
    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    Defines the model types that are used throughout the app. This includes
                the dream, creature, and effect types.
import SpriteKit
    The `Dream` type is a value type that contains a description of a dream, the
    creature that you saw in a dream, the effects of that creature, and the number
    of creatures that were in the dream. This type has value semantics which is
    important for "Locality of Reasoning", as described in the accompanying WWDC
struct Dream: Equatable {
    // MARK: Types
    enum Creature: Equatable {
        enum UnicornColor {
            case yellow, pink, white
        case unicorn(UnicornColor)
        case crusty
        case shark
        case dragon
        /// Returns the associated image for the creature.
        var image: UIImage {
            let name: String
            switch self {
                case .unicorn(.yellow): name = "unicorn-yellow"
                case .unicorn(.pink): name = "unicorn-pink"
                case .unicorn(.white): name = "unicorn-white"
                case .crusty: name = "crusty"
                case .shark: name = "shark"
                case .dragon: name = "dragon"
            return UIImage(named: name)!
        /// A user-presentable name for the creature.
        var name: String {
            switch self {
                case .unicorn(.yellow): return "Yellow unicorn"
                case .unicorn(.pink): return "Pink unicorn"
                case .unicorn(.white): return "White unicorn"
                case .crusty: return "Crusty"
                case .shark: return "Shark"
                case .dragon: return "Dragon"
        /// All creatures so that we can present them in a list.
        static let all: [Creature] = [
    /// The `Effect` type adds effect to how the dream is previewed.
    enum Effect {
        case fireBreathing
        case laserFocus
        case magic
        case fireflies
        case rain
        case snow
        /// Returns the particle name specific to the current value.
        var resourceName: String {
            let caseName = "\(self)"
            // Uppercase just the first character in the case name.
            let secondIndex = caseName.index(after: caseName.startIndex)
            let filePrefix = caseName.substring(to: secondIndex).uppercased() + caseName.substring(from: secondIndex)
            return filePrefix + "Particle"
        /// All effects so that we can present them in a list.
        static let all: [Effect] = [
        /// Makes a SpriteKit node based on the kind of effect.
        func makeNode() -> SKNode {
            let node = SKEmitterNode(fileNamed: resourceName)!
            if case .fireBreathing = self {
                        node.particleBirthRate = 300
                    .wait(forDuration: 0.35),
                        node.particleBirthRate = 0
                    .wait(forDuration: 0.75)
            return node
    // MARK: Properties
    var description: String
    var creature: Creature
    var effects: Set<Effect>
    var numberOfCreatures: Int
    init(description: String, creature: Creature, effects: Set<Effect>, numberOfCreatures: Int = 1) {
        self.description = description
        self.creature = creature
        self.effects = effects
        self.numberOfCreatures = numberOfCreatures
func ==(_ lhs: Dream.Creature, _ rhs: Dream.Creature) -> Bool {
    switch (lhs, rhs) {
        case let (.unicorn(lhsUnicorn), .unicorn(rhsUnicorn)): return lhsUnicorn == rhsUnicorn
        case (.crusty, .crusty): return true
        case (.shark, .shark): return true
        case (.dragon, .dragon): return true
        default: return false
func ==(_ lhs: Dream, _ rhs: Dream) -> Bool {
    return lhs.description == rhs.description &&
           lhs.creature == rhs.creature &&
           lhs.effects == rhs.effects &&
           lhs.numberOfCreatures == rhs.numberOfCreatures