
    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    Provides the `DecoratingLayout` used throughout the application and
                WWDC presentation. This lays out a decoration view on the left with
                a content view on the right.
import CoreGraphics
    `DecoratingLayout` shows a decoration layout on the left with its content on
    the right. This is the type that is focused on during the WWDC session. One
    very interesting aspect to this layout is that it's composed of other layouts
    like `InsetLayout`!
struct DecoratingLayout<
    ChildContent: Layout, Decoration: Layout>: Layout where ChildContent.Content == Decoration.Content
    typealias Content = ChildContent.Content
    var content: InsetLayout<ChildContent>
    var decoration: InsetLayout<Decoration>
    init(content: ChildContent, decoration: Decoration) {
        self.content = content.withInsets(all: 5)
        self.decoration = decoration.withInsets(top: 5, bottom: 5, right: 5)
    mutating func layout(in rect: CGRect) {
        let contentRect = self.contentRect(in: rect)
        let decorationRect = self.decorationRect(in: rect)
        content.layout(in: contentRect)
        decoration.layout(in: decorationRect)
    func contentRect(in rect: CGRect) -> CGRect {
        var dstRect = rect
        dstRect.origin.x = rect.size.width / 3
        dstRect.size.width *= 2/3
        return dstRect
    func decorationRect(in rect: CGRect) -> CGRect {
        var dstRect = rect
        dstRect.size.width /= 3
        return dstRect
    var contents: [Content] {
        return decoration.contents + content.contents