Application Files/ComApplication.c

//  File:       ComApplication.c
//  Contains:   Application-specific code for cursor changing demo.
//              This file is used for BOTH MacOS and Windows.
//  Written by: Tim Monroe
//              Based (heavily!) on the MovieShell code written by Apple DTS.
//  Copyright:  © 1994-1997 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
//  Change History (most recent first):
//     <12>     03/21/00    rtm     made changes to get things running under CarbonLib
//     <11>     10/23/97    rtm     moved InitializeQTVR to InitApplication, TerminateQTVR to StopApplication
//     <10>     10/13/97    rtm     reworked HandleApplicationMenu to use menu identifiers
//     <9>      09/11/97    rtm     merged MacApplication.c and WinApplication.c into ComApplication.c
//     <8>      08/21/97    rtm     first file for Windows; based on MacApplication.c for Mac sample code
//     <7>      06/27/97    rtm     added code to change some hot spot cursors
//     <6>      06/04/97    rtm     removed call to QTVRUtils_IsQTVRMovie in InitApplicationWindowObject
//     <5>      02/06/97    rtm     fixed window resizing code
//     <4>      12/05/96    rtm     added hooks into MacFramework.c: StopApplication, InitApplicationWindowObject
//     <3>      12/02/96    rtm     added cursor updating to DoIdle
//     <2>      11/27/96    rtm     conversion to personal coding style; added preliminary QTVR support
//     <1>      12/21/94    khs     first file
// header files
#include "ComApplication.h"
// header file for the specific test functions.
#include "TestFunctions.h"
// global variables
// global variables for Macintosh code
AEEventHandlerUPP       gHandleOpenAppAEUPP;                    // UPPs for our Apple event handlers
AEEventHandlerUPP       gHandleOpenDocAEUPP;
AEEventHandlerUPP       gHandlePrintDocAEUPP;
AEEventHandlerUPP       gHandleQuitAppAEUPP;
extern Boolean          gAppInForeground;                       // is our application in the foreground?    
// global variables for Windows code
extern HWND             ghWnd;                                  // the MDI frame window; this window has the menu bar
Boolean                 gQTVRMgrIsPresent = false;              // is the QuickTime VR Manager available?       
long                    gQTVRMgrVersion = 0L;                   // the version of the QuickTime VR Manager  
// QTApp_Init
// Do any application-specific initialization.
// The theStartPhase parameter determines which "phase" of application start-up is executed,
// *before* the MDI frame window is created or *after*. This distinction is relevant only on
// Windows, so on MacOS, you should always use kInitAppPhase_BothPhases.
void QTApp_Init (UInt32 theStartPhase)
    // do any start-up activities that should occur before the MDI frame window is created
    if (theStartPhase & kInitAppPhase_BeforeCreateFrameWindow) {
        // make sure that the QuickTime VR Manager is available in the present operating environment;
        // if it is, get its version and (if necessary) initialize it
        if (QTVRUtils_IsQTVRMgrInstalled()) {
            gQTVRMgrIsPresent = true;
            gQTVRMgrVersion = QTVRUtils_GetQTVRVersion();       // get the version of the QuickTime VR Manager
            // initialize the QuickTime VR Manager
        // make sure that the Apple Event Manager is available; install handlers for required Apple events
    // do any start-up activities that should occur after the MDI frame window is created
    if (theStartPhase & kInitAppPhase_AfterCreateFrameWindow) {
        // on Windows, open as movie documents any files specified on the command line
        SendMessage(ghWnd, WM_OPENDROPPEDFILES, 0L, 0L);
// QTApp_Stop
// Do any application-specific shut-down.
// The theStopPhase parameter determines which "phase" of application shut-down is executed,
// *before* any open movie windows are destroyed or *after*.
void QTApp_Stop (UInt32 theStopPhase)
    // do any shut-down activities that should occur after the movie windows are destroyed
    if (theStopPhase & kStopAppPhase_AfterDestroyWindows) {
        // terminate QuickTime VR Manager
        if (gQTVRMgrIsPresent)
        // dispose of routine descriptors for Apple event handlers
// QTApp_Idle
// Do any processing that can/should occur at idle time.
void QTApp_Idle (WindowReference theWindow)
    WindowObject        myWindowObject = NULL;
    GrafPtr             mySavedPort;
    //Cursor                myArrow;
    myWindowObject = QTFrame_GetWindowObjectFromWindow(theWindow);
    if (myWindowObject != NULL) {
        MovieController     myMC = NULL;
        myMC = (**myWindowObject).fController;
        if (myMC != NULL) {
            // run any idle-time tasks for the movie
            // restore the cursor to the arrow
            // if it's outside the front movie window or outside the window's visible region
            if (theWindow == QTFrame_GetFrontMovieWindow()) {
                Rect            myRect;
                Point           myPoint;
                RgnHandle       myVisRegion;
                Cursor          myArrow;
                myVisRegion = NewRgn();
                GetPortVisibleRegion(QTFrame_GetPortFromWindowReference(theWindow), myVisRegion);
                GetWindowPortBounds(theWindow, &myRect);
                if (!MacPtInRect(myPoint, &myRect) || !PtInRgn(myPoint, myVisRegion))
#endif // TARGET_OS_MAC
    // ***insert application-specific idle-time processing here***
// QTApp_Draw
// Update the non-movie controller parts of the specified window.
void QTApp_Draw (WindowReference theWindow)
    GrafPtr                     mySavedPort = NULL;
    GrafPtr                     myWindowPort = NULL;
    WindowPtr                   myWindow = NULL;
    Rect                        myRect;
    myWindowPort = QTFrame_GetPortFromWindowReference(theWindow);
    myWindow = QTFrame_GetWindowFromWindowReference(theWindow);
    if (myWindowPort == NULL)
    GetPortBounds(myWindowPort, &myRect);
    myRect = myWindowPort->portRect;
    // erase any part of a movie window that hasn't already been updated
    // by the movie controller
    if (QTFrame_IsMovieWindow(theWindow))
    // ***insert application-specific drawing here***
// QTApp_HandleContentClick
// Handle mouse button clicks in the specified window.
void QTApp_HandleContentClick (WindowReference theWindow, EventRecord *theEvent)
#pragma unused(theEvent)
    GrafPtr             mySavedPort;
    // ***insert application-specific content-click processing here***
// QTApp_HandleKeyPress
// Handle application-specific key presses.
// Returns true if the key press was handled, false otherwise.
Boolean QTApp_HandleKeyPress (char theCharCode)
    Boolean     isHandled = true;
    switch (theCharCode) {
        // ***insert application-specific key-press processing here***
            isHandled = false;
// QTApp_HandleMenu
// Handle selections in the application's menus.
// The theMenuItem parameter is a UInt16 version of the Windows "menu item identifier". 
// When called from Windows, theMenuItem is simply the menu item identifier passed to the window procedure.
// When called from MacOS, theMenuItem is constructed like this:
//  *high-order 8 bits == the Macintosh menu ID (1 thru 256)
//  *low-order 8 bits == the Macintosh menu item (sequential from 1 to ordinal of last menu item in menu)
// In this way, we can simplify the menu-handling code. There are, however, some limitations, mainly that
// the menu item identifiers on Windows must be derived from the Mac values. 
Boolean QTApp_HandleMenu (UInt16 theMenuItem)
    WindowObject        myWindowObject = NULL;
    MovieController     myMC = NULL;
    Boolean             myIsHandled = false;            // false => allow caller to process the menu item
    myWindowObject = QTFrame_GetWindowObjectFromFrontWindow();
    if (myWindowObject != NULL)
        myMC = (**myWindowObject).fController;
    // make sure we have a valid movie controller
    if (myMC == NULL)
    switch (theMenuItem) {
    }   // switch (theMenuItem)
// QTApp_AdjustMenus
// Adjust state of items in the application's menus.
// Currently, the Mac application has only one app-specific menu ("Test"); you could change that.
void QTApp_AdjustMenus (WindowReference theWindow, MenuReference theMenu)
#pragma unused(theWindow, theMenu)
// QTApp_HandleEvent
// Perform any application-specific event loop actions.
// Return true to indicate that we've completely handled the event here, false otherwise.
Boolean QTApp_HandleEvent (EventRecord *theEvent)
#pragma unused(theEvent)
    return(false);          // no-op for now
// QTApp_SetupController
// Configure the movie controller.
void QTApp_SetupController (MovieController theMC)
    long            myControllerFlags;
    // CLUT table use
    MCDoAction(theMC, mcActionGetFlags, &myControllerFlags);
    MCDoAction(theMC, mcActionSetFlags, (void *)(myControllerFlags | mcFlagsUseWindowPalette));
    // enable keyboard event handling
    MCDoAction(theMC, mcActionSetKeysEnabled, (void *)true);
    // disable drag support
    MCDoAction(theMC, mcActionSetDragEnabled, (void *)false);
// QTApp_SetupWindowObject
// Do any application-specific initialization of the window object.
void QTApp_SetupWindowObject (WindowObject theWindowObject)
    Track                       myQTVRTrack = NULL;
    Movie                       myMovie = NULL;
    MovieController             myMC = NULL;
    QTVRInstance                myInstance = NULL;
    QTVRMouseOverHotSpotUPP     myInterceptProc;
    if (theWindowObject == NULL)
    // make sure we can safely call the QTVR API
    if (!gQTVRMgrIsPresent)
    // find the QTVR track, if there is one
    myMC = (**theWindowObject).fController;
    myMovie = (**theWindowObject).fMovie;
    myQTVRTrack = QTVRGetQTVRTrack(myMovie, 1);
    QTVRGetQTVRInstance(&myInstance, myQTVRTrack, myMC);
    (**theWindowObject).fInstance = myInstance;
    // do any QTVR window configuration
    if (myInstance != NULL) {
        // set unit to radians
        QTVRSetAngularUnits(myInstance, kQTVRRadians);
        // update
        QTVRUpdate(myInstance, kQTVRCurrentMode);
        // install a mouse-over hot spot procedure to change cursors for specific hot spot types
        myInterceptProc = NewQTVRMouseOverHotSpotUPP(MyMouseOverHotSpotProc);
        QTVRSetMouseOverHotSpotProc(myInstance, myInterceptProc, 0, 0);
// QTApp_RemoveWindowObject
// Do any application-specific clean-up of the window object.
void QTApp_RemoveWindowObject (WindowObject theWindowObject)
#pragma unused(theWindowObject)
    // ***insert application-specific window object clean-up here***
    // QTFrame_DestroyMovieWindow in MacFramework.c or QTFrame_MovieWndProc in WinFramework.c
    // releases the window object itself
// QTApp_MCActionFilterProc 
// Intercept some mc actions for the movie controller.
// NOTE: The theRefCon parameter is a handle to a window object record.
PASCAL_RTN Boolean QTApp_MCActionFilterProc (MovieController theMC, short theAction, void *theParams, long theRefCon)
#pragma unused(theMC, theParams)
    Boolean             isHandled = false;
    WindowObject        myWindowObject = NULL;
    myWindowObject = (WindowObject)theRefCon;
    if (myWindowObject == NULL)
    switch (theAction) {
        // handle window resizing
        case mcActionControllerSizeChanged:
        // handle idle events
        case mcActionIdle:
    }   // switch (theAction)
// Apple Event functions.
// Use these functions to install handlers for Apple Events and to handle those events.
// QTApp_InstallAppleEventHandlers 
// Install handlers for Apple Events.
void QTApp_InstallAppleEventHandlers (void)
    long        myAttrs;
    OSErr       myErr = noErr;
    // see whether the Apple Event Manager is available in the present operating environment;
    // if it is, install handlers for the four required Apple Events
    myErr = Gestalt(gestaltAppleEventsAttr, &myAttrs);
    if (myErr == noErr) {
        if (myAttrs & (1L << gestaltAppleEventsPresent)) {
            // create routine descriptors for the Apple event handlers
            gHandleOpenAppAEUPP = NewAEEventHandlerUPP(QTApp_HandleOpenApplicationAppleEvent);
            gHandleOpenDocAEUPP = NewAEEventHandlerUPP(QTApp_HandleOpenDocumentAppleEvent);
            gHandlePrintDocAEUPP = NewAEEventHandlerUPP(QTApp_HandlePrintDocumentAppleEvent);
            gHandleQuitAppAEUPP = NewAEEventHandlerUPP(QTApp_HandleQuitApplicationAppleEvent);
            // install the handlers
            AEInstallEventHandler(kCoreEventClass, kAEOpenApplication, gHandleOpenAppAEUPP, 0L, false);
            AEInstallEventHandler(kCoreEventClass, kAEOpenDocuments, gHandleOpenDocAEUPP, 0L, false);
            AEInstallEventHandler(kCoreEventClass, kAEPrintDocuments, gHandlePrintDocAEUPP, 0L, false);
            AEInstallEventHandler(kCoreEventClass, kAEQuitApplication, gHandleQuitAppAEUPP, 0L, false);
// QTApp_HandleOpenApplicationAppleEvent 
// Handle the open-application Apple Events.
PASCAL_RTN OSErr QTApp_HandleOpenApplicationAppleEvent (const AppleEvent *theMessage, AppleEvent *theReply, long theRefcon)         
#pragma unused(theMessage, theReply, theRefcon)
    // we don't need to do anything special when opening the application
// QTApp_HandleOpenDocumentAppleEvent 
// Handle the open-document Apple Events. This is based on Inside Macintosh: IAC, pp. 4-15f.
// Here we process an Open Documents AE only for files of type MovieFileType.
PASCAL_RTN OSErr QTApp_HandleOpenDocumentAppleEvent (const AppleEvent *theMessage, AppleEvent *theReply, long theRefcon)            
#pragma unused(theReply, theRefcon)
    long            myIndex;
    long            myItemsInList;
    AEKeyword       myKeyWd;
    AEDescList      myDocList;
    long            myActualSize;
    DescType        myTypeCode;
    FSSpec          myFSSpec;
    OSErr           myIgnoreErr = noErr;
    OSErr           myErr = noErr;
    // get the direct parameter and put it into myDocList
    myDocList.dataHandle = NULL;
    myErr = AEGetParamDesc(theMessage, keyDirectObject, typeAEList, &myDocList);
    // count the descriptor records in the list
    if (myErr == noErr)
        myErr = AECountItems(&myDocList, &myItemsInList);
        myItemsInList = 0;
    // open each specified file
    for (myIndex = 1; myIndex <= myItemsInList; myIndex++)
        if (myErr == noErr) {
            myErr = AEGetNthPtr(&myDocList, myIndex, typeFSS, &myKeyWd, &myTypeCode, (Ptr)&myFSSpec, sizeof(myFSSpec), &myActualSize);
            if (myErr == noErr) {
                FInfo       myFinderInfo;
                // verify that the file type is MovieFileType; to do this, get the Finder information
                myErr = FSpGetFInfo(&myFSSpec, &myFinderInfo);  
                if (myErr == noErr) {
                    if (myFinderInfo.fdType == MovieFileType)
                        // we've got a movie file; just open it
                        QTFrame_OpenMovieInWindow(NULL, &myFSSpec);
    if (myDocList.dataHandle)
        myIgnoreErr = AEDisposeDesc(&myDocList);
    // make sure we open the document in the foreground     
    gAppInForeground = true;
// QTApp_HandlePrintDocumentAppleEvent 
// Handle the print-document Apple Events.
PASCAL_RTN OSErr QTApp_HandlePrintDocumentAppleEvent (const AppleEvent *theMessage, AppleEvent *theReply, long theRefcon)           
#pragma unused(theMessage, theReply, theRefcon)
// QTApp_HandleQuitApplicationAppleEvent 
// Handle the quit-application Apple Events.
PASCAL_RTN OSErr QTApp_HandleQuitApplicationAppleEvent (const AppleEvent *theMessage, AppleEvent *theReply, long theRefcon)         
#pragma unused(theMessage, theReply, theRefcon)
    // close down the entire framework and application
#endif // TARGET_OS_MAC