perform some common sound-related operations,
//  such as saving a movie's sound track into a separate file or playing a continuous sound using
//  the bufferCmd sound command. This is not really a library of utilities, but more a grab-bag
//  of "how-to" recipes. Here's a partial list of what's illustrated here:
//  *Save a sound-only QuickTime movie as a WAVE file.
//  *Save a sound-only QuickTime movie as a file whose type the user selects.
//  *Save a sound track in a QuickTime movie as a file whose type the user selects.
//  *Create a handle that contains the first sound track in a QuickTime movie.
//  *Open and play a WAVE file using the QuickTime API.
//  *Set the volume level of a sound track in a QuickTime movie.
//  *Use the bufferCmd sound command to continuously play a large buffer of audio data.
//  *Get the current hardware settings.
//  *Get the settings for a sound track in a QuickTime movie.
//  *Get and set the current left and right volumes of a sound channel.
//  *Let the user select an audio file and select its compression settings; then compress it.
//  NOTES:
//  *** (1) ***
//  The function SndSnip_PromptUserForAudioFileAndCompress uses the standard sound compression dialog routines
//  to elicit compression/conversion settings from the user. These routines were based on the standard image
//  compression dialog routines. You can use modal-dialog filter functions and hook functions with the sound
//  routines in the same way that you use them with the image routines; this, however, is not illustrated here.
//  See the code snippet QTStdCompr for sample code that does illustrate these features of the standard
//  compression dialog routines.
//  *** (2) ***
//  The function SndSnip_PromptUserForDiskFileAndSaveCompressed uses the sound converter routines (such as
//  SoundConverterConvertBuffer) to compress audio data. These routines were introduced in Sound Manager 3.2.
//  If you want to run in earlier Sound Manager versions, you'll need to replace this conversion method with
//  some other method. The method illustrated here is based on code in the file SoundConvert.c by Andrew Wulf,
//  Apple Developer Technical Support. 
#include "SoundSnippets.h"
#include "QTUtilities.h"
// global variables
SoundHeader                 gSndHeader1;
SoundHeader                 gSndHeader2;
Boolean                     gCurrChunkDirty = false;
short                       gCurrChunkIndex;
SoundHeaderPtr              gCurrChunkHeader;
SndChannelPtr               gCurrChannel;
// Sound movie conversion routines.
// SndSnip_SaveSoundMovieAsWAVEFile
// Save a sound-only QuickTime movie as a WAVE file.
void SndSnip_SaveSoundMovieAsWAVEFile (Movie theMovie)
    StandardFileReply       myReply;
    StringPtr               myPrompt = QTUtils_ConvertCToPascalString(kSaveSoundPrompt);
    StringPtr               myFileName = QTUtils_ConvertCToPascalString(kSaveSoundWaveName);
    // have the user select the name and location of the new WAVE file
    StandardPutFile(myPrompt, myFileName, &myReply);
    if (!myReply.sfGood)
    // use the default progress procedure, if any
    SetMovieProgressProc(theMovie, (MovieProgressUPP)-1L, 0);
    // export the movie into a file
    ConvertMovieToFile( theMovie,                   // the movie to convert
                        NULL,                       // all tracks in the movie
                        &myReply.sfFile,            // the output file
                        kQTFileTypeWave,            // the output file type
                        FOUR_CHAR_CODE('TVOD'),     // the output file creator
                        smSystemScript,             // the script
                        NULL,                       // no resource ID to be returned
                        0L,                         // no flags
                        NULL);                      // no specific component
// SndSnip_SaveSoundMovieAsAnyTypeFile
// Save a sound-only QuickTime movie as a file whose type the user selects.
void SndSnip_SaveSoundMovieAsAnyTypeFile (Movie theMovie)
    StandardFileReply       myReply;
    StringPtr               myPrompt = QTUtils_ConvertCToPascalString(kSaveSoundPrompt);
    StringPtr               myFileName = QTUtils_ConvertCToPascalString(kSaveSoundFileName);
    // have the user select the name and location of the new file
    StandardPutFile(myPrompt, myFileName, &myReply);
    if (!myReply.sfGood)
    // use the default progress procedure, if any
    SetMovieProgressProc(theMovie, (MovieProgressUPP)-1L, 0);
    // export the movie into a file; since the flag showUserSettingsDialog is set,
    // the user gets to select the audio format of the saved audio data
    ConvertMovieToFile( theMovie,                   // the movie to convert
                        NULL,                       // all tracks in the movie
                        &myReply.sfFile,            // the output file
                        0L,                         // the output file type
                        FOUR_CHAR_CODE('TVOD'),     // the output file creator
                        smSystemScript,             // the script
                        NULL,                       // no resource ID to be returned
                        createMovieFileDeleteCurFile | movieToFileOnlyExport | showUserSettingsDialog,  
                        NULL);                      // no specific component
// SndSnip_SaveSoundTrackAsAnyTypeFile
// Save the first sound track in a QuickTime movie as a file whose type the user selects.
void SndSnip_SaveSoundTrackAsAnyTypeFile (Movie theMovie)
    StandardFileReply       myReply;
    Track                   myTrack = NULL;
    StringPtr               myPrompt = QTUtils_ConvertCToPascalString(kSaveSoundPrompt);
    StringPtr               myFileName = QTUtils_ConvertCToPascalString(kSaveSoundFileName);
    // find the first sound track in the specified movie
    myTrack = GetMovieIndTrackType(theMovie, 1, AudioMediaCharacteristic, movieTrackCharacteristic | movieTrackEnabledOnly);
    if (myTrack == NULL)
    // have the user select the name and location of the new file
    StandardPutFile(myPrompt, myFileName, &myReply);
    if (!myReply.sfGood)
    // use the default progress procedure, if any
    SetMovieProgressProc(theMovie, (MovieProgressUPP)-1L, 0);
    // export the specified track into a file; since the flag showUserSettingsDialog is set,
    // the user gets to select the audio format of the saved audio data
    ConvertMovieToFile( theMovie,                   // the movie to convert
                        myTrack,                    // save only the specified track
                        &myReply.sfFile,            // the output file
                        0L,                         // the output file type
                        FOUR_CHAR_CODE('TVOD'),     // the output file creator
                        smSystemScript,             // the script
                        NULL,                       // no resource ID to be returned
                        createMovieFileDeleteCurFile | movieToFileOnlyExport | showUserSettingsDialog,  
                        NULL);                      // no specific component
// SndSnip_ExtractSoundTrackIntoHandle
// Create a handle that contains the first sound track in a QuickTime movie.
// NOTE: To create a handle that contains ALL the sound tracks in the movie
// mixed together, pass NULL instead of myTrack to PutMovieIntoTypedHandle.
void SndSnip_ExtractSoundTrackIntoHandle (Movie theMovie)
    Track                   myTrack = NULL;
    Handle                  myHandle = NULL;
    OSErr                   myErr = noErr;
    // find the first sound track in the specified movie
    myTrack = GetMovieIndTrackType(theMovie, 1, AudioMediaCharacteristic, movieTrackCharacteristic | movieTrackEnabledOnly);
    if (myTrack == NULL)
        goto bail;
    // create an empty handle; this will be resized by PutMovieIntoTypedHandle
    myHandle = NewHandle(0);
    if (myHandle == NULL)
        goto bail;
    // use the default progress procedure, if any
    SetMovieProgressProc(theMovie, (MovieProgressUPP)-1L, 0);
    // extract the sound track and put it into the handle
    myErr = PutMovieIntoTypedHandle(
                            theMovie,                   // the movie to convert
                            myTrack,                    // save only the specified track
                            soundListRsrc,              // make it a sound resource handle
                            myHandle,                   // the handle into which to put the audio data
                            0,                          // start time
                            GetTrackDuration(myTrack),  // ending time
                            0L,                         // flags
                            NULL);                      // no specific component
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    // to prove we really did create the handle, play it
    SndPlay(NULL, (SndListHandle)myHandle, false);
    if (myHandle != NULL)
// SndSnip_PlayWAVEFileWithQuickTime
// Open and play a WAVE file using the QuickTime API.
void SndSnip_PlayWAVEFileWithQuickTime (void)
    StandardFileReply       myReply;
    SFTypeList              myTypeList = {kQTFileTypeWave, 0, 0, 0};
    short                   myRefNum;
    // elicit a file from the user
    StandardGetFile(NULL, 1, myTypeList, &myReply);
    if (myReply.sfGood) {
        Movie               myMovie;
        OpenMovieFile(&myReply.sfFile, &myRefNum, fsRdPerm);
        NewMovieFromFile(&myMovie, myRefNum, NULL, (StringPtr)NULL, newMovieActive, NULL);
        if (myRefNum != 0)
        // play the movie once thru
        while (!IsMovieDone(myMovie))
            MoviesTask(myMovie, 0);
// Volume routines.
// SndSnip_SetVolumeOfSoundTrack
// Set the volume level of the first sound track in a QuickTime movie.
// The range for the theVolume parameter is 0 (no volume) to 256 (full volume).
// You can also pass negative values (e.g., -128). No sound is produced for negative
// values, but they are useful for maintaining the absolute value of a volume.
void SndSnip_SetVolumeOfSoundTrack (Movie theMovie, short theVolume)
    Track           myTrack = NULL;
    // find the first sound track in the specified movie
    myTrack = GetMovieIndTrackType(theMovie, 1, AudioMediaCharacteristic, movieTrackCharacteristic | movieTrackEnabledOnly);
    if (myTrack == NULL)
    // set the volume of the track
    SetTrackVolume(myTrack, theVolume);
// Double-buffering routines.
// SndSnip_PlaySoundResourceUsingBufferCmds
// Use the bufferCmd sound command to continuously play a large buffer of audio data.
// NOTE: This routine exists solely to illustrate one way to use bufferCmd sound commands
// to play a buffer of audio data continuously; here, we read the audio data from a resource
// and then hand chunks of it to the Sound Manager using bufferCmds. OF COURSE we could have
// played the entire buffer in one fell swoop by calling SndPlay. The idea is that a real
// application would read the audio data from disk in bite-sized chunks and use the techniques
// illustrated here to play that data.
OSErr SndSnip_PlaySoundResourceUsingBufferCmds (void)
    Handle                  myHandle = NULL;
    SoundComponentData      myResourceInfo;
    unsigned long           myNumFrames;
    unsigned long           myOffset;
    Ptr                     myPtr = NULL;
    Size                    mySize;
    long                    myFreq;
    SndChannelPtr           mySndChannel = NULL;
    SndCallBackUPP          mySndCallBackProc;
    unsigned long           myBufferSize;           // the size of the buffer we pass to each bufferCmd command
    OSErr                   myErr = memFullErr;
    // get the resource data; we assume this resource contains sampled sound data
    myHandle = GetResource(soundListRsrc, kSampleResourceID);
    if (myHandle == NULL)
        goto bail;
    // get info from the sound resource header
    myErr = ParseSndHeader((SndListHandle)myHandle, &myResourceInfo, &myNumFrames, &myOffset);
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    // get the base frequency from the sampled sound header
    myFreq = SndSnip_GetSndBaseFrequency(myHandle);
    // lock the handle, so we can use a pointer to cruise thru the sound data
    myPtr = *myHandle + myOffset;
    mySize = GetHandleSize(myHandle) - myOffset;
    myBufferSize = mySize / kNumberOfBufferChunks;
    // allocate a routine descriptor for our sound callback routine
    mySndCallBackProc = NewSndCallBackProc(SndSnip_CallbackProc);
    // create storage for a new sound channel
    mySndChannel = (SndChannelPtr)NewPtrClear(sizeof(SndChannel));
    if (mySndChannel == NULL)
        goto bail;
    // set the number of commands in the sound channel queue;
    // pass the application's A5 value in the userInfo field
    mySndChannel->qLength = kNumberOfCmdsInQueue;
    mySndChannel->userInfo = SetCurrentA5();
    // create the sound channel
    myErr = SndNewChannel(&mySndChannel, sampledSynth, initMono, mySndCallBackProc);
    if (myErr != noErr) {
        goto bail;
    // the basic idea is this: fill two buffers with data and pass them to the Sound Manager
    // using the bufferCmd sound command; each bufferCmd is immediately followed in the queue
    // by a callBackCmd sound command; a callBackCmd triggers the _CheckBuffers routine, which
    // installs another buffer of data and an associated callBackCmd
    // configure the first sound header
    gSndHeader1.samplePtr = myPtr;
    gSndHeader1.length = myBufferSize;
    gSndHeader1.sampleRate = myResourceInfo.sampleRate;
    gSndHeader1.loopStart = 0;
    gSndHeader1.loopEnd = 0;
    gSndHeader1.encode = stdSH;
    gSndHeader1.baseFrequency = myFreq;
    // install the first bufferCmd, to play the first chunk of the buffer
    myErr = SndSnip_InstallBufferCmd(mySndChannel, &gSndHeader1);
    // install the first callBackCmd
    myErr = SndSnip_InstallCallbackCmd(mySndChannel, 0, (long)&gSndHeader1);
    // configure the second sound header
    gSndHeader2.samplePtr = myPtr + myBufferSize;
    gSndHeader2.length = myBufferSize;
    gSndHeader2.sampleRate = myResourceInfo.sampleRate;
    gSndHeader2.loopStart = 0;
    gSndHeader2.loopEnd = 0;
    gSndHeader2.encode = stdSH;
    gSndHeader2.baseFrequency = myFreq;
    // install the second bufferCmd, to play the second chunk of the buffer
    myErr = SndSnip_InstallBufferCmd(mySndChannel, &gSndHeader2);
    // install the second callBackCmd
    myErr = SndSnip_InstallCallbackCmd(mySndChannel, 1, (long)&gSndHeader2);
// SndSnip_CallbackProc
// Handle callback messages. Keep it quick, okay?
PASCAL_RTN void SndSnip_CallbackProc (SndChannelPtr theChannel, SndCommand *theCommand)
    long        myA5;
    myA5 = SetA5(theChannel->userInfo);
    // in this sample code, param1 of theCommand is the 0-based index of the chunk of the buffer
    // that just finished playing, and param2 is a pointer to the sound header for that chunk
    gCurrChunkDirty = true;
    gCurrChunkIndex = theCommand->param1;
    gCurrChunkHeader = (SoundHeaderPtr)(theCommand->param2);
    gCurrChannel = theChannel;
    myA5 = SetA5(myA5);
// SndSnip_CheckBuffers
// Handle callback messages.
// This function needs to be called periodically. On MacOS, you could call this function
// every time thru your event loop. On Windows, you'll need to use a different strategy;
// for instance, you could install a timer that is called often enough that the bufferCmd
// gets installed before the currently-playing buffer is exhausted.
void SndSnip_CheckBuffers (void)
    if (gCurrChunkDirty) {
        // install next buffer of data, if there is one
        if (gCurrChunkIndex < (kNumberOfBufferChunks - 2)) {
            gCurrChunkHeader->samplePtr = gCurrChunkHeader->samplePtr + (2 * (gCurrChunkHeader->length));
            // install a bufferCmd command, to play the next buffer of data         
            SndSnip_InstallBufferCmd(gCurrChannel, gCurrChunkHeader);
            // install a callBackCmd command, to be called when this buffer is finished playing     
            SndSnip_InstallCallbackCmd(gCurrChannel, gCurrChunkIndex + 2, (long)gCurrChunkHeader);
    gCurrChunkDirty = false;
// SndSnip_InstallBufferCmd
// Install a bufferCmd sound command to play the specified buffer of data.
static OSErr SndSnip_InstallBufferCmd (SndChannelPtr theChannel, SoundHeaderPtr theHeaderPtr)
    SndCommand      mySndCommand;
    mySndCommand.cmd = bufferCmd;
    mySndCommand.param1 = 0;
    mySndCommand.param2 = (long)theHeaderPtr;
    return(SndDoCommand(theChannel, &mySndCommand, kWait));
// SndSnip_InstallCallbackCmd
// Install a callBackCmd sound command.
static OSErr SndSnip_InstallCallbackCmd (SndChannelPtr theChannel, short theParam1, long theParam2)
    SndCommand      mySndCommand;
    mySndCommand.cmd = callBackCmd;
    mySndCommand.param1 = theParam1;
    mySndCommand.param2 = theParam2;
    return(SndDoCommand(theChannel, &mySndCommand, kWait));
// Sample sound information routines.
// SndSnip_GetSoundHeader
// Returns a pointer to the sound header in a sampled sound resource.
SoundHeaderPtr SndSnip_GetSoundHeader (Handle theSndHandle)
    SoundHeaderPtr      mySndHeader = NULL;
    long                myOffset = 0;
    OSErr               myErr = noErr;
    myErr = GetSoundHeaderOffset((SndListHandle)theSndHandle, &myOffset);
    if (myErr == noErr)
        mySndHeader = (SoundHeaderPtr)((long)*theSndHandle + myOffset);
// SndSnip_GetSndBaseFrequency
// Returns the base frequency of a sampled sound.
long SndSnip_GetSndBaseFrequency (Handle theSndHandle)
    SoundHeaderPtr      mySndHeader;
    long                myBaseFreq = kMiddleC;      // a reasonable default
    mySndHeader = SndSnip_GetSoundHeader(theSndHandle);
    if (mySndHeader != NULL)
        myBaseFreq = mySndHeader->baseFrequency;
// Settings routines.
// SndSnip_GetHardwareSettings
// Get the current hardware settings.
// Based on the function GetHardwareSettings by Kip Olson (develop, issue 24).
OSErr SndSnip_GetHardwareSettings (SndChannelPtr theChannel, SoundComponentData *theInfo)
    NumVersion          myVersion;
    OSErr               myErr = noErr;
    // SndGetInfo is available only in Sound Manager 3.1 or later,  
    // so check for an appropriate Sound Manager version
    myVersion = SndSoundManagerVersion();
    if (!SndSnip_CheckVersionNumber(&myVersion, 3, 1, 0))
        goto bail;
    myErr = SndGetInfo(theChannel, siNumberChannels, &theInfo->numChannels);
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    myErr = SndGetInfo(theChannel, siSampleRate, &theInfo->sampleRate);
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    myErr = SndGetInfo(theChannel, siSampleSize, &theInfo->sampleSize);
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    if (theInfo->sampleSize == 8)
        theInfo->format = kOffsetBinary;
        theInfo->format = kTwosComplement;
// SndSnip_GetAudioSettings
// Get the settings for the first audio track in the specified movie.
OSErr SndSnip_GetAudioSettings (Movie theMovie, SoundComponentData *theInfo)
    Track                       myTrack = NULL;
    Media                       myMedia = NULL;
    SoundDescriptionHandle      myDesc = NULL;
    OSErr                       myErr = paramErr;
    // get the first sound track in the specified movie
    myTrack = GetMovieIndTrackType(theMovie, 1, AudioMediaCharacteristic, movieTrackCharacteristic | movieTrackEnabledOnly);
    if (myTrack == NULL)
        goto bail;
    myMedia = GetTrackMedia(myTrack);
    if (myMedia == NULL)
        goto bail;
    myDesc = (SoundDescriptionHandle)NewHandle(0);
    if (myDesc == NULL)
        goto bail;
    GetMediaSampleDescription(myMedia, 1, (SampleDescriptionHandle)myDesc);
    if (GetHandleSize((Handle)myDesc) == 0)
        goto bail;
    theInfo->numChannels = (**myDesc).numChannels;
    theInfo->sampleRate = (**myDesc).sampleRate;
    theInfo->sampleSize = (**myDesc).sampleSize;
    theInfo->format = (**myDesc).dataFormat;
    myErr = noErr;
    if (myDesc != NULL)
// Sound information routines.
// SndSnip_HasSoundManager3_1
// Returns true if the installed version of the Sound Manager is at least 3.1.
Boolean SndSnip_HasSoundManager3_1 (void)
    NumVersionVariant       myVersion; = SndSoundManagerVersion();
    return(myVersion.whole >= 0x03100000);
// SndSnip_CheckVersionNumber
// Returns true if the given version number is compatible with
// (that is, not older than) version theMajor.theMinor.theBug.
Boolean SndSnip_CheckVersionNumber (
    const NumVersion        *theVersion,
    UInt8                   theMajor,
    UInt8                   theMinor,
    UInt8                   theBug)
    if (theVersion->majorRev != theMajor)
        return(theVersion->majorRev > theMajor);
        return(theVersion->minorAndBugRev >= theMinor << 4 | theBug);
// SndSnip_GetVolume
// Get the current left and right volumes of a sound channel.
// Based on the function GetVolume by Kip Olson (develop, issue 24).
OSErr SndSnip_GetVolume (SndChannelPtr theChannel, unsigned short *theLeftVol, unsigned short *theRightVol)
    SndCommand          mySndCommand;
    unsigned long       myVolume;
    OSErr               myErr = noErr;
    // getVolumeCmd is available only in Sound Manager version 3.0 and later;
    // you might want to check for a correct version here
    mySndCommand.cmd = getVolumeCmd;
    mySndCommand.param1 = 0;
    mySndCommand.param2 = (long)&myVolume;
    myErr = SndDoImmediate(theChannel, &mySndCommand);
    if (myErr == noErr) {
        *theLeftVol = myVolume & 0x0000ffff;
        *theRightVol = myVolume >> 16;
// SndSnip_SetVolume
// Set the left and right volumes of a sound channel.
// Based on the function SetVolume by Kip Olson (develop, issue 24).
OSErr SndSnip_SetVolume (SndChannelPtr theChannel, unsigned short theLeftVol, unsigned short theRightVol)
    SndCommand          mySndCommand;
    OSErr               myErr = noErr;
    // volumeCmd is available only in Sound Manager version 3.0 and later;
    // you might want to check for a correct version here
    mySndCommand.cmd = volumeCmd;
    mySndCommand.param1 = 0;
    mySndCommand.param2 = (theRightVol << 16) | theLeftVol;
    myErr = SndDoImmediate(theChannel, &mySndCommand);
// Movie export component routines.
// SndSnip_ConvertWAVEFormats
// Convert an 8-bit, 22 kHz WAVE file to a 16-bit, 22 kHz IMAPCM WAVE file.
OSErr SndSnip_ConvertWAVEFormats (Movie theMovie, FSSpec *theFile)
    ComponentInstance           myComponent = NULL;
    SoundDescriptionHandle      myDesc = NULL;
    ComponentResult             myErr = badComponentType;
    // open a movie export component
    myComponent = OpenDefaultComponent(MovieExportType, kQTFileTypeWave);
    if (myComponent == NULL)
        goto bail;
    // create and fill in a sound description
    myDesc = (SoundDescriptionHandle)NewHandleClear(sizeof(SoundDescription));
    if (myDesc == NULL) {
        myErr = MemError();
        goto bail;
    (**myDesc).descSize = sizeof(SoundDescription);
    (**myDesc).numChannels = 2;
    (**myDesc).sampleSize = 16;
    (**myDesc).sampleRate = rate22050hz;
    (**myDesc).dataFormat = k16BitLittleEndianFormat;
    // tell the export component to use the specified audio characteristics
    myErr = MovieExportSetSampleDescription(myComponent, (SampleDescriptionHandle)myDesc, SoundMediaType);
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    // export the movie into a file
    myErr = ConvertMovieToFile( 
                        theMovie,                   // the movie to convert
                        NULL,                       // all tracks in the movie
                        theFile,                    // the output file
                        kQTFileTypeWave,            // the output file type
                        FOUR_CHAR_CODE('TVOD'),     // the output file creator
                        smSystemScript,             // the script
                        NULL,                       // no resource ID to be returned
                        0L,                         // no flags
                        myComponent);               // the export component
    // dispose of any storage we allocated
    if (myComponent != NULL)
    if (myDesc != NULL)
// Standard sound compression dialog routines.
// These routines illustrate how to use QuickTime's standard sound compression dialog routines
// to get compression settings from the user and to compress a sound using those settings. See
// Chapter 20 of QuickTime 3 Reference for information on the standard sound compression dialog
// routines.
// These routines show how to display the standard sound compression dialog box directly; you can
// also display the dialog box indirectly by using ConvertMovieToFile with the showUserSettingsDialog
// flag set; see SndSnip_SaveSoundTrackAsAnyTypeFile above for an example.
// SndSnip_PromptUserForAudioFileAndCompress
// Let the user select an audio file and select its compression settings; then compress it.
void SndSnip_PromptUserForAudioFileAndCompress (void)
    SFTypeList                  myTypeList;
    StandardFileReply           myReply;
    short                       myRefNum = 0;
    SoundComponentData          mySrcInfo;
    SoundComponentData          myDstInfo;
    unsigned long               myNumFrames = 0;
    unsigned long               myDataOffset = 0;
    ComponentInstance           myComponent = NULL;
    OSErr                       myErr = noErr;
    // have the user select an AIFF or AIFF-C file
    myTypeList[0] = kQTFileTypeAIFF;
    myTypeList[1] = kQTFileTypeAIFC;
    StandardGetFilePreview(NULL, 2, myTypeList, &myReply);
    if (!myReply.sfGood)
        goto bail;
    // open the selected sound file and get the characteristics of the sound
    myErr = FSpOpenDF(&myReply.sfFile, fsCurPerm, &myRefNum);
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    myErr = ParseAIFFHeader(myRefNum, &mySrcInfo, &myNumFrames, &myDataOffset);
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    // zero out fields we're not interested in
    mySrcInfo.flags = 0L;
    mySrcInfo.sampleCount = 0L;
    mySrcInfo.buffer = NULL;
    mySrcInfo.reserved = 0L;
    // display the standard sound compression dialog box
    // open the standard compression dialog component
    myComponent = OpenDefaultComponent(StandardCompressionType, StandardCompressionSubTypeSound);
    if (myComponent == NULL)
        goto bail;
    // set the initial values for the dialog box, using the current characteristics of the selected sound
    SCSetInfo(myComponent, scSoundSampleRateType, &(mySrcInfo.sampleRate));
    SCSetInfo(myComponent, scSoundSampleSizeType, &(mySrcInfo.sampleSize));
    SCSetInfo(myComponent, scSoundChannelCountType, &(mySrcInfo.numChannels));
    SCSetInfo(myComponent, scSoundCompressionType, &(mySrcInfo.format));
    // request sound compression settings from the user; in other words, put up the dialog box
    // (don't let "Image" in the name here fool you: it's just a relic from the fact that the
    // sound compression dialog routines were based on the existing image compression dialog routines)
    myErr = SCRequestImageSettings(myComponent);
    if (myErr == userCanceledErr)
        goto bail;
    // retrieve the compression/conversion settings selected by the user
    SCGetInfo(myComponent, scSoundSampleRateType, &(myDstInfo.sampleRate));
    SCGetInfo(myComponent, scSoundSampleSizeType, &(myDstInfo.sampleSize));
    SCGetInfo(myComponent, scSoundChannelCountType, &(myDstInfo.numChannels));
    SCGetInfo(myComponent, scSoundCompressionType, &(myDstInfo.format));
    // any non-compressed format appears as 'raw ', which is not what the Sound Manager expects
    if (myDstInfo.format == k8BitOffsetBinaryFormat)
        myDstInfo.format = kSoundNotCompressed;
    // zero out fields we're not interested in
    myDstInfo.flags = 0L;
    myDstInfo.sampleCount = 0L;
    myDstInfo.buffer = NULL;
    myDstInfo.reserved = 0L;
    // save the compressed sound in a new file
    SndSnip_PromptUserForDiskFileAndSaveCompressed(myRefNum, &mySrcInfo, &myDstInfo, myDataOffset, myNumFrames);
    if (myComponent != NULL)
    if (myRefNum != 0)
// SndSnip_PromptUserForDiskFileAndSaveCompressed
// Let the user select a new disk file, then convert the specified audio data into that file.
// This routine uses the Sound Converter routines introduced in Sound Manager 3.2.
void SndSnip_PromptUserForDiskFileAndSaveCompressed (short theSrcRefNum, SoundComponentData *theSrcInfo, SoundComponentData *theDstInfo, unsigned long theSrcDataOffset, unsigned long theSrcNumFrames)
    StandardFileReply           myReply;
    SoundConverter              myConverter = NULL;
    unsigned long               myNumInputFrames, myNumInputBytes, myNumOutputBytes;
    Ptr                         myInputBuffer = NULL;
    Ptr                         myOutputBuffer = NULL;
    short                       myDstRefNum = 0;
    StringPtr                   myPrompt = QTUtils_ConvertCToPascalString(kSaveSoundPrompt);
    StringPtr                   myFileName = QTUtils_ConvertCToPascalString(kSaveSoundFileName);
    OSErr                       myErr = noErr;
    // prompt the user for a file to put the compressed sound into
    StandardPutFile(myPrompt, myFileName, &myReply);
    if (!myReply.sfGood)
        goto bail;
    if (myReply.sfReplacing) {
        myErr = FSpDelete(&myReply.sfFile);
        if (myErr != noErr)
            goto bail;
    // open a sound converter
    // perform in non-real time for best quality
    theDstInfo->flags |= kNoRealtimeProcessing;         
    myErr = SoundConverterOpen(theSrcInfo, theDstInfo, &myConverter);
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    myErr = SoundConverterGetBufferSizes(myConverter, kNumberOfTargetBytes, &myNumInputFrames, &myNumInputBytes, &myNumOutputBytes);
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    // convert the sound to the desired output format
    // create the input and output buffers
    myInputBuffer = NewPtrClear(myNumInputBytes);
    if (myInputBuffer == NULL)
        goto bail;
    myOutputBuffer = NewPtrClear(myNumOutputBytes);
    if (myOutputBuffer == NULL)
        goto bail;
    // create and open the output file
    myErr = FSpCreate(&myReply.sfFile, FOUR_CHAR_CODE('TVOD'), kQTFileTypeAIFC, smSystemScript);
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    myErr = FSpOpenDF(&myReply.sfFile, fsRdWrPerm, &myDstRefNum);
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    SetEOF(myDstRefNum, 0L);
    // convert the audio data
    myErr = SoundConverterBeginConversion(myConverter);
    if (myErr == noErr) {
        long                myInputFileSize = 0L;
        unsigned long       myActOutputFrames = 0L;
        unsigned long       myActOutputSize = 0L;
        unsigned long       myAddOutputFrames = 0L;
        unsigned long       myAddOutputSize = 0L;
        long                myCurrentFrames = 0L;
        long                myNumFramesLeft = theSrcNumFrames;
        long                myBytesRead = 0L;
        long                myBytesWritten = 0L;
        long                myFramesWritten = 0L;
        // set up the input file for reading
        GetEOF(theSrcRefNum, &myInputFileSize);
        myErr = SetFPos(theSrcRefNum, fsFromStart, theSrcDataOffset);
        if (myErr != noErr)
            goto bail;
        myInputFileSize -= theSrcDataOffset;
        // set up a preliminary AIFF header for the output file;
        // we'll update the actual values later....
        myErr = SetupAIFFHeader(myDstRefNum,
        if (myErr != noErr)
            goto bail;
        myCurrentFrames = myNumInputFrames;
        // loop through buffers of size myNumInputFrames
        while (myNumFramesLeft > 0) {
            // read a buffer of data from the input file        
            myBytesRead = myNumInputBytes;
            myErr = FSRead(theSrcRefNum, &myBytesRead, myInputBuffer);
            if ((myErr != noErr) && (myErr != eofErr))
                goto bail;
            // convert the buffer
            myErr = SoundConverterConvertBuffer(myConverter,
            if (myErr != noErr)
                goto bail;
            // write the converted data into the output file
            myErr = FSWrite(myDstRefNum, (long *)&myActOutputSize, myOutputBuffer);
            if (myErr != noErr)
                goto bail;
            myBytesWritten += myActOutputSize;
            myFramesWritten += myActOutputFrames;
            // calculate remaining frames and adjust myCurrentFrames for last buffer
            myNumFramesLeft -= myCurrentFrames;
            if (myNumFramesLeft < myNumInputFrames)
                myCurrentFrames = myNumFramesLeft;
        // end the conversion, and see if we get back a few more bytes of data  
        myErr = SoundConverterEndConversion(myConverter, myOutputBuffer, &myAddOutputFrames, &myAddOutputSize);
        if (myErr != noErr)
            goto bail;
        // if we got any more data, write it to disk    
        if (myAddOutputFrames != 0L) {
            myErr = FSWrite(myDstRefNum, (long *)&myAddOutputSize, myOutputBuffer);
            if (myErr != noErr)
                goto bail;
        myErr = SetFPos(myDstRefNum, fsFromStart, 0);
        if (myErr != noErr)
            goto bail;
        // update AIFF header
        myErr = SetupAIFFHeader(
                            myBytesWritten + myAddOutputSize,
                            myFramesWritten + myAddOutputFrames);
    if (myConverter != NULL)
    if (myInputBuffer != NULL)
    if (myOutputBuffer != NULL)
    if (myDstRefNum != 0)
    // make sure the file data gets written out to disk
    FlushVol("\p", myReply.sfFile.vRefNum);