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An object that conveys ongoing progress to the user for a specified task.
class Progress : NSObject


The Progress class provides a self-contained mechanism for progress reporting. It makes it easy for code that performs work to report the progress of that work, and for user interface code to observe that progress for presentation to the user. Specifically, you can use a progress object to show the user a progress bar and explanatory text that update as you do work. It also allows the user to cancel or pause work.

Reporting Progress

Using the methods of this class, your code can report the progress it’s currently making toward completing a task, including progress in related subtasks. You can create instances of this class using the init(parent:userInfo:) instance method or the init(totalUnitCount:) class method.

Progress objects have many properties that you can use to observe and report current progress. For instance, the totalUnitCount property represents the total number of units of work, and the completedUnitCount and fractionCompleted properties represent how much of that work is complete. The fractionCompleted property is useful for updating progress indicators or textual descriptors. To check whether progress is complete, test the isFinished property.

The following code shows a sample method that reports the progress of performing an operation on a piece of data. When creating the progress object, you set the value of its totalUnitCount property to a suitable batch size for the operation, and the completedUnitCount count is 0. Each time the loop executes and processes a batch of data, you increment the progress object’s completedUnitCount property appropriately.

- (void)startTaskWithData:(NSData *)data {
    NSUInteger batchSize = ... use a suitable batch size
    NSProgress *progress = [NSProgress progressWithTotalUnitCount:batchSize];
    for (NSUInteger index = 0; index < batchSize; index++) {
        // Check for cancellation.
        if ([progress isCancelled]) {
             // Tidy up as necessary.
        // Do something with this batch of data.
        // Report progress (add 1 because the work is complete for the current index).
        [progress setCompletedUnitCount:(index + 1)];

Each of the properties of a progress object, including totalUnitCount, completedUnitCount, and fractionCompleted, support key-value observing (KVO). This makes it extremely easy for a view or window controller object to observe the properties, and update UI elements, such as progress indicators, when the values change. It also means that there is a nonzero cost to updating the values of those properties, so avoid using a unit count that is too granular. If you’re iterating over a large dataset, for example, and each operation takes only a trivial amount of time, divide the work into batches so you can update the unit count once per batch rather than once per iteration.

Reporting Progress for Multiple Operations

Sometimes, your code may need to report the overall progress of an operation that consists of several suboperations. To accomplish this, your code can report the progress of each suboperation by building up a tree of progress objects.

The Progress reporting mechanism supports a loosely coupled relationship between progress objects. Suboperations don’t need to know anything about the containing progress item — you can create new progress objects as suboperations of another progress instance. When you assign a progress instance, the system allocates a portion of the containing progress instance’s pending unit count. When the suboperation’s progress object completes, the containing progress object’s completedUnitCount property automatically increases by a predefined amount.

You add suboperation progress objects to your tree implicitly or explicitly.

Adding a Progress Operation Implicitly

Add a suboperation implicitly by setting a pending unit count for the containing progress object and creating a new Progress instance. When you create the new progress instance, the system sets it as a suboperation of the containing progress object, and assigns the pending unit count.

As an example, consider that you’re tracking the progress of code downloading and copying files on disk. You can use a single progress object to track the entire task, but it’s easier to manage each subtask using a separate progress object. You start by creating an overall progress object with a suitable total unit count, call becomeCurrent(withPendingUnitCount:), then create your suboperation progress objects before finally calling resignCurrent().

The system divides the pending unit count that you specify in the first method equally among the suboperation progress objects you create between these two method calls. Each suboperation progress object maintains its own internal unit count. When the suboperation object’s completedUnitCount equals or exceeds its totalUnitCount, the system increases the containing progress object’s completedUnitCount by the assigned portion of the original pending unit count.

In the following example, the overall progress object has 100 units. The two suboperation objects, therefore, get 50 pending units each, and keep track internally of 10 units of work each. When each suboperation completes its 10 units, the system increases the overall progress object’s completed unit count by 50.

- (void)startLongOperation {
    self.overallProgress = [NSProgress progressWithTotalUnitCount:100];
    [self.overallProgress becomeCurrentWithPendingUnitCount:50];
    [self work1];
    [self.overallProgress resignCurrent];
    [self.overallProgress becomeCurrentWithPendingUnitCount:50];
    [self work2];
    [self.overallProgress resignCurrent];
- (void)work1 {
    NSProgress *firstTaskProgress = [NSProgress progressWithTotalUnitCount:10];
    // Perform first task.
- (void)work2 {
    NSProgress *secondTaskProgress = [NSProgress progressWithTotalUnitCount:10];
    // Perform second task.

If you don’t create any suboperation progress objects between the calls to becomeCurrent(withPendingUnitCount:) and resignCurrent(), the containing progress object automatically updates its completedUnitCount by adding the pending units.

Adding a Progress Operation Explicitly

To add a progress operation explicitly, call addChild(_:withPendingUnitCount:) on the containing progress object. The value for the pending unit count is the amount of the containing progress object’s totalUnitCount that the suboperation consumes, which conforms to the ProgressReporting protocol.

In the following example, the overall progress object has 10 units. The suboperation progress for the download gets eight units and tracks the download of a photo. The progress for the filter takes a lot less time and gets the remaining two units. When the download completes, the system updates the containing progress object’s completed unit count by eight. When the filter completes, the system updates it by the remaining two units.

- (void)startLongOperation {
    self.overallProgress = [NSProgress progressWithTotalUnitCount:10];
    [self.overallProgress addChild:download.progress withPendingUnitCount:8];
    // Do the download.
    [self.overallProgress addChild:filter.progress withPendingUnitCount:2];
    // Perform the filter.


See Also

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